Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics contract manufacturer, is revamping the pay structure at its main production base in southern China in a move that could end up the cost structure of global electronics production.
Following a 30 percent wage increase from July 1, the group said workers who reach certain performance standards would now also get an additional 66 percent pay rise from October 1.
7 月1 日富士康已经给工人加薪30%,之后又表示会从10 月1 日起给达到一定业绩标准的工人额外加薪66%。
“The monthly wage for all first-line employees and their line leaders and supervisors in Shenzhen will be elevated to Rmb2,000 as early as October 1 2010, ” if the workers successfully passed a three-month evaluation period, the company said.
富士康表示,“最早从10 月1 日起,深圳工厂中所有‘一线’员工及线长、组长的月薪将增加到2000 元,只要员工能成功通过为期3 个月的考核期。”
The wage increase comes as a spate of suicide among workers in Foxconn’s largest plant and a strike at a Honda factory in China have triggered calls for better conditions for the tens of millions of migrant workers who have been powering China’s export-manufacturing machine.
Foxconn’s decision is the clearest sign yet of major changes in the labor conditions in export manufacturing in China.
Foxconn, which makes electronic gadgets such as iPhones and PlayStation video game consoles, is China ’s largest employer with a headcount of 800,000, and has been the country’s largest exporter every year since 2003.
富士康,这家生产iPhone 和PlayStation 视频游戏机等电子产品的企业,拥有全中国最多的雇员,员工80 万名。自2003 年以来,每年都是中国最大的出口企业。
Foxconn executives said they could not predict how the additional cost would be shared but expected customers to help shoulder the burden.
The latest increase would more than double the basic pay of assembly line workers in Shenzhen and bring it to a level they currently only reach by working 12-hour shifts six days a week.
最新的加薪举措使富士康深圳工厂流水线工人的基本工资提高一倍多。目前工人想要挣到这么多钱,必需一周工作6 天、每天工作12 个小时。
The increase exceeds the demands of some labor activists who had rejected Foxconn’s earlier 30 per cent pay rise as too little too late.
Activists said the group needed to increase pay by at least 50 per cent to give workers a decent income without massive overtime.