教程:游艇专业词典  浏览:1959  
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    740 离合器箱 clutch case (or box)

    741 离合[联结]器 clutch coupling

    742 离合磁铁,磁铁离合器 clutch magnet

    743 离合器板 clutch plate

    744 圆周运动试验 CMT (= circular motion test)

    745 二氧化碳冷冻机 co2 machine

    746 马车螺钉 coach screw

    747 弓形弹簧 coach spring

    748 煤 coal

    749 焦煤 coking coal (or coke)

    750 燃煤船 coal-fired vessel

    751 煤袋 coal bag

    752 煤驳[船] coal barge

    753 煤斗 coal basket

    754 碎煤机 coal beater

    755 煤舱 coalbin

    756 手推煤车 coal borrow

    757 煤箱 coal box

    758 煤斗 coal bucket

    759 煤舱 coal bunker

    760 燃煤锅炉 coal burning (or firing) boiler

    761 燃煤船 coal burning vessel

    762 运煤船 coal carrier (or collier)

    763 输煤槽,输煤管 coal chute (or shoot)

    764 耗煤量 coal consumption

    765 碎煤机 coal crusher

    766 给煤器 coal feeder

    767 燃煤锅炉 coal firing boiler

    768 煤锤 coal hammer

    769 装煤舱口 coal hatch (or scuttle)

    770 装煤舱口 coal hatchway (or scuttle )

    771 升煤机 coal hoist

    772 煤漏斗 coal hopper

    773 装煤港 coaling port

    774 起煤绞机 coaling winch

    775 量煤器 coal measure

    776 磨煤机 coal mill

    777 碳油混合物 coal oil mixture (COM)

    778 加煤手 coal passer (or trimmer)

    779 装煤口 coal port

    780 煤筛 coal screen

    781 煤舱口 coal scuttle

    782 输煤槽,输煤管 coal shoot (or chute)

    783 煤铲 coal shovel

    784 煤?,柏油,煤焦油 coal tar

    785 煤焦环氧漆 coal tar epoxy

    786 1)缘围 2)导水板 3)穿线环 coaming

    787 舱口角材,缘围角材 coaming angle

    788 缘围板 coaming plate

    789 缘围加强肋 coaming stiffener

    790 粗螺纹 coarse pitch thread

    791 海防舰 coast defense ship

    792 海防舰艇 coast defense vessel

    793 海岸巡防队 coast guard

    794 沿海区域 coasting area

    795 沿海航行 coasting service

    796 沿岸航行船 coasting service vessel

    797 沿海船 coasting vessel (or coaster)

    798 海岸巡防艇,海岸巡逻艇 coast patrol boat

    799 海岸无线电台 coast radio station

    800 包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode

    801 挂衣钩 coat hook

    802 1)涂装 2)包覆 coating

    803 1)包覆料 2)涂料 coating material

    804 油漆层 coat of painting

    805 同轴电缆 co-axial cable (or concentric cable)

    806 共轴转动 co-axial drive

    807 同轴输送线(雷达) co-axial transmission line

    808 旋塞 cock

    809 软木碰垫 cock fender

    810 艉桥 cocking bridge

    811 艏艉部上跷变形 cocking-up

    812 艉凹舱(小艇) cockpit

    813 惰轮 cock wheel (or idle wheel , or idler)

    814 椰皮垫 cocoa mat

    815 椰子油 cocoa oil

    816 椰皮垫 coco mat

    817 龟裂开口位移 COD (= crack opening displacement)

    818 化学需氧量 COD (= chemical oxygen demand)

    819 柴油燃气涡轮 CODAG (= combined diesel and/or gas turbine)

    820 1)法规 2)代码 3)密码 4)章程 code

    821 电码簿 code book

    822 信号旗 code flag

    823 号码代字 code letter

    824 美国联邦法规 code of federal regulations

    825 柴油燃气涡轮组合机 CODOG (= combined diesel on gas turbine)

    826 系数 coefficient

    827 收缩系数 coefficient of contration

    828 动[力]黏度系数 coefficient of dynamic viscosity

    829 膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion

    830 肥瘦系数 coefficient of fineness (or fullness)

    831 波动系数 coefficient of fluctuation

    832 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction

    833 热对流系数 coefficient of heat convection

    834 传热系数 coefficient of heat transmission

    835 [运]动黏度系数 coefficient of kinematic viscosity

    836 线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion

    837 性能系数 coefficient of performance

    838 黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity

    839 膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion

    840 堰舱,围堰 cofferdam

    841 复合燃气涡轮机 COGAG (= combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine)

    842 组合燃气涡轮机 COGOG (= combined gas turbine or gas turbine)

    843 镶齿轮 cog wheel

    844 齿轮泵 cogwheel pump

    845 凝聚 cohesion

    846 1)盘管 2)线圈 coil

    847 抗流线圈 choking coil

    848 冷却线圈 cooling coil

    849 盘管锅炉 coil boiler

    850 盘管冷却器 coiled pipe cooler

    851 盘管热交换器 coil heat exchanger

    852 盘簧,螺旋弹簧 coil spring

    853 棕垫 coir mat

    854 棕索 coir rope

    855 焦煤 coke

    856 焦结煤 coking coal

    857 空气冷冻机 cold air refrigerating machine

    858 冷弯试验,常温弯曲试验 cold bending test

    859 冷脆性 cold brittleness

    860 冷破裂 cold cracking

    861 冷拉管 cold drawn pipe (or tube)

    862 冷拉管 cold drawn tube

    863 冷温滤油机 cold filter

    864 冷温折缘机 cold flanging machine

    865 冷作成型 cold forming

    866 耐冷试验测定 cold resisting measure

    867 冷铆 cold riveting

    868 冷轧钢 cold rolled steel

    869 冷脆性 cold shortness

    870 冷温起动 cold starting

    871 低温状态 cold status

    872 冷藏 cold storage

    873 冷藏船 cold storage boat

    874 冷藏库 cold store (or refrigerating chamber)

    875 冷水管 cold water pipe (CWP)

    876 冷作 cold work (or working)

    877 崩溃 collapse

    878 可折小艇 collapsible boat

    879 1)轴环 2)圈 collar

    880 环领轴承 collar bearing

    881 填补板 collar plate

    882 推力环滚珠[轴]承 collar thrust ball bearing

    883 环领止推轴承 collar thrust bearing

    884 集流管 collecting pipe

    885 集电环 collecting ring

    886 1)集合器 2)集电器 collector

    887 集流环 collector ring

    888 [运]煤船 collier

    889 防碰电达系统 collision avoidance radar system

    890 防碰舱壁 collision bulkhead

    891 塞漏毡,防水垫 collision mat

    892 胶态燃料 colloidal fuel

    893 柱廊 colonnade

    894 色度表,颜色标度,色谱表 colour scale

    895 色幕(有色玻璃) colour screen

    896 测深色管 colour tube

    897 柱 column

    898 柱与棒锚联合稳定型钻油船 column and spud stabilized type drilling rig

    899 柱稳定型钻油船 column-stabilized type drilling rig

    900 计算机输出缩影片 COM (= computer output microfilm)

    901 碳油混合体 COM (= coal oil mixture)

    902 战情中心 combat information center (CIC)

    903 多元散装货轮 combination bulk carrier

    904 混载船 combination carrier

    905 联合控制,组合控制 combination control

    906 组合加热器 combination heater

    907 组合机械 combination machinery

    908 混式涡轮机 combination turbine

    909 有根轮叶 combined blade

    910 复合循环 combined cycle

    911 柴油燃气涡轮复合机 combined diesel and/or gas turbine (CODAG)

    912 柴油燃气涡轮组合机 combined diesel on gas turbine (CODOG)

    913 合并效率 combined efficiency

    914 复合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine (COGAG)

    915 组合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine or gas turbine (COGOG)

    916 组合冲动[式]涡轮机 combined impulse turbine

    917 合成应力,组合应力 combined stress

    918 复合涡轮机 combined turbine

    919 复合阀 combined valve

    920 混构系统 combine system

    921 燃烧损失 combustible loss

    922 可燃材料 combustible material

    923 燃烧 combustion

    924 完全燃烧 complete combustion

    925 燃烧室 combustion chamber

    926 燃烧爆震 combustion knock

    927 燃烧压力 combustion pressure

    928 燃烧率 combustion rate

    929 燃烧记录器 combustion recorder

    930 燃烧速率 combustion speed

    931 燃烧冲程 combustion stroke

    932 燃烧温度 combustion temperature

    933 燃烧器 combustor

    934 确认试验 comfirmation test

    935 指挥管制中心 command control center (CCC)

    936 指挥官,舰长,司令 commander

    937 商船 commercial ship

    938 共通台座 common bed

    939 共通污水管 common bilge piping

    940 普通链环 common link

    941 共通件 common piece

    942 共通构件表 common piece table

    943 普通滑动阀 common slide valve

    944 通讯箱,旗箱 communication box

    945 连络管,通话筒 communication pipe

    946 通讯管 communication tube

    947 连通阀 communication valve

    948 整流,换向 commutation

    949 换向器,整流子 commutator

    950 整流[式]马达 commutator motor

    951 升降口 companion

    952 升降舱口 companion hatch

    953 升降梯 companion ladder

    954 升降口 companion way

    955 比测仪 comparater

    956 舱区,舱 compartment

    957 舱间布置,舱区布置 compartmentation

    958 罗经 compass

    959 室内罗经 cabin compass

    960 罗经校正 compass adjustment

    961 罗经方位角 compass bearing

    962 罗经盆 compass bowl

    963 罗经台 compass bridge

    964 罗经面,罗经 compass card (or dial)

    965 罗经航向 compass course

    966 罗经甲板 compass deck

    967 罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card)

    968 罗经差 compass error

    969 两脚规,圆规 compasses

    970 磁针,罗针 compass (or magnetic) needle

    971 圆刨 compass plane

    972 补偿设施 compensating device

    973 1)补整机构 2)均力装置 compensating gear

    974 室补偿 compensating on chamber

    975 补偿线圈 compensating winding

    976 补助,补偿,补整 compensation

    977 补整环,补强环 compensation ring

    978 补偿水柜 compensation tank

    979 补偿器,调整器 compensator

    980 编译器 compiler

    981 配额,员额 complement

    982 完全退火 complete annealing

    983 完全燃烧 complete combustion

    984 完全循环 complete cycle

    985 全通甲板 complete deck

    986 全通船艛甲板 complete superstructure deck

    987 全通船艛船,轻[结]构船 complete superstructure vessel

    988 完工检查 complete survey

    989 顺应式平台 compliant platform

    990 顺应式钻油台 compliant structures (or systems)

    991 1)成分 2)构件 3)分量 component

    992 合成梁 composite beam

    993 复合锅炉 composite boiler

    994 混合结构 composite construction

    995 复合电焊条 composite electrode

    996 1)混合接头 2)机焊接合 composite joint

    997 [木铁]合构船 composite ship (or vessel )

    998 熔剂(焊接) composition

    999 1)化合物 2)剂 compound

    1000 复[合]装甲 compound armour

      上一篇:游艇专业词典-C(3) 下一篇:游艇专业词典-C(5)


