Today's fashion designers change styles much too fast, partly due to twice-yearly collections, making it harder to create couture that lasts for years, designer Pierre Cardin said on Tuesday.
In Tokyo for a show co-sponsored by a Japanese department store, the 88-year-old doyen of French fashion also said that it is now much harder for designers than when he first started in the business roughly 60 years ago.
皮尔·卡丹是在东京参加由某日本百货商场共同赞助的时装秀时发表上述观点的。这位 88 岁的法国时装界元老还说,现在当个服装设计师要比他 60年前刚踏进这一行时难得多。
“After the war, there were very few designers. Now there are so many designers around the world, in every country.
他在新闻发布会上说: “战争结束那会儿,服装设计师紧缺。而现在满世界都是服装设计师。
It is impossible to change the fashions every year, every six months,” he told a news conference.
根本不可能每年甚至每六个月就转变一次时装风格。 ”
“There are lots of designs that are very beautiful, crazy, fantastic on the eyes, but they are not making fashion for tomorrow.
You can see it anywhere... but four or five years later, no fashion.”
你到处都可以看见它们,然而四五年过后,这些衣服就不再时尚。 ”
Cardin also said that when he launched his own label in 1950 he was told that what he was doing was “impossible” and that only belief in himself and obsession carried him through.
卡丹还说,当他在1950年开创自己的品牌时,人们都说他在做一件“不可能成功的事情” ,是他对自己的信念和对服装设计的痴迷才帮助他走到了今天。
“At the time I was told that trying to make what I did was like trying to walk on the moon-impossible.
他说: “那时候别人告诉我,我想要做到的事情就好比是月球漫步,是不可能的。
It was my strategy to believe that one day a man goes up,” he said. “My work was like an addiction. That’ s why I’ ve been able to do it for so long.”
但我相信,一个人总有一天会熬出头。 ”“我痴迷于我的工作,这也是我为什么能够坚持做这么久的原因。 ”
Cardin has become a household name on products around the world from couture clothing to alarm clocks.
He was the first Western couturier to turn to Japan as a high fashion market in the late 1950s and later China in 1975.