"No, you must stay! I swear it--and the oath shall be kept."
"I tell you I must go!" I retorted, roused to something like passion."
"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!"
—— Charlotte Bronte
swear: to make a solemn promise; vow 发誓
oath: the words or formula of such a declaration or promise 誓言
retort: to present a counterargument 反驳,反击
automaton: a self-operating machine or mechanism, especially a robot 机器人
morsel: a small amount; a piece (食物)一口,少量
snatch: to grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly 攫取
dash: to splash; bespatter 泼溅
obscure: of undistinguished or humble station or reputation 身份卑微的
conventionality: the state, quality or character of being conventional 惯例,俗套,老一套
mortal: of or relating to humankind; human 人类的
grave: an excavation for the interment of a corpse 墓穴,坟墓
“不,你非留下不可! 我发誓———我信守誓言。”
“我告诉你我非走不可! ”我回驳着,感情很有些冲动。
的人? ??难道就因为我一贫如洗、默默无闻、长相平庸、个子瘦小,就没有灵魂,没有心肠了? ———你不是想错了吗? ———我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸跟你一样充实!要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充足的财富,我会使你同我现在一样难分难舍,我不是根据习俗、常规,甚至也不是血肉之躯同你说话,而是我的灵魂同你的灵魂在对话,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等———本来就如此! ”