During the English lesson a teacher asked her class if the
sentence " The horse and the cow is in the field " was correct .
Most of the children thought it all right as it stood , but one
little boy found fault with it .
" Now , children ," said the teacher , " listen to Tommy . Why is it wrong, Tommy , to say : the horse and the cow is in the
field ?"
" Please , teacher , " replied Tommy , " the lady should be mentioned first ."
上英语课时,老师问班上的学生“ The horse and the cow is in the field .”这个句子是否正确。大多数孩子们认为像这样的句子是对的,但是有个小男孩挑出了句子的毛病。
“好了,孩子们,” 老师说,“注意听汤米的发言。汤米,为什么说The horse and the cow is in the field .是错误的呢?”