教程:美语训练班  浏览:844  
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  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

      B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,来告诉大家今天都要学什么!

      A: 好的! 今天,我们要一起看看如果在工作场合遇到骚扰该怎么办,告诉你怎么说泼冷水,还要告诉你如何说意料之中!

      B: Gosh, sexual harassment is the worst thing that could happen to anyone in the work place. The workplace is supposed to be a safe place to work in. You shouldn't have to be looking over your shoulder all day.

      A: I agree. But it's also a very delicate situation that needs to be handled correctly.

      B: And we will give you some tips later! Now let's go into today's lessons.

      A: 先来进入第一个单元...learn a word!

      Learn A Word 1797 breakdown

      今天我们要学的词是breakdown. Breakdown is spelled b-r-e-a-k-d-o-w-n, breakdown. Breakdown 做为名词,有故障,崩溃的意思。AAA predicts nearly 115,000 motorists in Virginia will require assistance with car breakdowns this summer. 美国汽车协会预计,今年夏天维吉尼亚州会有11万5千辆车中途抛锚,需要帮助。She suffered a nervous breakdown after her boyfriend walked out of her life. 被男友抛弃后,她陷入精神崩溃状态。News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from his wife Wendi Deng Murdoch, citing a breakdown in the relationship. 新闻集团首席执行官默多克提出与妻子邓文迪离婚的申请,理由是关系破裂。好的,今天我们学习的词是 breakdown, breakdown, breakdown...

      A: 我听到邓文迪和默多克离婚的消息时实在太惊讶了! All the news was saying they were super happy together! And...a breakdown in the relationship? What does that mean?

      B: Relationships have to be maintained, if you don't spend enough time and energy managing it, it can easily fall apart.

      A: That's true. Empathy, compassion, and a willingness to communicate are extremely important in any relationship.

      B: Without mutual understanding of those things a breakdown becomes par for the course.

      A: 没错! 这正好是我们下面words and idioms要教的词! 什么叫做par for the course 呢?

      B: Let's check it out!

      Words and Idioms 853 PAR FOR THE COURSE

      美国习惯用语 第 853 讲



      M: Par for the course. Par is spelled p-a-r, and course; c-o-u-r-s-e. Par-for-the-course.

      有人打高尔夫吗?这个习惯用语是从高尔夫球来的。Par指的是某个洞、或是高尔夫整场打下来的标准击球杆数,比如说18洞72杆。说某件事情是 par for the course,意思就是正常的,意料之中的。就像我们刚才说的,有了孩子就不再有那么多时间出去社交了,It's PAR FOR THE COURSE.


      M: "Grandpa has never gotten much exercise. He also hasn't watched what he eats. Is it any surprise that lab tests show he's got a variety of health problems? After not taking care of himself, his poor condition is PAR FOR THE COURSE."

      这个人说: 我爷爷从来不锻炼身体,也不注意饮食。化验结果发现,他身上一大堆毛病,这也就没有什么好奇怪的了。常年不注意身体,结果当然会是这样。 我的一位伯父,从十几岁就开始抽烟,65岁的时候突然戒了烟,同时开始每天游泳。很多人都觉得毫无意义,但是医生说,改善生活习惯,不论年纪大小,都是有好处的。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

      M: "Grandpa has never gotten much exercise. He also hasn't watched what he eats. Is it any surprise that lab tests show he's got a variety of health problems? After not taking care of himself, his poor condition is PAR FOR THE COURSE."

      我的一个好朋友 Donna 最近刚刚升任部门经理。工资涨了,责任自然也更重了,而且还要经常加班。但是她知道,That's all PAR FOR THE COURSE. 这些都是很自然的。


      M: "Do you frequently post on the Internet? Sure, your friends can see comments you made about your old boss or your suggestive photo at a wild party. But potential employers might look, too. These days, it's PAR FOR THE COURSE. Expect all kinds of people to be able to access your data."

      报道里说: 你经常在网上贴东西吗?确实,朋友们可以看到你对原来老板的评价,也能看到你参加派对时拍的那些出格的照片。不过别忘了,一些用人单位也能看得到,如今这年头儿,这是很正常的。什么人都能看到你的信息。


      M: "Do you frequently post on the Internet? Sure, your friends can see comments you made about your old boss or your suggestive photo at a wild party. But potential employers might look, too. These days, it's PAR FOR THE COURSE. Expect all kinds of people to be able to access your data."

      刚才说到,年纪越大,越不能接受新鲜事物了。Is it PAR FOR THE COURSE? 肯定有人不同意。你觉得呢?

      好的,这次 美国习惯用语 就到此结束了。

      M: Until next time.


      M: This has been Words and Idioms.

      A: Exactly! I've heard that potential employers are now going on Facebook and Linkedin to check if you seem like a responsible and qualified employee. They also want to rule out those with weird habits.

      B: So pay attention to what you post on your Facebook! Don't talk about things in the office, and don't ever make any jokes relating to politics, religion, or sexual orientation.

      A: 是啊! I'm so grateful that we have a great work environment. 今天business etiquette里的Clarie就没有这么好运了,咱们一起来听听是怎么回事吧!

      礼节美语 Sexual Harassment I

      Jessica 看到同事 Claire 情绪很低落。

      Jessica: Hey Claire, you look sad. What's up?

      Claire: I guess I am a bit depressed.

      J: Having a bad hair day?

      C: (chuckle) No, that' not it.

      J: Come on. You can confide in me. I know how to keep a secret.

      C: OK... but you really have to keep this to yourself. I don't want to cause trouble.

      J: Wow. Sounds serious!

      C: You know my boss, Kevin?

      J: Sure...I've met him at a couple of company functions.

      Jessica 开玩笑,问 Clare 情绪低落是不是 having a bad hair day. 说某人 have a bad hair day 意思是因为不顺,心情不好。Jessica 说自己嘴很严,所以 Clair 可以 confide in me 把秘密告诉我。Claire 告诉 Jessica 说,事情跟自己的上司 Kevin 有关。听起来好象挺严重。

      C: Well, he keeps commenting on how pretty I am and he frequently touches my shoulders. He says I look tense and could use a massage.

      J: And this makes you uncomfortable, right?

      C: Yeah! I don't like it. I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested in Kevin at all. Plus, he's my boss and it's just a weird feeling!

      J: That sounds like sexual harassment to me!

      C: Really? Do you think it's that serious?

      原来,Claire 的上司 Kevin 经常夸她漂亮,还动手动脚,让 Claire 很不舒服。Claire 有男朋友,而且 I'm not interested in Kevin 对 Kevin 没兴趣,所以感觉很怪。Jessica 肯定地说,这是性骚扰 sexual harassment. 这么说性质可就严重了。

      J: The workplace is supposed to be a comfortable place to work in. You shouldn't have to be looking over your shoulder all day. It's the responsibility of a boss to make sure your workday is safe and productive.

      C: Well, every time he comes out to speak to me, I worry he's going to do or say something that makes me uncomfortable.

      J: That's sexual harassment and it's a crime!

      Jessica 说,工作单位应该安全、舒适,员工不需要随时随地提心吊胆。You shouldn't have to be looking over your shoulder all day. 这里所说的 to look over one's shoulder 意思是小心提防。Claire 承认,每次 Kevin 跟她讲话,她都很紧张,生怕 Kevin 的举止会让自己感到别扭。不过,她又说...

      C: But overall he is a pretty good boss and most of the people in the office like him. I don't want to be the one to stir up trouble. Maybe I'm too sensitive.

      J: Sexual harassment is a common problem. I remember I once had a boss who kept asking me out on a date...even though I was married and wearing my wedding ring!

      C: What did you do about it?

      Claire 说,Kevin 总的来说是个不错的老板,大家都很喜欢他,所以 I don't want to be the one to stir up trouble. 不想当那个挑起是非的人. Jessica 说,性骚扰是个很常见的问题,自己就曾遇到过一个老板,明知她已经结婚,还三番五次要跟她约会。Jessica 是如何处理的呢?我们下次继续听。

      A: Claire情绪不高,原来是因为她的上司Kevin总是对她动手动脚,sexual harassment,性骚扰。Jessica说,工作环境应该是舒适的,you shouldn't have to look over your shoulder all day long, 不该成天提心吊胆,但是Claire不想stir up trouble, 挑起是非。

      B: Luckily I have never been exposed to this, but I have heard that it is common for young women to experiencing harassment in the workplace. In my opinion, you need to tell the person that they are making you uncomfortable, and if they still don't stop then you need to report them.

      A: Ugh...what a horrible situation! Let's keep listening to Jessica and see what advice she can offer to Claire!

      礼节美语 Sexual Harassment II

      Claire 告诉同事 Jessica,上司 Kevin 跟她动手动脚,让她很不舒服。Jessica 说,这是性骚扰,自己以前也遇到过。她的做法是:

      J: One day when my boss made a joke about my body, I spoke up and told him - in front of several colleagues - that I thought he was out of line. I told him what he's doing is sexual harassment. He never did it again, but he also never spoke to me again.

      C: See? That's what I'm worried about. I want him to stop, but I don't want to cause a scene.

      J: Well, sometimes you don't have a choice. You can't let this guy get away with it.

      Jessica 说,有一次她当着同事的面告诉老板不要太过份。I told him that I thought he was out of line. 这里的 out of line 意思是出格。虽然 Claire 说,I don't want to cause a scene. 我不想当众把事情闹大, 可 Jessica 表示,有时你没有其它选择。

      C: But is it really sexual harassment? Could he just be a rude person?

      J: If he comments on your appearance or body or if he asks questions or comments about your personal life, that's considered harassment. You have a responsibility to stop him so he doesn't do it to someone else.

      C: Yeah, I guess so. But what should I do?

      J: You can report him to a superior, but before you do that, maybe you should confront him first.

      Claire 还是不敢肯定 Kevin 的行为是不是够得上性骚扰。Jessica 说,如果他对你的外表或个人生活过份关心或是说三道四,就属于骚扰。她建议 Claire 直接去找 Kevin 谈,confront him.

      J: I suggest you look Kevin right in the eye and clearly and slowly tell him that you want him to stop touching you and commenting about your appearance. Don't smile or joke this should be a serious conversation. When you finish speaking to him, just walk away and let him think about it.

      C: And if it happens again?

      J: Then you report him to company supervisors. If they are smart they will take care of it, otherwise, they know they could get sued. No one likes a lawsuit.

      Jessica 说,应该直接去找 Kevin 明明白白地告诉他,希望他以后不要再动手动脚,或是品头论足。如果还是不行,再去找公司高层。如果他们聪明的话,they will take care of it. 他们就会妥善处理。No one likes a lawsuit. 没人愿意吃官司。

      C: Could I maybe write him a letter? I'm not good at face-to-face confrontation.

      J: That could work as well. Or, if you'd like, I'd be happy to stand with you when you talk to him. It might be nice to have some support...and I'd be a witness as well.

      C: Thanks, Jessica. You're a real friend. I'm sorry to drag you into this.

      J: Not at all. We ladies have to stick together right?

      C: Yeah. Thanks!

      Claire 想写信给 Kevin,表达自己的意思,因为 I'm not good at face-to-face confrontation. 意思是我不擅长面对面的直接对抗。Jessica 很够意思,主动表示愿意陪 Claire 去找 Kevin, 给 Claire 壮胆,因为 We ladies have to stick together. 我们都是女性,应该抱团儿。

      A: 显然,Kevin对Claire的态度是out of line, 出格了,但是Claire呢又不想cause a scene,把事情闹大。Jessica说,如果有人 对你性骚扰,一定要坚定地confront him,跟他对峙,让他以后再也不敢这么做。

      B: I agree. You have a responsibility to stop him so he doesn't do it to someone else.

      A: True. And if confrontation doesn't work out, you should always go to higher management to get it solved. 把任何罪恶消灭在萌芽状态!

      B: Alright! Let's take a break at this serious topic. Why don't we do another learn a word!

      Learn A Word 1799 keep in check

      今天我们要学的词是keep in check. Keep is spelled k-e-e-p, keep, and check, c-h-e-c-k, check, keep in check. To keep something in check 意思是约束,控制某事。美国乔治华盛顿大学的研究人员说,A 15-minute walk three times a day after meals helps people in their 70s and 80s to keep their blood sugar levels in check. 每天三次饭后走15分钟,有利于七八十岁的人控制血糖水平。Bank Indonesia's new Governor said that keeping inflation in check would be one of the central bank's top priorities. 印尼央行新行长说,控制通货膨胀将是央行的工作重点之一。好的,今天我们学习的词是 keep in check, keep in check, keep in check...

      A: I always stand for half an hour after meals! I've heard that it will help keep your weight in check!

      B: Hmm...based on what I see, I seriously doubt that that's true ...

      A: You...

      B: Haha, I'm just getting back at you! I didn't mean to pour cold water on you, actually I think you look really fit these days!

      A: Watching your intake and keeping a regular exercise schedule, that's the trick! 哎,你刚提到了一个俗语:pour cold water on, let's check it out!

      Words and Idioms 854 POUR COLD WATER ON

      美国习惯用语 第 854 讲


      M: Pour cold water on. Pour is spelled p-o-u-r. Pour-cold-water-on.

      Pour cold water on 很容易理解,就是中文里面所说的泼冷水。虽然我们同意让女儿自己选择房间的颜色,但是黑色已经超过了我们的容忍范围。We just have to POUR COLD WATER ON that choice. 她虽然有些不高兴,但最后还是同意妥协,这才让我们长长地出了一口气。让我们一起听听下面这些人最近遇到了什么丧气的事情。

      M: "A spokesperson for the company had announced that we'd all be getting raises at the end of the year. Unfortunately, she made the announcement before the board of directors reviewed our financial situation. Given our recent losses, they decided it was best to POUR COLD WATER ON the increases for now. They didn't want to go ahead with a plan that made little sense."

      这个人说: 公司发言人刚刚宣布,员工年底一律加薪。糟糕的是,她宣布这一消息赶在了董事会审查财政状况之前。由于公司最近亏损,董事会决定最好先不提涨工资的事。他们不愿意批准一项不合情理的计划。


      我妹妹原来打算到哥斯达黎加去玩,谁知那里突发地震,她只好推迟行程。It poured cold water on her itinerary.


      M: "A spokesperson for the company had announced that we'd all be getting raises at the end of the year. Unfortunately, she made the announcement before the board of directors reviewed our financial situation. Given our recent losses, they decided it was best to POUR COLD WATER ON the increases for now. They didn't want to go ahead with a plan that made little sense."


      M: "My buddies and I organized a fun weekend in Las Vegas. But then my girlfriend POURED COLD WATER ON the trip. She made it clear that she wasn't about to let me go to "Sin City". She was afraid that four guys together would get into too much trouble with all the casinos and bars there."


      拉斯维加斯素有“sin city”罪恶之城的称号,不过,除了赌场和酒吧以外,那里也有很多超级享受的餐馆和演出。这倒让我想起,今年渡假可以到拉斯维加斯去,I don't think my husband would POUR COLD WATER ON this one. 好的,我们再来听一下上面那个例句。

      M: "My buddies and I organized a fun weekend in Las Vegas. But then my girlfriend POURED COLD WATER ON the trip. She made it clear that she wasn't about to let me go to "Sin City". She was afraid that four guys together would get into too much trouble with all the casinos and bars there."

      这个习惯用语是从救火来的,这一点恐怕不难理解。如果大家在学习习惯用语的过程中遇到任何困难,尽管跟我们联系,我保证,I am not going to POUR COLD WATER ON your enthusiasm for learning. 不会给大家的学习热情泼冷水。

      好的,这次 美国习惯用语 就到此结束了。

      M: Until next time.


      M: This has been Words and Idioms.

      A: I hate to pour cold water on your weekend plans Mike, but your going to have to come in this weekend to help edit.

      B: That's ok Yanglin, I can get done in 2 hours what it takes you 8 hours to do. Plus I never say no to overtime.....

      A: Yeah, as if. 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。

      B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

      A: See you next time!

      上一篇:美语训练班115 下一篇:美语训练班117


