Unit 25
Jim Boon is a hybrid kind of guy. He drives a Toyota hybrid to work, a Honda hybrid on weekends and, as a manager for Seattle public transit he recently placed the world’s largest order for hybrid electric buses.
Now, with the biggest hybrid-bus fleet in the world, Seattle has become the main testing ground for a technology that claims it can drastically cut air pollution and fuel consumption. In the 1990s, demo fleets of 35 buses or fewer started cropping up in cities such as Tempe, Ariz. Sixteen of these early hybrids still service Genoa, Italy, where drivers switch from diesel to electric power when passing the city’s downtown architectural treasures. But no city has gone as far as Seattle, which last year bought 235 GM hybrid buses at $645,000 a pop. When the final one rolls out this December, the region’s bus system will be 15 percent hybrid.
But why Seattle, and why now? The Pacific Northwest has long been a hotbed of both Green politics and cutting-edge technology. Fourteen years ago the Seattle area bought 236 Italian-made Breda buses to service a mile-long downtown tunnel. They were supposed to operate as clean electric trolleys underground, but the switching mechanism often failed and “the bus drove through the tunnel as a diesel,” says Boon. “It was pretty loud and smoky.”
When the Bredas hit retirement age in 2002, Boon went shopping. He chose the GM buses because they use an automatic transmission and diesel boosters that provide power to scale inclines without strain. In hilly Seattle, the prospect of a hybrid that could climb like a diesel but accelerate without belching black fumes helped justify a price $200,000 higher than that of a regular bus. “The days of seeing a diesel pull away and pour out smoke are over,” says Boon. “After we drove these hybrid buses across the country, I wiped a handkerchief inside the tailpipe. It came out spotless.”
Experts say buses are critical to realizing the hybrid dream of greater efficiency and cleaner air. It would take thousands of hybrid cars to save as many gallons of gas (750,000) as Boon expects his buses to save Seattle each year. GM claims that compared with conventional diesels, its new buses also churn out 90 percent less particulate matter—a known carcinogen. “Buses are a major source of pollution in any city,” says Dave Kircher of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. “They operate where people are breathing this exhaust, so this is a major step forward in terms of emissions.”
And a major step forward in the marketplace: Philadelphia; Honolulu; Long Beach, Calif., and Albuquerque, N.M., have all bought the GM buses in recent months. GM is now touting itself in ads as the top hybrid-bus innovator, but Siemens is among the global giants dueling GM for new business, and New York plans to deploy 325 BAE Systems hybrids by 2006. “There’s room for competition,” says James Cannon, editor of Hybrid Vehicles Newsletter. Seems Seattle isn’t the only city trying to leave grunge behind.
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2004年真题Text 1。
1. How does Genoa protect its architectural treasures?
A) Follow Seattle’s steps to reduce pollution.
B) Forbid cars driven by diesel to pass them.
C) Shift the power of the hybrids when crossing.
D) Reduce the number of the buses crossing there.
2. Which of the following can be the main advantage of hybrid bus?
A) Cutting air pollution and fuel consumption.
B) Producing less smoke and noise.
C) Owning strong switching mechanism.
D) Producing less dangerous matter.
3. The expression “churn out”(Line 4, Paragraph 5) most probably means ______.
A) increase
B) destroy
C) reduce
D) produce
4. Why are buses critical to realizing the hybrid dream of higher efficiency and cleaner air?
A) Buses are a major source of pollution.
B) A single bus saves much more gas than a single car.
C) Buses are more important than private cars in terms of transportation.
D) Both A and B.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A) Many cities plan to buy GM buses.
B) GM buses have the incomparable advantages over other buses.
C) There is severe competition in the field of hybrid vehicles.
D) The best way to keep the city clean is to buy hybrid buses.
hybrid /ˈhaɪbrɪd/ n. 杂种;混血儿;混合物adj. 混合的;杂种的
place an order for sth. 定购某物
drastically /ˈdræstɪkli/ adv. 激烈地,彻底地
demo /ˈdeməʊ/ n. 〈口〉示范,示范产品
crop up 突然出现
diesel /ˈdiːz(ə)l/ n. 柴油机
a pop 每个,各
roll out 铺开;碾平;滔滔不绝地说出;〈口〉大量生产
hotbed /ˈhɒtbed/ n. 温床
cutting-edge /ˌkʌtɪŋˈedʒ/ adj. 尖端的,先进的
trolley /ˈtrɒli/ n. 电车
accelerate /əkˈseləreɪt/ v. 加速,促进
belch /beltʃ/ v. 打嗝;(火山、炮等)冒烟,喷出
tailpipe /ˈteɪlpaɪp/ n. 【汽】排气管
churn out 粗制滥造出;大量产出
carcinogen /kɑːˈsɪnədʒ(ə)n/ n. 致癌物质
exhaust /ɪgˈzɔːst/ n. 废气
tout /taʊt/ v. 吹捧
duel /ˈdjuːəl; (US)ˈduːəl/ v. 决斗
deploy /dɪˈplɔɪ/ v. 展开,配置
grunge /grʌndʒ/ n. 〈美俚〉蹩脚货,难看的东西,乏味的东西
In hilly Seattle, the prospect of a hybrid that could climb like a diesel but accelerate without belching black fumes helped justify a price $200,000 higher than that of a regular bus.
主体句式:The prospect helped justify a price.
结构分析:本句的主语是the prospect of a hybrid,之后跟的是由that引导的定语从句来修饰a hybrid。在这个定语从句中,climb和accelerate都是谓语动词。help是主句谓语,后面跟to do sth.,其中to常被省略。$200,000 higher than that of a regular bus修饰a price,其中that指代的是price。
1. C 细节题。原文对应信息是:Sixteen of these early hybrids still service Genoa, Italy, where drivers switch from diesel to electric power when passing the city’s downtown architectural treasures.
2. A 细节题。原文对应信息是第二段第一句话a technology that claims it can drastically cut air pollution and fuel consumption。第五段第一句话Experts say buses are critical to realizing the hybrid dream of greater efficiency and cleaner air.又进一步印证了这一点。
3. D 语义题。本段的主题句是Experts say buses are critical to realizing the hybrid dream of greater efficiency and cleaner air.其中已经介绍过了高功效,接下来要介绍清洁系数高。churn out所在的句子是在说明这种新型公交车在减少大气污染方面的优良性能,根据语境可猜出词组的含义。
4. D 细节题。原文第五段中的hybrid dream意为“混合梦想”,即指下文提到的“节能清洁”的双重目标。可见答案为D。
5. C 细节题。本段指出虽然美国通用汽车公司自诩是最棒的混合动力公共汽车的改革者,但是通用在这一市场中做的并不是独家生意,也还存在着激烈的竞争,其中主要竞争对手是劲敌西门子公司,而且纽约作为一大客户,订购谁家的尚未可知,由此选C。