“走路”上班是by foot,还是on foot?
1 It wasn't easy to move a big refrigerator, but my brother gave me his hand.(移动一台大冰箱并不容易,幸好弟弟帮了我一把。)
2 I don't want to chat with Sally because she loves to split hair.(我不想和莎莉聊天,因为她就爱在小事上吹毛求疵。)
3 Helen is not worried about the exam; it was a piece of a cake for her.(海伦并不担心考试,对她来说,那根本不算什么。)
4 In response to the environmental protection, I go to work by foot every day.(为响应环保,我每天走路上班。)
5 Jenny had to fill in a team member who was ill.(珍妮必须接替一位病假同事的工作。)
1 It wasn't easy to move a big refrigerator, but my brother gave me a hand .
give someone a hand是一个惯用语,用在对方独力完成某事有困难而助他一臂之力时。若是将冠词a换成所有格his / her / my…,整句话就变成了血腥的大白话——把手给了对方!
2 I don't want to chat with Sally because she loves to split hairs .
split hairs是指在细枝末节的问题上做不必要的争辩。如果使用不可数的hair,指的是头上的头发,句义就变成莎莉爱“劈头发”。
3 Helen is not worried about the exam; it was a piece of cake for her.
a piece of cake这个俗语是指一件事很容易办成;若是在cake前面多加了冠词a,就真的是指“一块蛋糕”了。
4 In response to the environmental protection, I go to work on foot every day.
表达走路或步行,应该用on foot;by foot不合语法,而且硬要解释的话,会变成“搭乘脚丫子”去上班。
5 Jenny had to fill in for a team member who was ill.
fill in for someone是暂时替代某人工作的意思,如果少了for,整句话的意思就变成珍妮要去“填满”这位生病的同事。