在公司工作到一半,计算机突然死机,事情迟迟做不完,向同事求救,却不会说计算机死机的英文,只能说My computer is broken。然后得到同事回答:Actually… your computer looks quite alright。
broken是形容词,意思是“碎裂的”,动词是break,所以如果你的计算机摔到地上,屏幕碎裂,你就可以说My laptop hit the floor / I dropped my laptop on the floor, and the screen is broken。另外,broken也可以改成cracked。crack是它的动词,有“打碎”或“破裂”的意思。
不只计算机屏幕会坏掉,一不小心把智能手机摔到地上,屏幕就被摔成了蜘蛛网。你可以说I just broke / cracked my smart phone screen。
1 我的计算机死机了。
(×)My computer is broken.
(○ )My computer crashed .
crash原本有“冲撞”“坠毁”之意。如果只是计算机死机,你也可以很简单地说My computer is not working。
The drunk driver crashed his car into a light pole.(醉酒的司机开车撞上了电线杆。)
2 计算机画面停住了。
(模糊)The computer stops.
(精确)The computer screen freezes .
如果用stop这个词,别人会搞不清楚到底怎么了,听起来象是话没说完,是stop working还是stop responding?如果是画面不会动,你可以更精确点用freeze,意思是“冻结”,也可以用词组freeze up,表示机器故障,无法继续使用。
My keyboard just suddenly froze up.(我的键盘突然锁住,不能打字了。)
3 我的计算机无法开机。
(×)I can't open my computer.
(○ )My computer does not boot up / start up / turn on .
明明是计算机的问题,当你讲I can't open…别人会以为可能是你手痛打不开。开机最常见的说法是turn on,但你如果不知道,也可以用boot up,boot up有“启动”的意思,关机则可以用shut down / turn off。
My computer shut down automatically due to the CPU overheating.(我的计算机CPU过热,导致计算机自动关机。)
4 我的计算机连不上Wi-Fi。
(×)My computer can't connect with Wi-Fi.
(○ )My computer has a weak / bad / poor Wi-Fi connection .
连上线,英文用connect to,而不用connect with。这句话也可以说成My computer has some problems connecting to Wi-Fi。
The Wi-Fi signal is weak on my computer.
My computer has bad Wi-Fi reception.
reception有“接待;接收”的意思,手机信号不好,你可以说My mobile phone reception is bad。