就像“好”good不读/gu:d/,读/gud/,very good
so, we are gonna talk about put.
1. stay put 表示别动,for example
Stay put. I'll be right back. 别动,我马上就回来。
2.put表示表达,陈述,for example
Let me put it this way. 让我这么跟你说吧
another example,另一个例子,How do I put this? 我该怎么跟你说才好呢?
3. put off表示往后推延,推迟,for example
I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to put it off.
another example,再跟大家分享一个名言警句
New put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天能完成的事,别推到明天去做
4. put on表示穿上,for example
Hey. It's pretty cold outside. You better put on your jacket. 嗨,外面挺冷的,你最好把你的外套穿上。
还可以说put on your shoes. 把鞋穿上
So that's pretty much for this time.