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    Soaring US Trade Deficit Fuels Tension


    The US trade deficit soared in August as surging Chinese imports worsened global economic imbalances and stoked rising American anger with China’s exchange rate policy.

    美国8 月份贸易逆差猛增。美国认为从中国的进口激增加剧了全球经济的失衡,引发美国对中国汇率政策的愤怒。

    The data, published on Thursday, come ahead of Friday’s release deadline for the US Treasury’s twice-yearly report on exchange rates, in which it has to decide whether or not formally to name China as a currency manipulator.


    Despite congressional pressure, the Treasury has so far refrained from using the label, arguing that it makes no practical difference to relations with Beijing.


    The figures released by the commerce department showed the deficit in goods and services widening by 8.7 per cent to $46.3bn.


    That figure was the second highest gap of the year, exceeding economists’ expectations.


    The rise was driven by US businesses stocking up on consumer goods and cars at the end of summer.


    Exports ticked up by 0.22 per cent to $153.8bn, the highest level in two years, but were outstripped by imports, which jumped by 2.1 per cent to $200.2bn.

    美国的对外出口也有小幅度的增加,上浮0.22 个百分点,至1538 亿美元,创两年来出口额的最高水平。但出口增幅明显不如进口,进口增加2.1%,至2002 亿美元。

    “The structural US trade deficit continues to persist on the lack of Chinese demand for US exports,”said Michael Woolfolk, analyst, BNY Mellon Global Markets.


    In August, imports from China rose by 6.1 per cent to a record $35.3bn.

    8 月份,美国从中国的进口增加6.1%,达353 亿美元,

    That left a US trade shortfall with its most politically sensitive trading partner at a record $28bn at a time when the US is intensifying its scrutiny of China for creating trade imbalances by undervaluing the renminbi.

    这是个创纪录的数字,使美国与中国这对政治上最敏感的贸易伙伴的逆差额飙升至史无前例的280 亿美元。美国一直以来都在关注因中国不愿让人民币升值而造成的贸易失衡。

    Economists expect imports to the US to cool as the end of the year nears because consumer demand remains tepid.


    Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics, notes that much of the expansion of the deficit in August was due to rising oil prices and a drop in aircraft orders.

    高频经济学的首席美国经济学家伊恩·谢泼德森指出,8 月份贸易逆差的扩大很大程度上是由于油价上升和飞机订单下降。

    The US deficit with China accounts for about half of its shortfall with the rest of the world. US deficits with the European Union, Canada and Japan also widened in August.





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