教程:BEC听力  浏览:2126  
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    TEST 11

    This is the Business English Certificate Vantage 4, Listening Test 3.

    Part One. Questions 1 to 12.

    You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.

    Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below.

    After you have listened once, replay each recording.


    Conversation One.

    Questions 1 to 4.

    Look at the notes below.

    You will hear a phone conversation between a manager and his PA.

    You have 15 seconds to read through the notes.


    Now listen, and fill in the spaces.


    Man: Hi, Jane. Barry here. Sorry this is a bit rushed, but I need you to fax me a document urgently.

    Woman: No problem. What do you need?

    Man: That report I’ve been writing on recruitment. I haven’t printed it off, but you’ll find it on my computer. I called it ‘jobsplan’, all one word. OK?

    Woman: No problem. Which folder is it in? Personnel?

    Man: That’s right. No, no, hang on, um, I created a new folder called Current Reports - it’s in there.

    Woman: OK. I’ve made a note of that. If I can’t locate it, I’ll call you back.

    Man: Fine. It’s quite a long document by the way. So don’t bother sending the appendix. We don’t really need that. But include the contents page - that’d be quite useful.

    Woman: Shall I send it to you there at Head Office?

    Man: Um... let me think. It might be better to fax it to my hotel. Er, no, you’re right. Send it here.

    Woman: OK.

    Man: Thanks very much. Bye.


    Now listen to the recording again.


      上一篇:新上任的美容保健首席执行官所面临的困难-BEC中级听力训练文本及答案Text10Section3 下一篇:讨论为业务增加额外的定位-BEC中级听力训练文本及答案Text11Conversation2


