Johnny Depp has been named as the highest paid actor in Hollywood thanks to his role in Alice in Wonderland, according to Forbes. The actor earned £50m for portraying the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s 3-D version.
据《福布斯》称,强尼·戴普因出演由蒂姆·伯顿执导的3D 影片《爱丽丝漫游仙境》中的“疯帽匠”一角而大赚五千万英镑,收入居众星之首。
The Disney film has grossed $1 billion at the worldwide box office, making Depp the only actor to headline two $1 billion films, the other being Pirates of the Caribbean.
这部迪斯尼公司出品的影片全球总票房已达10 亿美元,使戴普成为首位主演两部票房超10 亿美元影片的男星,另一部影片为《加勒比海盗》。
Depp also landed a big upfront payday estimated at more than £15m for The Tourist starring alongside Angelina Jolie.
Last year Depp was 10th place on the Forbes annual list of top earning actors with a salary of £18m.
在去年男演员收入排行榜中,戴普凭借1800 万英镑的收入位居第10。
The 47-year-old actor is currently filming the latest instalment of the Pirates series in Hawaii.
这位47 岁的男演员目前正在夏威夷紧锣密鼓地拍摄《加勒比海盗》的最新一集。
Comic Ben Stiller is named as the second on the top earning actors list with £38m. also received an estimated £10m for the third in the series of “Meet the Fockers” with Robert De Niro.
喜剧演员本·斯蒂勒以3800 万英镑的收入位居其次。由本·斯蒂勒主演的《博物馆奇妙夜2》大获成功。据估计,他还因与罗伯特·德尼罗联袂出演《拜见岳父大人3》而入账一千万英镑。
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is the only British star on the top 10 list for 2010, which was dominated by US actors.
His income for last June to June 2010 was put at £16.6m. He has completed filming the last in the series of the Potter films and his next role will be in the ghost story “Woman in Black”.
他在去年6 月至今年6 月间共入账1660 万英镑。他已经完成了“哈里·波特”系列影片“大结局”的拍摄,接下来将出演恐怖片《黑衣女人》。
Forbes calculated the rankings by surveying agents, managers, producers and lawyers to determine what the stars were paid.
They also took into account money they received as a percentage of the box office profits.