Unit 48
In 1966 Allen and Beatrice Gardner, two psychologists at the University of Nevada in Reno, had a bright idea. They were interested in the evolution of language and the linguistic capabilities of great apes. Previous attempts to teach chimpanzees to talk had ended in failure and the matter was considered by most people to be closed. But the Gardners realised that speech and language are not the same thing. Many deaf people, for example, are unable to speak but are perfectly able to communicate by gestures that have all the attributes and sophistication of spoken language. Given the very different anatomies of the human and chimpanzee larynx, the Gardners suspected that previous experiments had failed because chimps are physically incapable of speech.
They therefore decided to try teaching a chimpanzee to sign in the way that deaf people do. And their chosen subject, a female chimp named Washoe after the county in which the university campus is located, proved an adept pupil. Though there is still debate about whether what Washoe learned was really equivalent to human language, there is no doubt that she learned a lot of words. She now has a vocabulary of about 200. All of this, however, raises a second question. If Washoe and her successors can learn a complex and arbitrary vocabulary of gestures from people, do they have such vocabularies naturally? To examine that possibility Amy Pollick and Frans de Waal, of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, have looked at gestures and expressions in chimpanzees and their cousins, bonobos.
Signalling by facial and vocal expression is ubiquitous among primates. Signalling by gesture is confined to the great apes. The researchers’ hypothesis was that the meaning of expressions has been hard-wired by evolution whereas the meaning of gestures is learnt and, at least to some extent, is arbitrary. If that were true, particular sorts of facial and vocal expression would occur only in particular contexts, and that this would be consistent across groups and even species. The same gestures, by contrast, would be used in different contexts.
The researchers found exactly what they expected. Expressions(“silent bared teeth”, “relaxed open mouth”, “pant hoot” and so on) almost always occurred in the same contexts in different groups and different species. Gestures (“hard touch”, “reach outside”, “slap ground” etc) did not. Half of the gestures Dr Pollick and Dr de Waal regularly observed seemed to have completely different meanings in the two species. Moreover, even within a single group, the meaning of a gesture could vary with context, almost as tone of voice can vary the meaning of a human’s spoken word.
It is also worth remembering that gesture is still a crucial part of human language, even for those with normal hearing. The old joke that the way to render an Italian speechless is to tie his hands together has a kernel of truth in it. Evolution does not come up with complicated structures in a single leap. They are built up step by step. This study suggests that the step of speech may have been built on mental attributes that were acquired millions of years ago when the ancestors of apes and men began to wave meaningfully at each other.
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2002年真题Text 4。
1. From the first paragraph, we learn that _______.
A) chimpanzees do not have the capability of mastering a language
B) the Gardners found a new idea to develop the chimpanzee experiment
C) previous experiments failed because they merely focused on chimpanzees’ vocal ability
D) chimpanzees can use gestures as well as blind people
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A) Washoe was able to develop an entire system of signs and gestures of her own.
B) The vocabulary Washoe learnt is not similar to human language.
C) The Washoe experiment has enlightened further research.
D) The Gardners found that Washoe naturally has her vocabulary of gestures.
3. According to the author, gestures are different from facial and vocal expressions in that _______.
A) gestures are more complicated
B) gestures are limited to a certain type of species
C) facial and vocal expressions are more complicated
D) there is no difference between them
4. Which of the following best defines the word “hard-wired” (Line 3, Paragraph 3)?
A) Fixed.
B) Changed.
C) Taught.
D) Made.
5. The Pollick and de Waal research probably indicates that _______.
A) the apes are the closest species to human being
B) people with normal hearing do not really need to resort to gestures
C) the great apes naturally have the ability to use gestures
D) human language may have developed from signs and gestures
psychologist /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ n. 心理学家
chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpənˈziː/ n. 黑猩猩
attribute /ˈætrɪbjʊt/ n. 属性,品质,特征
sophistication /səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 复杂,精致
anatomy /əˈnætəmi/ n. 分解,解剖
larynx /ˈlærɪŋks/ n. 【解】喉
adept /əˈdept/ adj. 熟练的,拿手的
successor /səkˈsesə/ n. 继承者,接任者
bonobo /ˈbəunəˌbəu/ n. 倭黑猩猩
ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ adj. 到处存在的,普遍存在的
primate /ˈpraɪmɪt/ n. 灵长类的动物
hard-wired /ˈhaːdˌwaɪəd/ adj. 天生的
pant /pænt/ n. 气喘
hoot /huːt/ vi. 大声叫嚣,鸣响
render /ˈrendə/ vt. 致使
The researchers’ hypothesis was that the meaning of expressions has been hard-wired by evolution whereas the meaning of gestures is learnt and, at least to some extent, is arbitrary.
主体句式:The researchers’ hypothesis was that...
结构分析:这个句子的难点在于that之后的这个宾语从句。从句以whereas为界可以分为两个部分,其中后半个句子由whereas引导,与前半个句子为并列结构。此外,at least to some extent是一个插入语,一定程度上干扰和混淆了is learnt和is arbitrary这两个结构的并列关系。
1. B 推理题。文章第一段的主要内容就是讲述加德纳夫妇对于大猩猩语言能力试验的新想法,因此答案为B。A选项的错误原因在于大猩猩没有说话的能力,但是拥有语言能力,而两者是不同的。C选项的错误原因在于前人的研究虽然确实都把重点放在了大猩猩的说话能力上,但其失败的关键在于没有区分语言能力和说话能力这两个不同的方面。D选项原文中并没有提及。
2. C 细节题。文章第二段中指出,Washoe的成就使科学家们提出了新的问题,并进行了进一步的研究,因此C选项正确。A选项的错误原因在于Washoe并没有发展出她自己的一套手势系统,而是人类的语言系统。
3. B 细节题。文章第三段第一句话指出:“通过表情和声音来发送信号的现象在灵长类动物中是普遍存在的。但只有大猩猩才能用手势发送信号”,并不存在两者哪个更加复杂的说法。
4. A 语义题。从该词所在句子的上下文中,可以理解其意思为:动物的表情经过了长期的演化具有了固定的意义,成为了动物一种天生的能力。因此A选项正确,其他几项都不符合题意。
5. D 推理题。文章最后一段的最后一句话指出,人类祖先在使用手势的时候很可能促使了脑部的发展,从而渐渐产生了语言能力,因此答案为D。C选项是该研究证实的结果,而不是其引申意义。