Alice: Hey, Bob, have you started preparing for the upcoming campus speech contest?
爱丽丝: 嘿,鲍勃,你开始准备即将到来的校园演讲比赛了吗?
Bob: Yeah, I'm just brainstorming on a topic. Any suggestions?
鲍勃: 是的,我正在集思广益想主题呢。你有什么建议吗?
Alice: How about "The Power of Persistence in Pursuing Dreams"? It's quite inspiring.
爱丽丝: “追求梦想中坚持的力量”怎么样?很鼓舞人心。
Bob: That's a great idea! But I'm not sure how to structure my speech effectively.
鲍勃: 好主意!但我不太确定如何有效地构建我的演讲结构。
Alice: You can start with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by clear points supported by examples, and end with a powerful conclusion.
爱丽丝: 你可以从一个引人入胜的引言开始,接着用具体例子支撑清晰的观点,最后以一个强有力的结论收尾。
Bob: Good advice. And what about the language? Should I use complex sentences to sound more intelligent?
鲍勃: 好建议。那语言方面呢?我应该用复杂的句子来显得更聪明吗?
Alice: Not necessarily. Clarity and connection with your audience are more important. Use language that's easy to understand yet impactful.
爱丽丝: 不一定。清晰度和与观众的连接更重要。使用易于理解但有影响力的语言。
Bob: Got it. I'll focus on those aspects. Also, do you think practicing in front of a mirror helps?
鲍勃: 明白了。我会重点注意这些方面。另外,你觉得对着镜子练习有帮助吗?
Alice: Absolutely! It can boost your confidence and help you monitor your body language and facial expressions.
爱丽丝: 当然!这可以增强你的自信,并帮助你监控你的肢体语言和面部表情。
Bob: Thanks for the tips, Alice. I really appreciate it.
鲍勃: 谢谢你的建议,爱丽丝。我真的很感激。
Alice: No problem, Bob. Good luck with your speech!
爱丽丝: 不客气,鲍勃。祝你的演讲成功!
brainstorming: 集思广益,指通过自由思考产生大量想法的过程。
structure: 结构,这里指演讲的组织结构。
impactful: 有影响力的,能给人留下深刻印象的。
confidence: 自信,相信自己能够做好某事的信念。
body language: 肢体语言,包括手势、姿势等无声的表达方式。
facial expressions: 面部表情,脸部肌肉的变化来传达情感或信息。