(1)Our team beat all the others. 我们的球队打败了所有其他球队。
(2)You can leave your luggage with me. 你可以将你的行李存在我这里。
(3)Two weeks you shall have. 你可以有两周的时间。
(4)A lot of help I get from you, young lady! 我可得到你不少帮助啊,年轻的姑娘!
(5)This much we have achieved; but we are not complacent. 我们取得了这么多的成就,但我们并不自满。
(6)She is expecting a baby in July. 她将于7月分娩。
(7)Do you fancy a drink? 想喝一杯吗?
(8)Paper catches fire easily. 纸是易然的。
(9)They won’t hurt us. 他们不会伤害我们。
(10)Where did you buy that? 你在哪儿买的那个?
(11)What does it mean? 它是什么意思?
(12)If you add 5 to 5, you get 10. 5加5得10。
(13)Subtract 2 from 10 and you have 8. 10减去2得8。
(14)I shall do my possible. 我将尽力而为。
(15)He is always helping the poorer than himself. 他总是帮助比他穷困的人。
(16)He left there last week. 他上个星期离开了那里。
(17)You must tell me the when-the where-the how. 你必须告诉我事情是何时、何地和怎样发生的。
①I have no say in it. 我对它没有发言权。(动词say用作宾语)
②Did you say “for” or “against”? 你赞成还是反对?(介词for与against用作宾语)
③But me no buts. 你不要老对我说“但是但是”了。(连词but用作宾语)
(18)Does she really mean to leave home? 她真的要离开家吗?
(19)Remember to buy some stamps, won’t you? 记着买一些邮票好吗?
(20)He denied visiting her house. 他否认去过她的家。
(21)He stopped smoking last week. 他上星期戒烟了。
(22)He never did the unexpected. 他从不做使人感到意外的事。
(23)More and more people like wearing ready-mades now. 现在愈来愈多的人爱穿现成的服装。
(24)The City Health Department is giving us until this evening. 市卫生局给我们的限期是到今晚为止。
(25)That day we sent between three and four thousand shells among the enemy troops. 那一天我们向敌军发射了三、四千发炮弹。
(26)Do you understand what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?
(27)I wondered how old he was. 我不知道他有多大年纪。
(28)He said, “You’re quite wrong.” 他说道,“你全错了。”
(29)How would you explain “Half a loaf is better than no bread”? 你如何解释“半块面包比没有面包好”呢?
(30)Please let me through. 请让我过去。
(31)I must have my hair cut soon. 我得快理发了。
(32)They made the naughty boy go to bed early. 他们强迫那顽皮孩子早点睡觉。
(33)She made a fire. 她生了个火。
(34)He’s digging a hole. 他在挖一个洞。
(35)Baird inverted television. 白尔德发明了电视。
(36)He struck his hand on his knee. 他用手拍膝。
(37)She was pointing her fingers at me. 她用手指指着我。
(38)He wiped his forearm across his lips. 他用前臂擦了擦嘴。
(39)She nodded assent. 她点头表示同意。
(40)They kissed good-bye. 他们吻别了。
(41)She bowed her thanks. 她鞠躬表示感谢。
(42)When the interval came he went out to smoke a pipe. 中间休息时他出去抽烟斗。
(43)She poured out a full cup and presented it to him with both hands. 她斟满了一杯酒然后用双手捧给他。
(44)He wiped off the table. 他将桌子擦拭干净。
(45)Some slept the night in the office. 一些人夜里睡在办公室。
(46)She swam the river. 她游过河。
7)宾语是与动词的同源关系,即所谓同源宾语(cognate object)。这种宾语用在某些不及物动词之后,并往往有定语修饰。如:
(47)Chris will sing a song for us. 克里斯将要给我们唱支歌。
(48)As he slept he dreamed a dream. 他睡中做了一个梦。
(49)Her son died a hero’s death in battle. 她的儿子在战斗中英勇牺牲了。
(50)She lived a happy life. 她生活得幸福。
(51)They fought a hard fight. 他们进行了一场苦斗。
①He ran a mile. 他跑了1英里。
②It weights two kilograms. 它重2千克。
③It costs twenty dollars. 它的价格是20美元。
英语中有些动词需要两个同等的宾语,即直接宾语(direct object)与间接宾语(indirect object)。直接宾语一般指动作的承受者,间接宾语指动作所向的或所为的人或物(多指人)。具有这种双宾语的及物动词叫做与格动词(dative verb),常用的有answer,bring,buy,deny,do,fetch,find,get,give,hand,keep,leave,lend,make,offer,owe,pass,pay,play,promise,read,refuse,save,sell,send,show,sing,take,teach,tell,throw,wish,write等。间接宾语一般须与直接宾语连用,通常放在直接宾语之前。如:
(52)He never made me such excuses. 他从未向我表示过这种歉意。
(53)I have found him a place. 我给他找到了一个职位。
(54)She made her son a scarf. 她为她的儿子做了一条领巾。
(55)I gave my address to him. 我把我的地址给了他。(强调间接宾语him)
(56)He threw the ball to me, not to Tom. 他将球扔给了我,没有扔给汤姆。(强调me和Tom,并使二者形成对照)
(57)I have found a place for Bob, who is my brother. 我给鲍勃找到了一个职位,他是我的兄弟。(间接宾语Bob后有修饰语)
(58)Give it to me. 把它给我。
(59)Why didn’t you show it to him? 你为什么没有将它给他看?
(60)Her affectionate devotion gave to her husband a haven of rest after his long wanderings. 在她的丈夫经过长期流浪之后,她的钟爱之情给他提供了一个避难之所。
(61)To me he owes nothing. 他不欠我什么。(这种被强调的间接宾语一般须带to)
含有这种双宾语的主动句变为被动句时,一般地说,直接宾语和间接宾语皆可用作主语。不用作主语的直接宾语或间接宾语叫做保留宾语(retained object)。如:
(62)He gave me a book yesterday. 昨天他给了我一本书。
(63)I was given a book by him yesterday. 昨天他给了我一本书。
(64)A book was given (to) me by him yesterday. 昨天他给了我一本书。
(65)I kissed her good night. 我用吻向她道了晚安。
(66)I wrote him that he should come at once. 我写信叫他马上来。
(67)I asked him a question. 我问了他一个问题。
(68)I asked him. 我问了他。
(69)I asked a question. 我问了一个问题。
如宾语带有补语,即构成复合宾语(complex object),可以担任复合宾语的有名词、形容词、介词、非限定动词等。如:
(70)The terrorists are holding many people hostage. 这些恐怖分子将许多人扣作人质。(名词作宾语补语)
(71)No one ever saw him angry. 从未有人见他恼怒过。(形容词作宾语补语)
(72)They found treasure in the chest. 他们在那只箱子里找到了珠宝。(介词短语作宾语补语)
(73)The comrades asked Dr. Bethune to take cover. 同志们请白求恩大夫隐蔽了一下。(不定式作宾语补语)
(74)Aren’t you ashamed to have everybody laughing at you? 你弄得人们都笑你,难道不害臊?(现在分词作宾语补语)
(75)The kings had the pyramids built for them. 这些国王为他们自己建造了金字塔。(过去分词作宾语补语)
(76)I said it only in fun. 我只是说笑而已。
(77)The school is just past the church. 过了教堂就是学校。
(78)Drinks are on me! 酒钱归我付!
(79)They were elected from among the workers. 他们是从工人当中选出的。
不少介词与动词已构成固定的短语动词,所以介词的宾语亦变为短语动词的宾语,如think of,listen to,insist on,persist in,yearn for,aim at,look for,abide by,account for,agree with,fall behind,live by,pay for等等。有的介词则与“动词+名词”一起构成固定的短语动词,如take care of,pay attention to等等。
介词亦可与“连系动词be+形容词”构成固定词组,如be fond of,be careful about,be angry with,be eager for等等。
(80)I am unable to move. 我动不了啦。
(81)It’s sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。
(82)She is always ready to give a hand. 她总是愿意帮助人。
14.8 补语
补语(complement)是一种补足主语和宾语的意义的句子成分。补足主语意义的句子成分叫做主语补语(subject complement),补足宾语的意义的句子成分叫做宾语补语(object complement)。
(1)Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. 我又累又困,就去睡了。
(2)Steady and punctual, he started writing and left off at the same hours each day. 他持稳而准时,每天皆按时开始和停止写作。
(3)The man, cruel beyond belief, didn’t listen to their pleadings. 那人不可置信地残酷,不听取他们的恳求。
(4)Chen, only 1.30 meters tall, won her third gold when she triumphed in the individual floor exercises. 陈只有1.30米高,却在个人自由体操中获得成功而第三次夺得金牌。
(5)Maggie gaped round-eyed. 玛吉目瞪口呆。
(6)Are you all right ? You act strange. 你病了吗?你不点异乎寻常呀。
(7)He was found dead. 他被发现死了。(在主动句中dead是宾语补语)
(8)He got off the bench very nervous. 他不安地从长凳上下来。
(9)She gazed at him speechless for a moment. 她无言凝视了他一会儿。
(10)Her gaze traveled round, irresolute. 她犹豫不决,向四周凝视。
(11)He found a young and beautiful girl, who kept shouting and crying, obviously mad. 他发现了一个年轻貌美的姑娘,这个姑娘又喊又哭,分明是疯了。
(12)He was called Oliver Barret. 他名叫奥利弗•巴雷特。(名词用作主语补语,位于被动语态之后)
(13)Lincoln was born a poor farmer’s boy and died President of the United States. 林肯生下来时是一个贫苦农民的儿子,死时则是美国的总统。(名词短语a poor farmer’s boy是主语补语,位于被动语态之后;名词短语President of the United States亦用作主语补语,位于谓语动词之后)
(14)He was seen to go upstairs. 有人看见他上楼去了。(不定式短语用作主语补语,位于被动语态之后)
(15)Starting as a street vendor, he is now general manager of a trading corporation in Beijing. 他原来是一个街道摊贩,现在则是北京一家贸易公司的总经理。(现在分词短语用作主语补语)
(16)He came home quite changed. 他回到家时已完全变了。(过去分词短语用作主语补语)
(17)He came home out of humour. 他回到家时很不高兴。(介词短语用作主语补语,位于谓语动词之后)
(18)People are just born what color they are. 人们的肤色是天生的。(名词性从句用作主语补语)
(19)As a true friend he stood by me to the end. 作为我的真挚朋友,他助我一直到底。(用作主语补语的名词之前有as)
(20)He is a model worker and he is respected as such. 他是一位模范工作者,并因此受到尊敬。(用作主语补语的代词之前必须有as)
(21)Even as a young boy, he was regarded as very promising. 他早在少年时代已被认为将大有作为。(用作主语补语的名词短语a young boy之前有even as;用作主语补语的形容词短语very promising之前有as,as在此不可少)
(22)The successful enterprise will go down in local history as representing the best that our town can do. 这项企业将以本市的楷模而永垂于本市的历史。(用作主语补语的现在分词短语之前有as ,此as亦不可少)
(23)He was taken for my brother. 他被误认作我的兄弟。
(24)John wears his hair very long. 约翰留着很长的头发。
(25)She has her hands black. 她把手弄黑了。(如说black hands,则意谓她手的肤色是黑的)
(26)He pushed open the door, went into the hall. 他将门推开,进入了大厅。(强调the door)
(27)As the main eating implement, the Chinese use chopsticks every day. 中国人每天都要用筷子作为主要的吃饭用具。(为了强调)
(28)They named the child Jimmy. 他们将孩子命名为吉米。(名词用作宾语补语)
(29)My mother looks so young that you would think her my sister. 我的母亲面很嫩,你会以为她是我的姐姐。(名词短语用作宾语补语)
(30)She boiled the egg hard. 她将鸡蛋煮老了。(形容词用作宾语补语)
(31)I found the book very interesting. 我发现这本书很有趣。(形容词短语用作宾语补语)
(32)The comrades wanted Dr. Bethune to take cover. 同志们要白求恩大夫隐蔽了一下。(不定式用作宾语补语)
(33)Tom is ill. Let’s go and see him. 汤姆病了,我们去看看吧。(不定式短语用作宾语补语)
(34)I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. 我把这个叫做拆东干墙补西墙。(动名词短语用作宾语补语)
(35)I have guests coming. 我不客人要来。(现在分词用作宾语补语)
(36)Can I have this parcel weighed here? 我可以在这儿称一下这个包裹吗?(过去分词短语用作宾语补语)
(37)I found everything in good condition. 我发现一切情况都很好。(介词短语用作宾语补语)
(38)I regard this as of great importance. 我认为这个具有重要意义。
(39)Don’t take his kindness for granted. 不要把他的友善看作是当然的事。