Cats & Dogs
David:Do you have any pets?你养宠物吗?
David:Is it common for people to have pets in China? 中国人喜欢养宠物吗?
You:It is common nowadays for people to have dogs but only in recent years. 人们现在似乎很喜欢养狗,但是也是最近几年才开始的。
David:Dogs are the most popular pets in the US also. Dogs are called “man's best friend”, since they are very loyal. How about cats? 狗在美国也是很受欢迎的宠物。它们很忠实于自己的主人,有“人类朋友”的称号。猫呢?人们喜欢养猫吗?
You:In the countryside many people have cats but in modern cities people prefer having a dog. Perhaps some people in the city like to have cats as well, but I am bot sure. 住在乡村里的人喜欢养猫。城里的人喜欢养狗,唉,我也说不清楚,也许他们也喜欢养猫。
David:Do you like cats? 你喜欢猫吗?
You:It's hard to say. I don't really like cats but if someone in my family wanted to have a cat, I would say “yes”. I myself wouldn't bring up the subject. 怎么说呢?我不太喜欢猫,但如果我的家人想养的话,我也不会说“不”。不过,我不会主动说“我们养只猫吧”。
David:What do you think about this cat? Would you want it to live in your house?你看这只猫怎么样?在你家养只这样的猫?
You:It's too big to believe. 这么大!真不敢相信。
David:It's a very big cat.是很大。
David:This is a real cat. The owner must have fed it very much. It looks like a lion. So big.怎么不是。它的主人一定是喂得好,看起来像头狮子,好大!
You:It's a disgusting picture. 我可不太喜欢这样的。
David:Oh, I'm sorry.哦,不好意思。
You:这能是只真猫吗?I'm still wondering whether it's real or not.