尽全力,别只说do whatever it takes
看到销售数字一再滑落,王老板在每一次会议上总是一字不差的重申:We'll do whatever it takes to meet this quarter's sales target!(我们要尽一切努力达成本季销售目标!)就这样连续一个月,同事们听得耳朵都长茧了!其实王老板可以换个说法,信心喊话:
1 all-out effort 全力以赴
If we want to achieve our sales objectives, everyone in this company has to make all-out effort.(如果我们想达成销售目标,公司的所有员工都必须全力投入。)
说明:all-out当形容词,意即“毫无保留、竭尽全力”,all-out effort即是全力以赴。
2 pull out all the stops 不遗余力
We have to pull out all the stops to stick to our annual sales plan.(大家都必须不遗余力赶上年度销售计划。)
说明:pull out all the stops这个惯用语是从音乐界流传而来。stops指的是管风琴上控制各个笛管的圆钮,把圆钮全都拔起,所有笛管就会齐声共鸣,用以引申为“不遗余力、使出全力”。
3 try the whole bag of tricks 使出浑身解数
The sales goal is waiting for us to reach. Let's try the whole bag of tricks!(销售目标正等着我们去达成,让我们使出浑身解数吧!)
说明:tricks是指“诀窍、方法”,the whole bag of tricks字面意思是整袋子的法宝,引申为“浑身解数”。
4 apply oneself to something 专心致力于
We should apply ourselves to this quarter's sales target.(我们应专心致力于达成本季销售目标。)
说明:apply oneself to后面接某个目标(名词或动名词),是指专心致力于某事。