教程:法律英语讲解  浏览:1076  
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      Such几乎在各种语境下均属于高频词汇。对于such的词性归属,学界尚无定论。在传统的英语语法中,such通常被视为限定词,如such a book,或代词,如such is the fact。也有外国学者认为such类似于quite、rather和so,可视为副词;有的学者还提出了such是外围形容词的看法。的确,由于such一词在语言环境中承担起多种功能并呈现出许多不同的特征,故学界很难以某个单一的词性特征界定其词性归属。而正是such所具有复杂的特征契合了法律文本所要承载的功能,由此such在各类法律文书中得到广泛的运用。为此,在搜集、分析经典语料的基础上,笔者结合国内外学界对such的最新研究成果,在本文中对such在法律英语一些主要的语用功能进行了探讨。

      1、 Such的指代功能

      尽管学界对such的词性归属仍存在很大争议,但such可以指代名词或名词性短语却是一个不争的事实。法律英语中,such的名词性指代主要以as such这一词组来体现。在使用as such时,as一般表达“作为”“当作”之意,而such在指代具体语境中前文所述的先行词。从法律英语严谨、准确的角度来说,尽管as such在普通语言环境下可以用于前指(即被指代的词置于such之后),但在法律语言环境下几乎无此用法。至于such that和such as to,则:

      1) A person shall also be eligible to be appointed to be a judge of the High Court if he is qualified to practise as a solicitor of the High Court and has practised as such for at least 10 years.


      例1当中的such指代“a solicitor of the High Court”,直译的意思为“并以高等法院律师的身份至少执业十年以上”。在句子中将as such删除,句意仍能够成立,但句意的形式结构或准确性将会受到影响。

      除as such之外,还有such that和such as to中的such也具有指代之含义。用于此类结构时,such所指代的含义与后文叙述密切相关。如:

      2)“Entrusting”includes any delivery and any acquiescence in retention of possession regardless of any condition expressed between the parties to the delivery or acquiescence and regardless of whether the procurement of the entrusting or the possessor’s disposition of the goods have been such as to be larcenous under the criminal law.1


      3) If it is a water heater burning gas,the construction of the water heater shall be such that no leakage of gas into the water can occur.


      例2中的such相当于“such a case”,后面的as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。而例3中的such相当“such a good heater”或者“so good”,that后面也表达事物的程度或结果。可以说,such as to和such that中的such均由“such+a/an+名词”省略而成,such具有辅助句式结构之效果,翻译时通常可以不译。并且,such的指代也视后文所述的程度和结果而定,因而具有一定的模糊语之功能,有利于行文的准确性。

      2、 Such的限定功能

      such的限定功能是such在普通语言环境中最为主要、最为常见的功能,在法律英语当中亦不例外。朗文词典对such限定意义的解释为“such of the kind,character,degree,extent,etc.,of that or those indicated or implied”,即指与前文所提及的事物在类型、类别、程度等方面相同或类似。表达限定功能时,分为such单独使用和such...as...连用这两种情况。

      2.1、 Such单独限定名词或名词短语

      4) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify,the Board may,if it thinks fit,comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding,in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong,the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange,and,in the case of any other share capital,such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situated,or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine)for every certificate after the first,as the Board shall from time to time determine.


      such表达限定时,置于所修饰的名词之前。在例句4当中,“such shares”是指“the shares represented by the share certificates”,本段落中类似的限定指代用法还有“such sum”“such stock exchange”等词语。如果不用“such”,则行文将大大延长,同时也无法避免语句的拖沓。由此,使用such不仅避免了相关词语的重复,也使行文更加简洁,同时含义的准确性也得到保证。从此例句也可以看出,such不仅可以置于a/an和名词之前,也可以置于前位限定词(如any、all、many、some、both等)之后,并可置于数词之前(如two、three等)。


      5) If a foreigner has a hunting license in this district,he must show the license to a local inspector on demand.



      6) It shall be the duty of the appellant to apply to the judge or other person presiding at the proceedings in which the decision appealed against was given for a signed copy of any note made by him of the proceedings and to furnish that copy for the use of the Court;and in default of production of such a note,or,if such note is incomplete,in addition to such note,the Court may hear and determine the appeal on any other evidence or statement of what occurred in those proceedings as appears to the Court to be sufficient.2


      例5中的“the license”与前面的“hunting license”完全是指同一事物且具有唯一性。而例6中的“any note”与“such note”和“such note”相互照应,由于有“any”来修饰,很难确定“note”的唯一性。而“that copy”与“a signed copy”“those proceedings”与前文“the proceedings”形成前后照应,具有唯一性和特指性。因而,以上例句运用“the”“that”和“those”来限定更加准确。而如果前文用动词、形容词等性质的词语,后面需要限定该等词语的名词,则不宜用定冠词。如:

      7) The Seller has the corporate power and authority to sell,transfer and deliver such Transferred shares as provided in this Contract,and such delivery will convey to the Purchaser good and marketable title to such Transferred shares,free and clear of any and all Liens.


      例7当中“such delivery”“such Transferred shares”与前文的动词“deliver”“transfer”相对应的。而此等限定仅是叙述某一类情形,无法形成有效的特指。

      2.2、 Such...as连用构成定语从句


      8) Applicants shall provide such materials as the Registration Office may require.


      Applicants shall provide any material which the Registration Office may require.


      9) The Borrower shall,if required,reimburse the Agent or the Bank in question the same amount of such taxes,duties,levies,penalties or interests as are paid by the Agent or the Bank.


      如将此句改成“the Borrower shall,if required,reimburse the Agent or the Bank in question the same amount of any tax,duty,levy,penalty or interest which is paid by the Agent or the Bank”则,which或that限定的是interest还是上述五个名词,存在一定程度的歧义。而将该等署名置于such和as之间,显然就是限定所有相关的名词。


      10) Policy principles are to be developed in consultation with the following:


      (g) Such environmental,consumer and other groups as the Ministerial Council considers appropriate.4




      3、 Such as的举例/列举功能

      such as法律语境当中用于列举时,与通常语境中的用法和含义并无二致。常用于列举或举例的词组还有for example、and so on和and the like。然而,在法律英语中,for example、and so on和and the like极为鲜见。比如,在中国法律法规汉英平行语料库(中国香港)搜索时,for example有几例用于举例,and the like只有一例,而and so on则几乎无此举例。而such as频频用于法律语言环境下的举例。

      11) Any service (such as the services commonly known as video conferencing and video telephony) in which material is transmitted by means of telecommunication,and an essential feature of the service is that while the material is being transmitted there will or can be sent from the place of reception of the service,by the same means of telecommunication,material (other than signals sent for the operation or control of the service) for reception by the person providing the service or other persons receiving it.


      4 、结束语



      [1]Stephen C,Levinson.Pragmatics[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press&Cambridge University Press,2009.
      [3]Charles J.Fillmore.Santa Cruz Lectures on Deixis 1971[M].Indiana University Linguistics Club,1975.


      3傅伟良.合同翻译的第一步--读懂合同文件[J].北京第二外国语学院学报,2002,(2) 56-59.

      上一篇:法律论文:法律英语规划的内涵和内容探析 下一篇:法律论文:影响法律英语翻译的文化因素和完善措施


