A: Hey, do you fancy trying your hand at making coffee today?
A: 嘿,你今天想不想亲手试试做咖啡?
B: Sure, that sounds like fun! What kind of coffee are we making?
B: 当然,听起来很有趣!我们要做什么样的咖啡?
A: Let's go for an espresso, it's quite challenging but rewarding.
A: 我们来做意式浓缩咖啡吧,虽然有点挑战但很值得。
B: Okay, what's the first step?
B: 好的,第一步是什么?
A: We need to grind the beans to a fine consistency.
A: 我们需要把咖啡豆研磨成细腻的粉末。
B: Got it. And then?
B: 明白了。接下来呢?
A: Next, we tamp the grounds firmly into the portafilter.
A: 接下来,我们把研磨好的咖啡粉用力压实到粉碗中。
B: Tamping? That sounds like a technical term.
B: 压实?这听起来像是个专业术语。
A: Yes, it's important to get the right pressure. Then we'll brew.
A: 是的,控制好压力很重要。然后我们就开始萃取。
B: Exciting! How long does it take?
B: 真令人兴奋!需要多长时间?
A: It's quick, usually around 20-30 seconds for a perfect shot.
A: 很快的,通常完美的萃取需要大约20-30秒。
B: Wow, I can't wait to taste it!
B: 哇,我迫不及待地想尝尝了!
A: Me too! Let's get started then.
A: 我也是!那我们开始吧。
grind: 研磨(咖啡豆、谷物等)
consistency: 质地,一致性
tamp: 压实(尤指咖啡粉)
portafilter: 粉碗(咖啡机配件)
brew: 萃取(咖啡)
pressure: 压力
shot: (咖啡的)一份量
perfect shot: 完美的萃取量