On Tuesday afternoon, as news about the Virginia Tech murders filtered out, the staff of a hamburger restaurant in downtown Austin gathered in front of a television suspended over the bar. A boyish-looking waiter speculated that if the gunman had really used a 9mm handgun, he must have had an accomplice. That handgun can hold a fair number of bullets, he said, but the gunman would have had to stop to reload.
It is not unusual for a Texan to be casually conversant about firearms. A state resident does not need a permit to buy a gun and guns do not have to be registered. Police are, as a result, not sure how many guns there are in the state. But the number is substantial. In a 2001 poll by the Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 36% of respondents said that their household had at least one.
The state's gun laws are lax, and becoming more so all the time. In March Governor Rick Perry signed a bill into law that gives increased discretion to open fire. Previously, Texans were justified in killing someone only if “a reasonable person in the actor's situation would not have retreated”. The new law, which takes effect in September, eliminates the need for escape attempts. It assumes that the otherwise law-abiding citizen had a good reason for standing their ground. It also gives shooters immunity from civil suits.
The law has plenty of critics. Law-enforcement officials say the duty to retreat saves lives because it discourages people from escalating conflicts. The new law seems to protect hysterical trigger-fingers who feel themselves genuinely threatened when no real threat exists. The law was probably not necessary anyway. There is no carjacking crisis in the state. And juries have never been sticklers about the duty to retreat. There is widespread sympathy for the idea that, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it in 1921, “Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.”
Still, the bill flew through the legislature with broad support. In a way, it simply marks a return to form for the state. Texas did not acknowledge a duty to retreat until 1973. And Texas is just the 16th state to pass such legislation since Florida did so in 2005. Florida's law goes even further, as it presumes that any cat burglar has murderous intent.
Texans largely support gun ownership, despite the fact that the state has experienced mass murders of its own. In 1966 Charles Whitman, a student at the University of Texas at Austin, shot almost 50 passers-by from the top of the campus clock tower. Sixteen died. And in 1991 George Hennard drove his truck into a restaurant in the small town of Killeen, where he killed 23 patrons before killing himself. Before this week, those episodes were, respectively, the deadliest campus shooting and the worst mass shooting in America's history.
1. The waiter speculated that the murderer must have had an accomplice because _____.
[A] the murderer was too young to commit such a serious murder by himself
[B] the murderer need an aid to reload bullets for him
[C] the murderer need someone to carry the weapon for him
[D] the murderer was instigated by some behind the curtain
2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the bill signed by the governor?
[A] The bill could better safeguard the law-abiding citizen.
[B] The bill will encourage people to use guns more frequently.
[C] The bill will make the gun laws of Texas more lax.
[D] The bill will ensure the duty to retreat.
3. Towards the new gun law of Texas, the law-enforcement officials' attitude can be said to be _____.
[A] supportive
[B] opposing
[C] indifferent
[D] unclear
4. The idea conveyed by Oliver Wendell Holmes' statement is _____.
[A] that people will naturally resist when feeling threatened
[B] that people will need to protect themselves when facing crisis
[C] that people naturally feel threatened even there is no real danger
[D] that people will retreat when finding the danger
5. Which one of the following is TRUE of Texas' law?
[A] Texas is the 16th state to pass the duty to retreat through the legislature.
[B] Texas' new law won broad support from gun owners.
[C] Florida's law goes too far away when compared with the new law of Texas.
[D] The new law was passed quite smoothly.
1. The waiter speculated that the murderer must have had an accomplice because _____.
[A] the murderer was too young to commit such a serious murder by himself
[B] the murderer need an aid to reload bullets for him
[C] the murderer need someone to carry the weapon for him
[D] the murderer was instigated by some behind the curtain
1. 侍者推测凶手一定有同谋,因为 _____。
[A] 凶手太年轻了,不可能单独一个人犯下这么严重的罪行
[B] 凶手需要助手给自己装子弹
[B] 凶手需要有人为自己拿武器
[C] 凶手受到幕后人的指使
答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆☆
2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the bill signed by the governor?
[A] The bill could better safeguard the law-abiding citizen.
[B] The bill will encourage people to use guns more frequently.
[C] The bill will make the gun laws of Texas more lax.
[D] The bill will ensure the duty to retreat.
2. 关于州长签署的议案,下列哪个陈述是正确的?
[A] 议案可以更好地保护遵纪守法的公民。
[B] 议案会鼓励人们更频繁地使用枪支。
[C] 议案使得得州的枪支法律更为宽松。
[D] 议案保证了退却义务。
答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆
3. Towards the new gun law of Texas, the law-enforcement officials' attitude can be said to be _____.
[A] supportive
[B] opposing
[C] indifferent
[D] unclear
3. 对于得克萨斯州新的枪支法令,法律执行官员的态度可以说是 _____。
[A] 支持的
[B] 反对的
[C] 不关心的
[D] 不明确的
答案:B 难度系数:☆
4. The idea conveyed by Oliver Wendell Holmes' statement is _____.
[A] that people will naturally resist when feeling threatened
[B] that people will need to protect themselves when facing crisis
[C] that people naturally feel threatened even there is no real danger
[D] that people will retreat when finding the danger
4. Oliver Wendell Holmes的话表达的意思是 _____。
[A] 人们感到威胁时会自然地起来抵抗
[B] 人们会在面临危机的时候需要保护自己
[C] 即使没有危险,人们也会感到受到了威胁
[D] 人们发现危险时会撤退
答案:A 难度系数:☆☆☆
分析:推理题。Oliver Wendell Holmes所说的话为:“面对已经举起的刀时,不能要求人们没有任何反应。”结合上下文,上文谈的是这项法律是没有必要存在的,提到这句话是为了反对法律允许人们不管是否有逃跑的企图都可以开枪。这句话引申到枪支上,也就是说人们看到枪支时不会无动于衷,一般会发生抵抗,这样会造成更大的冲突。因此,选项A最为符合题意。
5. Which one of the following is TRUE of Texas' law?
[A] Texas is the 16th state to pass the duty to retreat through the legislature.
[B] Texas' new law won broad support from gun owners.
[C] Florida's law goes too far away when compared with the new law of Texas.
[D] The new law was passed quite smoothly.
5. 关于得州的法律,下列哪个陈述是正确的?
[A] 得州是第16个经过立法机构通过退却义务的州。
[B] 得州的新法律得到了枪支拥有者们的广泛支持。
[C] 相比得州的新法律,佛罗里达州的法律走得太远了。
[D] 新法律顺利通过。
答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆
该州的枪支法律不是很严格,而且有越来越松的倾向。3月份,Rick Perry州长签署了一项议案,赋予了开枪的自由。以前,只有在“行动者为有理智的人且没有逃跑”的情况下,得克萨斯人开枪才是合法的。而将于9月份生效的新法律却去掉了辨别是否有逃跑企图的这种需要。新法律认为,守法公民有理由坚持他们的立场。这也将使得开枪者免于民事诉讼。
该法律受到了许多批评。法律执行官员称,退却义务可以救命,因为这能防止冲突升级。新法律似乎在保护那些易冲动开枪的人,他们在没有真正威胁的情况下却感觉到自己受到了威胁。该法律可能不是必需的。在该州并没有劫车的危险,陪审团也并未坚持要求退却义务。公众普遍认同Oliver Wendell Holmes于1921年提出的建议:“面对已经举起的刀时,不能要求人们没有任何反应。”
得克萨斯州的人们支持拥有枪支合法,尽管该州曾多次经历过大规模的杀人事件。1966年,位于奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学的一名学生Charles Whitman从学校钟塔上向近50名行人开枪,导致16人死亡。1991年,George Hennard驾驶自己的卡车冲入Killeen镇的一家餐馆,杀死了23名顾客,最后自杀。而在本周前发生的是美国历史上最为恐怖的校园枪击案,也是最残酷的多人被杀枪击案。