From Group Interest to Self Interest
David: Can you think about any other values, traditional values in China that are being influenced? 你觉得还有哪些中国传统价值观念受到了西方的影响呢?
You: People’s attitude towards money is definitely being influenced. 我想还有人们对金钱的态度吧.
David: Attitude towards money? What was it like before? 对金钱的态度?人们以前是怎么看的?
You: 以前,人们并不那么看重金钱,而是高度关注人民的利益;但现在,某些人只追求金钱而不关心别的.不过,绝大多数人们工作不只是为金钱的.
David: So they don’t work just for money, because they work for something else. What else? 你是说人们工作不仅仅为了赚钱.那还为什么呢?
You: They have high ideals that they are working for the good of the country and for all its citizens.他们有崇高的理想,他们为了祖国和人民的利益而工作.
David: Maybe it is not such a good thing that people are more interested in their own self and their own money, as opposed to their interest for the country and the group at large. 我觉得如果人们只关心自己,关心个人的利益,而不关心国家和集体的利益,这不是好事.
You: I think it is wrong if people only care about themselves and don’t think about the good of the country.对,我认为如果人们只想着自己,不关心国家集体利益是极不正确的.
David: What other traditions do you think are also in jeopardy to be lost? Maybe something about family, marriage, individual, work, money, students, teachers, or parents? 你认为还有什么传统也面临丧失的危险?比如对于家庭,婚姻,个人,工作,金钱,学生,老师或者父母的态度?
You: 对别人的信任. Trust in others.
David: What do you mean? I don’t understand. Trust between people? 什么意思?我不大明白.是说人们之间的信任吗?
You: Yes. Some people care more about their own self-interests than their trust in other people. People should care about their own self-interests as well as other people’s interests. 是的.因为某些人更多的在乎自己的利益,因而不信任别人.我觉得人们不但要关心自己的利益,更应该关心他人利益.
David: I couldn’t agree more. 你说得太对了.