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    The magic of anesthesia has enabled many of us to undergo countless medical procedures with as little pain as possible. According to MedlinePlus, anesthesia is the use of anesthetics to prevent pain during surgery and other procedures. They may be administered by injection, inhalation, topical lotion, spray, eye drops, or skin patch. Being given anesthetics is often referred to as "going under." And while many of us have experienced going under, a lot of us are unaware of how anesthesia really affects the different parts of the body.


    Jennifer Kollman, M.D., director of anesthesia at UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central in Colorado Springs, Colorado tells The Healthy what happens to your brain when you start counting backwards from 100. "A hypnotic agent is given to quiet the thinking part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, and areas of the brain stem associated with awareness," she says. "When you awaken, it's almost like you've time-traveled, feeling like you only fell asleep moments ago." Adding that, "Some people even report dreams afterward."

    科罗拉多斯普林斯麻醉科主任 Jennifer Kollman 医学博士告诉健康杂志,当你开始从100倒数时,你的大脑会发生什么。“一种催眠剂可以使大脑中思考的部分、大脑皮层和与意识相关的脑干区域安静下来,”她说。“当你醒来的时候,就好像穿越了时空,感觉就像刚刚睡着一样。”此外,“有些人甚至在事后描述了自己的梦境。”

    You also lose your ability to cough and protect your airways while under the influence of anesthetics. There is also the possibility of your stomach contents being emptied into your lungs, which is why patients are asked to not eat for a given period of time before surgeries, notes The Healthy.


    Nitin Sekhri, M.D., medical director of pain management at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York, tells The Healthy why an empty stomach is necessary. "While often a nuisance, not eating before a general anesthetic is crucial. If your stomach has contents inside of it at the start of the procedure, stomach contents can enter into the lungs causing severe, possibly life-threatening pneumonia."

    纽约州瓦尔哈拉韦斯特切斯特医学中心疼痛管理医学总监尼丁·塞赫里(Nitin Sekhri)告诉《健康杂志》为什么需要空腹。“虽然很麻烦,但在全身麻醉前不吃东西是至关重要的。如果在手术开始时胃中有内含物,胃中的内容物就会进入肺部,引起严重的,甚至可能危及生命的肺炎。”

    In addition to not being able to protect your airways and lungs, and subduing the thinking part of your brain, anesthesia can also have an affect on your blood pressure. As stated by Healthline, body temperature and intravenous (IV) fluids needed during anesthesia and surgery can elevate blood pressure. And The Healthy says to avoid both high and low blood pressure induced from anesthesia, make sure to give your correct weight to the anesthesiologist for the most accurate dosing.


    Anesthetics are a wonder drug for those in need of surgery. If you find yourself about to undergo an operation or medical procedure requiring anesthetics in the future, knowing how it affects your body is good knowledge to have. And remember to ask your doctor or anesthesiologist any further questions about the drug's effects before you go under.


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