--no, not, none, neither, never, deny等
-- fail to, absence from, lack(of), refuse to, little, few
I write to my parents every month.
I never fail to write to my parents every month.
He is little known as an artist.
He is not a famous artist
hatless: not wearing a hat
salt-free: without salt
a bulletproof car: a car designed not to be harmed by bullets
because(of), since, for, as, due to, owing to, In that, so(that), therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently...
We didn't know what to do as we were just visiting there.
The delay is owing to the crowded traffic.
This book is different from that book in that this one is about chemistry and that one about history.
cause, lead to, make,render, stimulate, spur, spark, push, motivate, prompt, be responsible to
Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.
Your action has rendered our contract invalid.
derive from, result from, come from, originate from, initiate from,
His illness resulted from bad food.
maximum, favorite, outstanding, top...
-The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour
I've never heard a better voice.
China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.
George did more work than anyone else
I like nothing better than swimming.
if, unless, supposing (that), suppose (that), providing / provided (that), in case, as long as, on condition that
1) In case the house burns down, we’ll get the insurance money.
2) You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.
3) You can borrow the book, on condition that you don’t lend it to anyone else.
1. 表示并列关系
likewise,in (much) the same way,similarly/similar to,vice versa,also/as well as,not only … but also …,both … and …, neither … nor …, like/just like, equally,or/and
but/yet, however, in contrast (to), conversely, though/although, nevertheless, in spite of/despite, on the contrary, even if/even though, instead (of), different from/differ from, while