1. have a try / give it a try 表示试一试
Swimming is really interesing. You should give it a try / have a try.
Hey, it's really yummy. You should have a try / give it a try. 嗨,这个很美味哦,你应该试一试!
2. try me 表示说了看看呐,试一试我
比如说,你的朋友很伤心,你问怎么了,她说“哎,你不会懂的,不会理解的”,你就可以说try me
What's wrong with you? What's up? 你怎么了?发生什么了?
"You won't understand."你不会懂的。
你就可以说,"Hey, try me."
3. 在shopping(购物)的时候,买衣服的时候会说 Can I try this / these on?
买鞋子、裤子的时候可以说,Can I try these on?表示这个我能穿上试试吗?
4. It's not worth trying. 这个根本不值得去尝试。
Just forget about it. It's not worth trying.
5. Do not try my patience. 不要挑战/考验我的耐心
So that's pretty much for this time. I'll see you guys next time. Bye-bye!