A. Indo-European
B. Sino-Tibetan
C. Austronesian
D. Afroasiatic
2. An important set of extensive sound changes affecting vowels, known as the Great Vowel Shift, occurred at the end of the ________.
A. Old English period
B. Middle English period
C. Modern English period
D. Middle ages
3. The most widely-spread morphological changes in the historical development of English are the loss and addition of ________.
A. prefixes
B. suffixes
C. affixes
D. case markings
4. The most dramatic morphological loss concerns the loss of ________.
A. gender markings
B. case markings
C. tense markings
D. both A and B
5. The most vigorous and on-going change in the historical development of a language is the change in its ________.
A. sound
B. vocabulary
C. morphological system
D. syntax
6. The most obvious way in which Modern English differs lexically from Old English is in the number of borrowed words from other languages, particular from ________.
A. Latin
B. French
C. Greek
D. German
答案(反白可见):B B C D B A