Unit 23
Jim Clark, 55, is the first person ever to start three companies that each grew to be worth more than $1 billion—an achievement celebrated in Michael Lewis’ best-selling book, The New New Thing. Clark saw in primitive computer graphics chips the potential for powerful new workstations built by Silicon Graphics. He looked at a simple interface for websites, and turned it into the Netscape Web browser. And he most recently has exploited the potential of the Web for dispensing medical information through a company called Healtheon. Each of these ideas has netted Clark a cool billion or so. Shouldn’t such a visionary come up with a similarly new way of giving those bucks away?
Well, no. Clark has bestowed his money the old-fashioned way—by attaching his name to a building at Stanford University, his alma mater. His $150 million grant, establishing the Jim C. Clark Center for Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, reflects his belief that just as computer technology has been driving today’s economy, biotech will power it over the next 40 years. “Some people say you should give where the need is greatest,” he says, shrugging. “But that’s the job for government. For me, with only a few billion, I have more impact targeting a specific priority.”
Clark also wanted to reward Stanford, whose labs he used while engineering the chip for his Silicon Graphics workstations. And this was the sort of philanthropic gesture that would still leave him time to have fun running companies, building yachts and flying helicopters. Clark has a personal insight into why some tech multimillionaires postpone serious charitable giving. At one point in 1998, he watched the value of his Netscape stock erode from $2 billion to $200 million. And other wealthy techies have seen similar wild swings in their personal fortunes. Explains Clark: “When you see your net worth drop like that, you think, ‘If this keeps going, I’m going to have to sell my airplane.’”
Clark is critical of some of his Silicon Valley brethren who haven’t been as generous, despite their multibillion-dollar net worth. He hopes his gift will spur other tech billionaires to action, particularly Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David Filo, who don’t discuss specifics of any giving they may have done—and who Clark believes have been too frugal. “These guys actually ran the Yahoo servers out of Stanford,” says Clark. “They should be giving something back. These guys are young, but they’ve got more money than me. Or take Larry Ellison; he should be doing more.”
But Clark remains optimistic: “These new-money guys, first they have to get a couple of houses, the plane. At that point they’ll think about: How can I do something more impacting?”
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2003年真题Text 2。
1. The author begins his article with Clark’s experience to ______.
A) show the great achievements of Clark
B) show the richness of Clark
C) show the payback of Clark’s brilliant ideas
D) show Clark’s desire to get fortunes
2. Clark believes that the bestowal of the money ______.
A) should be done in an old way
B) should take the form of generosity
C) should be given in a limited field
D) should involve all rich men
3. The founders of Yahoo are mentioned to show ______.
A) their way of saving money
B) their ungenerosity and less interest in donating
C) Clark’s contempt of the new money
D) their difficulty in getting rich
4. Clark’s attitude toward his Silicon Valley brethren is of ______.
A) strong disapproval
B) reserved consent
C) slight contempt
D) enthusiastic support
5. From the text we learn that Larry Ellison is ______.
A) a Yuppie
B) Clark’s competitor
C) a successful techie
D) a young tech billionaire
Silicon Graphics 硅谷图形公司
Netscape 网景公司
Healtheon 健康保险网络公司
net /net/ vt. 净赚,净得,赢利
cool /kuːl/ adj. 〈口〉/用以加强语气/(数额)不折不扣的,整整的
visionary /ˈvɪʒənəri/ n. 幻想家;空想家,梦想者
attach one’s name to 在…上签名
engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə/ vt. 设计,修建;操纵;指挥;策划
philanthropic /fɪlənˈθrɒpɪk/ adj. 慈善(事业)的;博爱的
have an insight into 有对…的了解,有对…的洞察力,识破
postpone /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ vt. 使延期,推迟,搁置(until, till, to, for);把…放在次要地位(to)
charitable /ˈtʃærɪtəb(ə)l/ adj. 仁慈的;慈善的
erode /ɪˈrəʊd/ v. (遭)侵蚀;(被)腐蚀;受到破坏
techie /teki/ n. 电脑迷,电脑专家,电脑高手(“tech”是“technology”的缩略形式,techie结尾为“-ie”,表示人。这个词是上个世纪80年代早期计算机变得越来越普及的时候出现的,意思是高级电脑技师,或对计算机技术很熟悉的人,尤指计算机编程人员或迷恋计算机技术的人)
swing /swɪŋ/ n. 剧变;摆动
net worth 资本净值
critical /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ adj. 有判断力的;批评的;批判的
be critical of sth. 对某事表示谴责
brethren /ˈbreðrən/ n. 教友;同道,同业
frugal /ˈfruːg(ə)l/ adj. 节俭的;俭朴的
new-money guy 暴发户,新贵
1. Jim Clark(吉姆·克拉克):硅谷图形公司、网景公司、健康保险网络公司的创始人、董事长;资产:25亿美元;财富积累时间:17年;格言:“最初的几百万最难赚。”国际畅销书作家刘易斯花了18个月的时间,贴身采访这位硅谷传奇人物,让世人得以一窥硅谷之所以成为硅谷的奥秘,那就是致富并不在于制造新电脑,而是在于设计新事物让电脑来执行;也就是永远不满足现状,不断寻求突破,比新还要更新。
2. The New New Thing(新新事物):经济学家罗莫提出的“新增长理论”强调科技在经济成长过程中扮演的重要角色,这就等于强调新新事物的重要性。不过,他也提出另一个更深入的理由,说明科技为什么会日新月异、千变万化。“一旦认定现实生活还有精益求精的空间,就是认定现有成就外还有更大的可能,只要稍有变动,已知的世界将截然不同。我们不得不接受一个事实:如今已知的世界,只是一长串偶发事件的结果。”
3. Michael Lewis(迈克尔·刘易斯):出生于新奥尔良,毕业于美国普林斯顿大学和英国伦敦经济学院,曾任所罗门兄弟公司的债券交易员,后来成为《纽约时报》的撰稿人和英国《观察家周刊》的美国版编辑,目前是加州大学伯克利分校新闻学院的客座研究员。他的成名之作《说谎者的扑克牌》被公认是描写80年代华尔街文化的经典名作,至今仍然在亚马逊书店热销,其中的精彩片段被各种媒体广为引用。他这一成名作及2000年的《一个想法一千万》是对变革的两个时代最真实细腻的写照,对美国商业文化产生了重大的影响。在福布斯2001年评选的20年来最伟大的20本商业书籍中,他的两本著作全部入选。
His $150 million grant, establishing the Jim C. Clark Center for Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, reflects his belief that just as computer technology has been driving today’s economy, biotech will power it over the next 40 years.
主体句式:His grant reflects his belief that...
结构分析:主语是grant,establishing部分是现在分词作伴随状语来修饰grant,谓语是reflects,that引导同位语从句来解释belief。注意从句中just as的用法,意为“正如…一样”,后面可跟句子。
1. A 细节题。原文指出克拉克是创办3家价值超过10亿美元的大公司的第一人,并把此称为an achievement,所以选A。
2. B 细节题。从句子“Clark is critical of some of his Silicon Valley brethren who haven’t been as generous, despite their multibillion-dollar net worth.”我们可看出克拉克对于其他富翁吝啬的举动是持否定态度的。而他本人又给母校斯坦福捐赠了1.5亿美元,由此可以看出他的慷慨。第二段末尾提到克拉克认为捐赠最好“targeting a specific priority”,但这并不是说捐赠应该只限于某个领域,因而排除C。
3. B 细节题。原文对应信息在倒数第二段:...Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David Filo, who don’t discuss specifics of any giving they may have done—and who Clark believes have been too frugal.
4. A 情感态度题。原文对应信息在倒数第二段:Clark is critical of some of his Silicon Valley brethren who haven’t been as generous, despite their multibillion-dollar net worth. Be critical of意为“批判,批评;挑剔”。
5. D 细节题。原文对应信息是They should be giving something back. These guys are young, but they’ve got more money than me. Or take Larry Ellison; he should be doing more.句中they指的是那些赚钱比克拉克还多的年轻富豪。由此我们可做出判断,Larry Ellison也是他们中的一份子。