沃尔特李普曼( WalterLippmann,1889-1974) 美国新闻评论家和作家。传播学史上具有重要影响的学者之一,在宣传分析和舆论研究方面享有很高的声誉。这位世界上最有名的政治专栏作家在其1922年的著作《公众舆论》中,开创了今天被称为议程设置的早期思想。此书被公认为是传播学领域的奠基之作。作为一部传播学经典著作,该书第一次对公众舆论做了全景式的描述,让读者能细细地体会到舆论现象的种种内在与外在联系。此书自1922年问世以来,在几十年中已经被翻译成几十种文字,至今仍然保持着这个领域中的权威地位。
Walter Lippmann (23 September 1889 14 December 1974) was an American intellectual, writer,reporter, and political commentator who became highly popular for the introduction of theconcept of Cold War for the first time in the world. Lippmann was awarded twice (1958 and 1962)a Pulitzer Prize for his syndicated newspaper column, “Today and Tomorrow”.
Early Life
Walter Lippmann was born on 23 September 1889, in New York City, to Jacob and Daisy BaumLippmann; his upper-middle class German-Jewish family, took annual holidays in Europe. At age 17,he entered Harvard University where he studied under George Santayana, William James, andGraham Wallas, concentrating upon philosophy and languages (he spoke German and French),and earned his degree in three years, graduating as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society
In 1911 Lincoln Steffens, the campaigning journalist, took Lippmann on as his secretary. LikeSteffens, Lippmann supported Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party in the 1912presidential elections. Lippman's book, A Preface to Politics (1913) was well-received and thefollowing year he joined Herbert Croly in establishing the political weekly, the New Republic.
Lippmann rejected his earlier socialism in Drift and Mastery (1914) and in 1916 became a staunchsupporter of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Party. In 1917 Lippmann was appointed asassistant to Newton Baker, Wilson's secretary of war. Lippman worked closely with WoodrowWilson and Edward House in drafting the Fourteen Points Peace Programme. He was a member ofthe USA's delegation to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and helped draw up the covenant ofthe League of Nations.
In 1920 Lippmann left the New Republic to work for the New York World. His controversial books,Public Opinion (1922) and The Phantom Public (1925), raised doubts about the possibility ofdeveloping a true democracy in a modern, complex society.
Lippmann became editor of the New York World in 1929, but after it closed in 1931, he moved tothe New York Herald Tribune. For the next 30 years Lippmann wrote the nationally syndicatedcolumn, Today and Tomorrow. Lippmann developed a very pragmatic approach to politics andduring this period supported six Republican and seven Democratic presidential candidates.
After the Second World War, Lippmann returned to the liberal views of his youth. He upset leadersof both the Democratic and Republican parties when he opposed the Korean War, McCarthyismand the Vietnam War. Walter Lippmann died on 14th December, 1974.
A Preface to Politics (1913) ISBN 1-59102-292-4
A Preface to Politics at Project Gutenberg
Drift and Mastery (1914) ISBN 0-299-10604-7
The Stakes of Diplomacy (1915)
The Political Scene (1919)
Liberty and the News (1920)
Public Opinion (1922) ISBN 0-02-919130-0
Public Opinion at Project Gutenberg
The Phantom Public (1925) ISBN 1-56000-677-3
Men of Destiny (1927) ISBN 0-29595-026-9
American Inquisitors (1928)
A Preface to Morals (1929) ISBN 0-87855-907-8
Interpretations 1931-1932 (1932)
The Method of Freedom (1934) out-of-print
The New Imperative (1935)
Interpretations 1933-1935 (1936)
The Good Society (1937) ISBN 0-7658-0804-8
U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic (1943)
U.S. War Aims (1944)
The Cold War (1947) ISBN 0-06-131723-3
Essays in the Public Philosophy (1955) ISBN 0-88738-791-8
With William O. ScroggsThe United States in World Affairs 1931 (1932)
The United States in World Affairs 1932 (1933)