喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021年1月26日 赵立坚的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
深圳卫视记者:昨天,习近平主席出席世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会并发表特别致辞,在25分钟的演讲中,习主席11次提到了多边主义。请问中方在世界经济论坛的平台上强调“多边主义”的意义是什么?希望释放什么信息? Shenzhen TV: In yesterday’s 25-minute speech delivered by President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum virtual event of the Davos Agenda, he mentioned “multilateralism” 11 times. What message is the Chinese side trying to convey by stressing “multilateralism” this much at the WEF?
赵立坚:世界正在经历百年未有之大变局。新冠肺炎疫情仍在全球蔓延,世界经济陷入深度衰退,全球性挑战层出不穷,人类再次站在何去何从的十字路口。正是在这一大背景下,习近平主席在致辞中多次提到“多边主义”,准确把握时代脉搏,提出解决好时代课题的中国主张。 Zhao Lijian: The world is undergoing changes unseen in a century. The COVID-19 pandemic is still ravaging across the globe. The world economy is mired in deep recession. Global challenges keep popping up. All these place mankind at a crossroads. Against this backdrop, President Xi Jinping mentioned “multilateralism” many times in his speech because he has clearly grasped the pulse of the times and sought to resolve the challenges of the times with China’s propositions.
习近平主席深刻指出,推动世界经济增长、摈弃意识形态偏见、克服南北发展鸿沟、应对全球性挑战是当今时代四大课题,要解决好这些问题必须开展全球行动、全球应对、全球合作,必须维护和践行多边主义,推动构建人类命运共同体。习近平主席还系统阐述了当今世界需要什么样的多边主义,提出要坚持开放包容,不搞封闭排他。要坚持以国际法则为基础,不搞唯我独尊。要坚持协商合作,不搞冲突对抗。要坚持与时俱进,不搞故步自封。习近平主席对中国将如何践行多边主义提出了5大举措,提出将继续积极参与国际抗疫合作,实施互利共赢的开放战略,促进可持续发展,推进科技创新,并推动构建新型国际关系。 President Xi made insightful observations on the four major tasks facing people of our times, including to promote world economic growth, abandon ideological prejudice, close the North-South divide and come together against global challenges. To address these issues, there must be global action, global response and global cooperation, and we need to uphold multilateralism and build a community with a shared future for mankind. He also expounded on what kind of multilateralism we need in our times by proposing we should stay committed to openness and inclusiveness instead of closeness and exclusion, to international law and rules instead of seeking one’s own supremacy, to consultation and cooperation instead of conflict and confrontation, and to keeping up with the times instead of rejecting change. President Xi put forward a five-point proposition for China’s pursuit of multilateralism going forward, saying that China will continue to take an active part in international cooperation on fighting COVID-19, implement a win-win strategy of opening-up, promote sustainable development, advance science, technology and innovation, and promote a new type of international relations.
习近平主席致辞为当下迷茫中的世界指明了发展的方向和路径,展现了中国智慧和中国担当。将有力促进重建全球互信、凝聚全球共识、团结全球力量,推动世界共同迈向人类命运共同体。 President Xi’s address charts the course for the world at a loss and demonstrates China’s wisdom and sense of responsibility. It will give a strong boost to the rebuilding of mutual trust, consolidate consensus and pool strength from around the globe toward the goal of a community with a shared future for mankind.
路透社记者:美国国务院发言人周一表示,拜登总统致力于确保中国企业不能滥用和盗用美国数据,确保美技术不被用来支持中方的“恶意活动”。你对此有何评论? Reuters: A U.S. State Department spokesperson on Monday said President Joe Biden is committed to making sure that Chinese companies cannot misuse and misappropriate American data and will ensure that US technology does not end up supporting China’s malign activities. What’s the ministry’s comment on this?
赵立坚:中方一贯高度重视和积极致力于保护知识产权,所作努力和成效有目共睹。同时,中方认为,科技成果应该造福全人类,而不应成为限制、遏制其他国家发展的手段。我们希望美方不要将科技问题政治化、武器化,停止对中国的无端指责抹黑,同国际社会一道打造开放、公平、公正、非歧视的科技发展环境。 Zhao Lijian: China attaches high importance to and stays committed to IPR protection, and our efforts and achievements on it are witnessed by all. In the meantime, we believe the scientific and technological outcomes should benefit all mankind instead of being exploited to restrict and contain other countries’ development. We hope the United States will refrain from politicizing and weaponizing science and technology, stop making unwarranted slanders against China, and work with the international community for an open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological development.
湖北广播电视台记者:中国欧盟商会主席伍德克近日接受专访时表示,欧洲需要走出自满,尝试向中国学习。如果中国赢了,我们也赢了。中国经济每年贡献全球增长的30%。对企业来说,参与这个市场非常重要。请问中方对此有何评论? HRTN: President of EU Chamber of Commerce in China Joerg Wuttke said in a recent interview that “Europe has to leave its island of complacency and try to also frankly learn from China.” He says if China wins, they will also win. “China will stand for 30 percent of global growth for the next ten years... so you have to be here in order to be relevant.” Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:中方对伍德克先生关于中欧合作的表态表示赞赏。昨天我也回答了记者关于中国美国商会主席有关中美经贸合作的提问。近期欧、美工商界人士关于对华经贸合作的表态,代表了国际社会看好中国经济发展前景、希望保持并加强同中国合作的积极声音。中国欧盟商会最新调查显示,62%的欧盟在华企业表示愿意增加投资。联合国贸易和发展会议最新报告显示,2020年对华外国直接投资(FDI)逆势增长4%,中国成为全球最大外资流入国。这两个数字再次印证了国际社会对中国投资和营商环境的认同。 Zhao Lijian: We applaud Mr. Wuttke’s positive remarks on China-EU cooperation. I also took a question yesterday on comments by Chairman of AmCham China on China-U.S. economic and trade cooperation. The recent comments by the business community in Europe and the Unites States represent the international community’s favorable opinion on China’s economic prospect and their hope to maintain and strengthen cooperation with China. According to the latest survey conducted by the EU Chamber of Commerce in China, 62 percent of EU companies with presence in China are willing to increase their investment here. A new report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) showed that global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to China rose by 4 percent in 2020 despite the pandemic, making China the world’s largest FDI recipient. These figures once again attest to the positive appraisal of China’s business and investment environment.
作为一个拥有14亿人口、9亿劳动力资源、1.2亿市场主体的发展中大国,中国始终是带动世界经济复苏的重要引擎和各国企业投资兴业的热土。进入新发展阶段的中国同世界经济的联系会更加紧密,中欧投资协定的达成也为欧洲和世界开展对华合作提供了更多机遇,创造了更大空间。我们将贯彻新发展理念,不断提高对外开放水平,积极构建国内国际双循环的新发展格局。习近平主席在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上的特别致辞中重申,中国将继续实施互利共赢的开放战略,着力推动规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,持续打造市场化、法制化、国际化营商环境。相信中国的开放发展必将为各国企业在华发展提供更多的合作机遇,带来更多的发展红利。 As a major developing country with a population of 1.4 billion, a labor force of 900 million and a market of 120 million economic entities, China has been a vital driver for world economic recovery and a popular destination for foreign investment. As China has entered a new development stage, it will forge closer economic ties with the rest of the world, and the conclusion of the China-EU investment agreement has offered more opportunities and wider room for cooperation between China and the EU as well as other countries. We will follow through on the new development philosophy, continue to pursue higher-level opening up, and build a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. As President Xi Jinping reiterated in his special address at the WEF virtual event of the Davos Agenda, China will continue to implement a win-win strategy of opening-up, promote institutional opening-up that covers rules, regulations, management and standards and will foster a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards. We believe China’s opening-up and development will provide more cooperation opportunities and deliver more dividends to foreign businesses in China.
中东通讯社记者:沙特主导的多国联军上周六拦截并摧毁了一个向沙特首都利雅得发射的空中目标。联军表示在利雅得上空拦截了一起“明显的导弹或无人机袭击”。许多阿拉伯国家谴责了这次袭击,并表示支持沙特应对恐怖主义,捍卫领土和民众的安全。中方对此有何评论? Middle East News Agency: Saudi-led coalition said it destroyed on Saturday an air target launched towards Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh. The coalition said it intercepted an “apparent missile or drone attack” over Riyadh. Many Arab countries condemned the attack and voiced their support to Saudi Arabia in facing terrorism, defending its territory and the safety of its people. Do you have any comment on this?
赵立坚:中方谴责针对沙特首都利雅得的袭击,支持沙方维护自身安全稳定的努力。我们一贯反对任何针对平民和民用设施的袭击,呼吁有关方面避免采取导致地区紧张局势升级的行动。 Zhao Lijian: China condemns the attack targeting Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh, and supports Saudi Arabia’s efforts to safeguard its safety and stability. We stand against all attacks against civilians and civil facilities and call on relevant sides to refrain from taking actions that will escalate regional tensions.
《中国日报》记者:据报道,昨天,韩正副总理以视频方式出席荷兰主办的首届气候适应峰会并发表致辞,表示中国一贯坚持减缓与适应并重原则,在适应气候变化方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。中方在促进适应气候变化国际合作方面有何建议或主张? China Daily: Yesterday, Vice Premier Han Zheng attended via videoconference the first Climate Adaptation Summit hosted by the Netherlands and delivered remarks, saying China attaches importance to both mitigation and adaptation, and has done a lot of effective work on adaptation. What are China’s proposals on international cooperation in this area?
赵立坚:1月25日,国务院副总理韩正以视频方式出席在荷兰举办的首届气候适应峰会并发表题为“共同强化适应行动,携手推进全球气候治理新进程”的讲话。这是继去年底气候雄心峰会和今年1月“一个星球”峰会之后,中国领导人又一次出席气候领域的全球峰会,体现了中方对应对气候变化国际合作的高度重视。 Zhao Lijian: On January 25, Vice Premier Han Zheng of the State Council attended via videoconference the first Climate Adaptation Summit hosted by the Netherlands and delivered remarks, calling for joint efforts of all countries to enhance actions of climate adaptation and work for new progress in global climate governance. This is another global summit on climate change with the attendance of a Chinese leader after the Climate Ambition Summit last year and the One Planet Summit in January this year, indicating the high importance that China attaches to international cooperation on climate change.
适应与减缓是应对气候变化的两大对策。韩正副总理在峰会上指出,适应气候变化是发展中国家最为直接和迫切的要求。他就此提出三点倡议:一是呼吁发达国家主动落实《巴黎协定》,切实加大对发展中国家适应气候变化的资金和技术支持;二是呼吁各国根据自身实际情况,制定并执行国家适应计划,提升适应气候变化水平;三是呼吁国际社会树立命运共同体意识,加强国际合作,形成适应气候变化强大合力。 Adaptation and mitigation are two major approaches to deal with climate change. As Vice Premier Han Zheng pointed out at the summit, climate adaptation is the most direct and urgent demand for developing countries. He also made three propositions in this regard. First, he called on developed countries to take the initiative in implementing the Paris Agreement and earnestly increase financial and technological support for developing countries to adapt to climate change. Second, he called on all countries to formulate and act on their national adaptation plans based on their domestic realities, in order to enhance their adaptation capabilities. Third, he called on the international community to raise the awareness of a community with a shared future and strengthen international cooperation to forge powerful synergy in climate adaptation.
韩正副总理还在讲话中介绍了中国在适应气候变化方面所做的工作,强调中方一贯坚持减缓与适应并重,已经制定并实施《国家适应气候变化战略》,目前正在编制《国家适应气候变化战略2035》。中国将进一步强化国内适应气候变化工作,全面提高气候风险抵御能力。 Vice Premier Han Zheng also talked about what China has done in this field, stressing China attaches importance to both mitigation and adaptation, has developed and put into effect the National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation, and is formulating a national strategy of adapting to climate change for 2035. China will continue strengthening domestic work on this front to make the country more resilient to climate risks.
在此我还想补充说明的是,中国一直是适应气候变化国际合作的积极参与者和推动者,通过南南合作为其他发展中国家适应气候变化提供力所能及的支持。2019年,全球适应中心第一个区域办公室就在中国设立。中方愿一如既往发挥积极作用,为全球适应气候变化作出贡献。 I’d like to add that China has always been actively participating in and advancing international cooperation on climate adaptation, and providing support to the best of its ability to other developing countries via the South-South cooperation mechanism. The Global Center on Adaptation’s first regional office was opened in China in 2019. China will continue making positive efforts for global adaptation to climate change.
《北京青年报》记者:昨天,习近平主席同国际奥委会主席巴赫通电话。巴赫主席在通话中再次表达了对中方举办北京冬奥会的坚定支持。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Youth Daily: International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach expressed his firm support for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in a phone call with President Xi Jinping yesterday. Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:昨天晚上,习近平主席同国际奥委会主席巴赫通电话,双方就克服疫情影响、确保安全顺利举办北京冬奥会、推动奥林匹克运动持续健康发展、反对将体育运动政治化等达成了重要共识。中方已经发布了新闻稿。 Zhao Lijian: President Xi Jinping talked to IOC President Thomas Bach over the phone yesterday, and the two sides reached important consensus on overcoming the impact of COVID-19 to ensure safe and smooth Beijing Winter Olympic Games, promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the Olympic Movement, and opposing the politicization of sports. The Chinese side already issued a press release.
中国率先控制住国内疫情并实现经济复苏,为北京冬奥会顺利举办创造了有利条件。我们严格落实防控举措,克服疫情影响,积极稳步推进冬奥会各项筹办工作,得到了包括国际奥委会在内的国际社会的充分肯定和大力支持。我们对把北京冬奥会办成一届精彩、非凡、卓越的奥运盛会充满信心。正如习近平主席指出的,北京作为国际上唯一举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的“双奥城”,将为国际奥林匹克运动作出独特贡献。 China is among the first to bring the epidemic under control and achieve economic recovery, which creates enabling conditions for hosting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. We have put in place strict epidemic control measures and overcome the impact of COVID-19 to steadily and actively advance the preparatory work of the Winter Olympic Games, which is highly recognized and supported by the IOC and the international community. We have full confidence that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a splendid Olympic event. As President Xi pointed out, as Beijing is the first city in the world to host both the summer and winter Olympic Games, it will make unique contribution to the International Olympic Movement.
中方赞赏巴赫主席关于国际奥委会致力于维护奥林匹克精神、反对将体育运动政治化的表态,赞赏国际奥委会积极支持中国体育事业的努力。中方愿同国际奥委会及各国一道,为安全顺利举办北京冬奥会作出努力,弘扬奥林匹克精神,共同迈向“更快、更高、更强”的目标。 We applaud President Bach’s remarks that the IOC stays committed to upholding the Olympic spirit and rejecting politicization of sports, and appreciates the organization’s support for China’s sports development. The Chinese side stands ready to work with the IOC and the international community to deliver safe and successful Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, carry forward the Olympic spirit and pursue the goal of becoming higher, faster, and stronger.
日本广播协会记者:美国白宫新闻发言人普萨基在记者会上称,美国正与中国展开激烈竞争,拜登总统希望“耐心”处理与中国的关系。中方对此有何评论? NHK: The White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a briefing that the United States is in a serious competition with China, and President Biden hopes to approach China-related matters with some strategic patience. What’s your comment on this?
赵立坚:过去几年,特朗普政府犯下方向性错误,将中国视为“战略竞争对手”甚至“威胁”,并据此采取了一系列干涉中国内政、损害中方利益的错误行径,导致中美关系出现两国建交以来的异常严峻局面。这不符合两国人民的根本利益。正如中方多次指出的,中美作为两个大国,在维护世界和平稳定、促进全球发展繁荣等方面拥有广泛共同利益,肩负特殊重要责任。中美两国合则两利、斗则俱伤,合作是双方唯一正确的选择。 Zhao Lijian: Over the past few years, the Trump administration went in a very wrong direction. They regarded China as a “strategic competitor” and even a “threat”, and thus took erroneous actions that interfered in China’s internal affairs and undermined China’s interests, leading to a profoundly severe situation in China-U.S. relations, which does no good to the fundamental interests of the Chinese and American people. As pointed out repeatedly by the Chinese side, as two major countries, China and the United States have broad common interests and shoulder special, major responsibilities in safeguarding world peace and stability, and in promoting global development and prosperity. Both countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Cooperation is the only right choice for both.
我们希望美国新一届政府能够吸取特朗普政府对华错误政策的教训,客观、理性看待中国和中美关系,采取积极、建设性的对华政策,同中方相向而行,聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系重回健康稳定发展的正确轨道。 We hope the new U.S. administration will draw lessons from the Trump administration’s wrong policies on China. We hope the new administration will view China and China-U.S. relations in an objective and rational manner, implement China policies that are positive and constructive, meet China halfway, focus on cooperation, manage differences, and bring China-U.S. relations back on the right track of sound and stable development.
总台央视记者:今天上午,中国商务部部长王文涛与新西兰贸易与出口增长部长奥康纳分别代表两国政府,通过视频方式正式签署中新自由贸易协定升级议定书。新总理阿德恩表示,中国是新西兰最重要的贸易伙伴之一,在新冠肺炎疫情严重冲击全球经济的背景下,中新自贸协定升级协议的签署具有更加特殊的重要意义。请问中方对此有何评论? CCTV: This morning, on behalf of the two governments, China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and New Zealand’s Minister for Trade and Export Growth Damien O’Connor signed via videolink a protocol for upgrading the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, “China remains one of our most important trade partners... For this to take place during the global economic crisis brought about by COVID-19 makes it particularly important.” Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:我们对阿德恩总理的有关表态表示赞赏。中方对中新自贸协定升级议定书正式签署感到高兴。中国商务部已就此专门发布消息。我想在此强调以下几点: Zhao Lijian: We applaud Prime Minister Ardern’s remarks. China is pleased to see the official signing of the protocol to upgrade the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. The Ministry of Commerce has published a press release about this. Here I’d like to emphasize three points.
第一,中新自贸协定实施12年来,给两国和两国人民带来巨大的、实实在在的利益。此次协定升级涉及货物贸易、服务贸易、投资领域、规则领域等多个方面,实现了中新自贸合作在区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)基础上的提质增效,必将有助于双方进一步挖掘经贸合作潜力,深化各领域务实合作,推动疫情形势下各自国家经济复苏和发展。 First, 12 years into effect, the China-New Zealand FTA has brought huge, tangible benefits to both countries and peoples. The upgrade protocol involves multiple areas such as trade in goods, trade in services, investment and rules, making China-New Zealand free trade cooperation more efficient and of higher quality on the basis of the RCEP. It will help both sides further tap into our potentials in economic and trade cooperation, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and facilitate domestic economic recovery and development amid the pandemic.
第二,中新自贸协定升级体现了中新双方以实际行动支持多边主义和自由贸易的坚定决心。中方愿与新西兰及其他国家一道,始终支持经济全球化,促进贸易和投资自由化便利化,着力推动规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境,为世界经济复苏提供更多动力,共同建设开放型世界经济。 Second, the upgrade of the China-New Zealand FTA demonstrates both sides’ firm resolve to endorse multilateralism and free trade through concrete actions. China is ready to work with New Zealand and other countries to continue supporting economic globalization, advocating trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, promoting institutional opening-up that covers rules, regulations, management and standards, fostering a business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards, giving further impetus to global economic recovery, and fostering an open world economy.
第三,中新自贸协定升级是落实中新两国领导人重要共识、推动中新关系在现有良好基础上健康稳定向前发展的重要举措。中方愿与新方共同努力,以此次自贸协定升级为契机,进一步增进互信、扩大共识、加强对话、深化合作,推动中新全面战略伙伴关系不断取得新的更大发展。 Third, the upgrade of the China-New Zealand FTA is an important step to implement the consensus of the leaders of both sides and to achieve healthy and stable development of bilateral ties on the sound basis that we already have. Taking this as an opportunity, China will make concerted efforts with New Zealand to strengthen mutual trust, expand common ground, strengthen dialogue and deepen cooperation, so as to embrace new, greater progress in our comprehensive strategic partnership.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021年1月26日 赵立坚的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!