第一题 what time in a year you like most?
第二题 Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.
Task 1 Describe a job or career that you admire but do not want to take7
Task 2 Some people think that students should study during weekends, but others think that they should relax and to socialize
Task 1 people you admire
Task 2 University是应该用fund来提供more entertainment还是来academic program
Task 1 teacher doctor farmer哪个对社会重要
Task 2 是否做自己喜欢做的工作重要
Task 1 介绍一项你想要学习的技艺并且说明原因(运用细节和例子)
Task 2 同不同意学生在上大学之前先休息一年做准备?
Task 1 讲你喜欢的一种放松的方式;
Task 2 你是喜欢在教室内学习还是教室外;
Task 1 Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you
Task 2 Someone perfer to have classes on the day and do parttime job in the evening while others perfer have classes in the evening and do a parttime job on the day. Which would you perfer?
Task 1 describe your first time to go to school when you were young, you like it or not
Task 2 popular celebrities,like singers, actors,athletes are good examples for the young to learn?
Task 1 describe a subject that you enjoy studying
Task 2 should children be required to do household tasks as soon as they are old enough
Task 1 在天气晴朗的日子,最喜欢到那个outdoor place去做运动。
Task 2 在summer vocation,有些学生留在学校学习,有些去take a job或者relax,你呢?
Task 1 if you could do one thing for your community, what will you do and why
Task 2 Some students like to regularly review their notes, others like to review their notes just before test, state your choice and explain why
Task 1 Unforgettable event in ur college, how do u feel about it?
Task 2 Never too old to go to college, agree or not
Task 1 What quality do you think is the most important to be a university student? Highly motivated, hard working, or intelligent?
Task 1 描述最喜欢的一个玩偶或游戏
Task 2 希望有经验的老师教自己,还是新手老师教自己。
Task 1 说一个你喜欢的老师,以及你为什么喜欢。
Task 2 你喜欢对变化作出立即反应和决断,还是经过深思熟虑后再做决定?
Task 1 Your favorite place in the city.
Task 2 When you have problems, you will ask advisor for help or search it through internet or library.
Task 1 你朋友突然天上掉馅饼地获得了一笔钱,问你他该怎么处置这笔钱,你怎么建议?
Task 2 人们说穿衣就要按照时尚潮流穿,你觉得呢?
Task 1 While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty; loyalty or sense of humor?
Task 2 Some people prefer reading newspaper or magazine to get news; others prefer watching television or listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?
Task 1 工作环境最重要的你认为是以下的: 1.好的同事,2.灵活的工作时间。3.好的老板
Task 2 cell phones change our life greatly?
第一题 important day in your life why?
第二题 watch television is not a good way to use time
Task 1 event happened in the history, tell why you want to learn more about the event..
Task 2 people dress can express their peesonality or not
Task 1 你和家人/朋友的一次special event
Task 2 去没去过的地方旅游,还是去去过的地方旅游。
Task 1 Describe a good period of time in your life.
Task 2 Some people prefer to listen to live music, while others prefer to listen to live music, while others prefer to listen to recorded music.
Task 1 describe on positive experience and the result
Task 2 do you think learning events take place in the past or present is more important
Task 1 生活中的make your life easier 的tool \equipment\object
Task 2 当遇到困难时是自己做还是找伙伴大家一起做
Task 1 为了让学生更好的了解营养和保健,学校开设厨艺课,你觉得这个决策合理吗?
Task 2 是否认为老师和蔼可亲学生可以学到更多?
Task 1 Which technology has made the greatest impact on people's life in your country? Airplane,computer or television.
Task 2 Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas.
Task 1 如果别人去你国家,你推荐什么食物给他?and why?
Task 1 Where do you prefer to go shopping?
Task 1 the most important development of your country in the past 20/25 years
Task 1 描述一下你的MODEL人物
Task 2 小孩应不应该学习draw or paint
Task 2 Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?
Task 1 Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting
Task 2 Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions.
Task 1 我们现在社会面临着很严重的环境问题,选取一个你认为有用的方法来save our planet。
Task 2 你是愿意carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?比如说money。
Task 1 你不喜欢哪种音乐。给出原因。
Task 2 有的university student 进行school work,有的参加 club activity。你认为选哪种好,并举例说明
Task 1 Describe your favorite movie star or singer.
Task 2 Do you prefer to plan every detail of the vacation or leave every detail flexible open to change?
Task 1 do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class.
Task 2 someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it.what's your preference?
Task 2 listening the audio 书和read book 你喜欢那个
Task 1 你的一个朋友想要养个宠物,问你的建议
Task 2 fictional和nonfictional,喜欢哪个?
Task 1 working with children,with community?三选一,
Task 2 体育节目是不是个好的休闲方式。
Task 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to watch television at school?
Task 2 通过电子邮件留作业还是当堂留
口语1 你觉得你的朋友最喜欢你的哪方面:cheerfulness, kindness, intelligently.三选一
口语2 如果让你选上一节课for fun, which one do you choose? art class, science class 而选一
Task 1 说一个你已经会了但是想提高的技能
Task 2 是否同意在人们购买东西的时候,广告has too much influence