A: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can pay for the parking fee?
A: 请问,我可以在哪里支付停车费?
B: Sure, the parking payment machine is right over there by the exit.
B: 当然可以,缴费机就在出口那边。
A: Thank you. Do I need cash or can I use a card?
A: 谢谢。我需要现金还是可以刷卡?
B: You can use either cash or a credit/debit card. It's quite convenient.
B: 现金或信用卡/借记卡都可以,很方便。
A: Great. How much is the parking fee for today?
A: 太好了。今天的停车费是多少?
B: It's 5forthefirsttwohoursandthen2 per hour after that.
B: 前两小时是5美元,之后每小时2美元。
A: I see. I've been here for about three and a half hours.
A: 我明白了。我在这里停了大约三个半小时。
B: That would be $9 then. Just enter the parking zone number and the duration on the machine.
B: 那就是9美元。在机器上输入停车区域号和时长就可以了。
A: Alright, thanks for the information.
A: 好的,谢谢你的信息。
B: No problem. Enjoy your day!
B: 不客气。祝您今天过得愉快!
parking fee:停车费,指停放车辆所需支付的费用。
payment machine:缴费机,自动收取费用的机器,常见于停车场。
credit/debit card:信用卡/借记卡,用于支付的一种卡片,前者需还款,后者直接扣除账户余额。
parking zone:停车区域,指停车场内划分的不同停车范围。
enjoy your day:祝您今天过得愉快,一种礼貌的告别语,表达美好的祝愿。