初中英语作文 日记·My Favourite Book 我最喜爱的书
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    My Favourite Book 我最喜爱的书


    Tuesday, May 24th

    During the past month, I have already read five books. Among these books, I like the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe most. Every day after dinner, I like to spend an hour or more enjoying it. Sometimes I take notes attentively when I find something interesting or important. My parents are very proud of me. They often borrow some books for me from their friends and libraries. Now I have found reading is the favourite thing in life . It is just as the saying goes: Live and learn .


    spend some time (in) doing sth./on sth. 某人花费时间做某事

    be proud of 为……自豪

    borrow from 从……借

    Reading is the favourite thing in life. 读书是一生中最大的乐趣。

    Live and learn. 活到老学到老。

      上一篇:初中英语作文 日记·I Did a Good Deed 我做了一件好事 下一篇:初中英语作文 日记·A Pleasant Weekend 愉快的周末

