Swimming and Computer Games
David:Are there any other hobbies you have?
You:其他爱好?我喜欢游泳。Another hobby? I like to play swimming.
David:Actually you can’t really play swimming. Usually you play soccer, play volleyball, and play basketball, but not play swimming. 实际上,游泳不能用“play”。通常说“play”足球,排球和篮球,而不说“play”游泳。
You:哦,我喜欢游泳。Oh, I like to go swimming.
David:That’s good. 很好啊。
You:When I am in the water, I feel very comfortable and relaxed. It’s common knowledge that swimming can help people to relax. It’s a kind of therapy. 我在水里的时候,感觉很舒服,很放松。大家都知道,游泳可以帮助人们缓解疲劳,还可以治病呢。
David:So maybe you mean it can help people feel more relaxed. Do you have other hobbies that are not sports?
You:你是说除了运动我还有别的什么爱好?当然有,我喜欢听音乐和玩电脑游戏。Do I have any other hobbies that aren’t sports? Yes, I like listening to music and playing games on the computer.
David:Computer games? 电脑游戏?
You:Yeah, computer games. I like to sit behind my boyfriend and watch him play on the computer because I like to watch others play computer games. 是的,电脑游戏。我喜欢看人家玩电脑游戏,所以我喜欢坐在我男朋友后边看他玩。
You:No, it isn’t loyalty. We just share a common interest. 这不是忠不忠的问题,我们只是有相同的兴趣爱好罢了。