英语晨读精华 Week 5 Dav 6 Mv Time 0f Haopiness Each Day 我每天的快乐时光
教程:英语晨读精华  浏览:6470  
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    My Time of Happiness Each Day


    As a student, most of my time is spent on school work and other school-related activities. Consequently, my time of happiness each day is very limited. 

    However, this is not to say that I am not happy every day. In fact, I really enjoy coming home from school each evening and having dinner with my family. After dinner, I read or watch some TV with my family. This is a happy time for me every day.  

    But my happiest time of a day is just before I fall asleep. Lying in bed, I think about all I achieved that day, and it makes me happy to know that the day was full. 

    consequently : therefore 从而,因此 
    achieve : to perform or carry out with success; accomplish 完成,达到 

      上一篇:英语晨读精华 Week 5 Day 5 The Man I Respect Most 我最尊敬的人 下一篇:英语晨读精华 Week 5 Day 7 Home—A Jo]r Forever 家——永恒的快乐

