Alice: Hey, Jack, have you seen the script for our upcoming English play?
爱丽丝: 嘿,杰克,你看到我们即将上演的英语舞台剧的剧本了吗?
Jack: Yeah, I did. It's quite challenging, but really interesting.
杰克: 看到了,挺有挑战性的,但真的很有趣。
Alice: I'm excited about our roles. I'm playing the lead character, Princess Luna.
爱丽丝: 我对我们的角色很兴奋。我要演主角,露娜公主。
Jack: Cool! I'm cast as the loyal knight, Sir Galahad. We need to rehearse more often.
杰克: 酷!我演的是忠诚的骑士,加拉哈德爵士。我们需要更频繁地排练。
Alice: Definitely. How about we set up a rehearsal schedule for every weekday after school?
爱丽丝: 没错。我们不如定个放学后每天排练的日程吧?
Jack: Sounds good. We should also invite the director to give us some feedback.
杰克: 听起来不错。我们还应该邀请导演来给我们一些反馈。
Alice: Absolutely, her input will be invaluable. Plus, we need to work on our lines and pronunciations.
爱丽丝: 绝对的,她的意见将非常宝贵。另外,我们需要练习台词和发音。
Jack: Yeah, especially the old English dialogues. They're a bit tricky.
杰克: 是的,尤其是那些古英语的对话,有点难懂。
Alice: Let's make a list of the difficult parts and tackle them one by one.
爱丽丝: 我们把难的部分列个清单,然后一一解决。
Jack: Great idea. I'm looking forward to this performance. It's gonna be amazing!
杰克: 好主意。我很期待这次演出。一定会很棒的!
script (n.) 剧本
challenge (n./v.) 挑战
rehearse (v.) 排练
cast (v.) 分配角色给某人
loyal (adj.) 忠诚的
knight (n.) 骑士
rehearsal schedule 排练日程
feedback (n.) 反馈
input (n.) 意见,投入
invaluable (adj.) 无价的,非常宝贵的
tackle (v.) 处理,解决
performance (n.) 表演