初中英语作文 日记·I Did a Good Deed 我做了一件好事
教程:初三英语作文  浏览:332  
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    I Did a Good Deed 我做了一件好事


    Sunday, June 4

    This morning I was waiting at the bus stop. I saw a girl of Class Four . She was very ill. I asked her what was wrong with her. She told me that she had a headache. So I sent her to the hospital. The doctor looked her over carefully and gave her an injection and some medicine. After a while , she felt much better. Then we went to the bus stop together. She thanked me again and again . Soon a bus came. We said good-bye to each other.


    a girl of Class Four 四班的一个女生

    What's wrong with…? 怎么啦?出了什么事?

    give sb. an injection 给某人打针

    after a while 一会儿以后

    thank sb. again and again 再三感谢某人

      上一篇:初中英语作文 日记·Don't Throw Rubbish 不要乱扔垃圾 下一篇:初中英语作文 日记·My Favourite Book 我最喜爱的书

