The world’s three richest women are Chinese—as are 11 of the top 20, showed the Hurun List of Self-Made Women Billionaires published on Thursday.
周四发布的《胡润白手起家女富豪排行榜》显示,全世界依靠自己能力发家致富的女富豪中前三名都是中国人,前20 名中11 人是中国人。
Nandani Lynton, of the China-Europe International Business School in Shanghai, identified political and social factors for making a scrap paper lady from China richer than the doyennes of Zara, Gap, Benetton and Ebay.
南达尼·琳敦教授供职于上海中欧国际工商学院,她分析了中国废纸女王张茵财富超过Zara、Gap、Benetton 及Ebay 女掌门人背后的政治与社会因素,
“Mao made an incredible difference when he said women hold up half the sky. Since then it has been assumed that all women in China will work.” said Ms Lynton.
Chinese women are also among the most ambitious on earth, according to a study from the Center for Work-Life Policy in New York, which found 76 percent of women in China aspired to top jobs, compared with 52 percent in the US.
Working mothers in China and other Bric countries “are able to aim high, in part because they have more shoulders to lean on than their American and European peers when it comes to childcare”, the center noted.
With an average work week of 71 hours for Chinese women, cheap childcare is essential, and in China is often provided by grandparents-four for every only child.
中国女性每周平均工作71 小时,因此价格低廉的托儿服务不可或缺。在中国,这种服务常常由祖父母提供——往往四个祖父母带一个孩子。
Nandani Lynton noted that it was not just the availability of cheap or free childcare but also the absence of any stigma attached to using it that helped Chinese women dominate the global rich lists.