A: Hey, Lily, I heard you're planning a trip to Hangzhou next month. Have you started making your itinerary yet?
A: 嘿,莉莉,我听说你下个月计划去杭州旅行。你开始制定行程了吗?
B: Yeah, I'm really excited about it! I've been researching some must-see attractions.
B: 是的,我真的很兴奋!我一直在研究一些必看的景点。
A: That's great. What places are on your list?
A: 那太好了。你的名单上有哪些地方?
B: Well, West Lake is definitely a top priority. I've heard it's absolutely stunning.
B: 嗯,西湖肯定是首选。我听说它非常迷人。
A: Absolutely, West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery and cultural heritage. You should also visit the Lingyin Temple nearby.
A: 绝对是的,西湖以其美丽的风景和文化遗产而闻名。你也应该参观附近的灵隐寺。
B: Oh, I didn't know about that. What's special about the temple?
B: 哦,我不知道那个。寺庙有什么特别之处吗?
A: It's an ancient Buddhist temple with a long history. The scenery around it is serene and peaceful.
A: 它是一座历史悠久的古老佛教寺庙。周围的风景宁静而平和。
B: Sounds like a perfect place to relax. What about food? Any recommendations?
B: 听起来是个放松的好地方。食物方面呢?有什么推荐吗?
A: Hangzhou is famous for its cuisine, especially the Dongpo Pork. You must try it!
A: 杭州以其美食而闻名,尤其是东坡肉。你一定要尝尝!
B: Yum, I can't wait! Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely add them to my itinerary.
B: 哇,我等不及了!谢谢你的建议。我一定会把它们加到我的行程中的。
itinerary (n.) 行程,路线
must-see (adj.) 必看的
scenery (n.) 风景
cultural heritage (n.) 文化遗产
serene (adj.) 宁静的,平和的
Buddhist (adj.) 佛教的
cuisine (n.) 烹饪,菜肴
recommendation (n.) 推荐,建议
Dongpo Pork (n.) 东坡肉(杭州特色菜肴)