【双语】例行记者会 2021年1月29日 赵立坚
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021年1月29日 赵立坚的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!

    香港中评社记者:英国政府宣布,自1月31日起,调整后的英国国民(海外)(BNO)护照及签证政策正式生效。请问中方对此有何评论? China Review News: The British government announced that the new policy on British National Overseas (BNO) passport and visa will take effect on January 31. Do you have any comment?

    赵立坚:英方罔顾香港已经回归中国24年的事实,不顾中方严正立场,公然违背承诺,执意炮制出台所谓“量身定制”的具有英国国民(海外)(BNO)身份的香港居民赴英居留和入籍政策,并一再扩大适用范围。英方试图把大批港人变成二等英国“公民”,已经彻底改变了原来中英谅解的BNO性质。英国现在所谓的BNO已经不再是原来的BNO。此举严重侵犯中国主权、粗暴干涉香港事务和中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则。中方对此强烈愤慨,坚决反对。自1月31日起,中方不再承认所谓BNO护照作为旅行证件和身份证明,并保留采取进一步措施的权利。 Zhao Lijian: In disregard of China’s solemn position and the fact that it has been 24 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland, the British side blatantly violated its commitment, formulated the so-called “bespoke” policy of abode and citizenship in the UK for BNOs, and continued to expand its scope of application. By trying to turn many Hong Kong residents into “second-class citizens” in the UK, the British side has discarded the mutual understanding on the BNO between China and the UK. The “BNO” today is nothing like what it was. The UK’s move grossly violates China’s sovereignty, interferes in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs, and runs counter to international law and basic norms governing international relations. China deplores and firmly rejects this. Starting from January 31, China will no longer recognize the BNO passport as a valid travel document or for identification, and we reserve the right to take further actions.

    深圳卫视记者:27日,新西兰贸易部长奥康纳接受采访时称,如果澳大利亚方面能像新方一样,展现尊重,采取更加外交的方式并在措辞上保持谨慎,澳中关系也有望达到与新中关系类似的水平。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: New Zealand’s trade minister Damien O’Connor said in an interview on January 27 that if the Australian side was “to follow us and show respect, I guess a little more diplomacy from time to time, and be cautious with wording then they, too, hopefully could be in a similar situation”, by which he means New Zealand’s “mature” relationship with Beijing. What is your comment?

    赵立坚:我们注意到新方有关表态。中国同包括新西兰在内的很多国家之间关系发展的成功经验表明,即便是历史传统、社会制度、发展阶段存在差异的国家,只要能够秉持相互尊重、平等互利的原则,聚焦合作、妥处分歧,双边关系是完全能够发展好的。实际上,中澳关系过去也曾发展得很好。我们希望澳方听取各界有识之士的建设性意见,正视和认真反思两国关系遭遇困难的症结,切实秉持相互尊重、平等相待的原则处理两国关系,多做有利于增进两国互信、促进务实合作的事。 Zhao Lijian: I have noted these remarks made by the New Zealand side. China’s successful relations with so many countries around the world, including with New Zealand, show that countries, though different in history, tradition, social system and development stage, are perfectly capable of managing well the development of bilateral relations, as long as the two sides focus on cooperation and properly address differences under the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. In fact, the China-Australia relationship also had its good times. We hope the Australian side could heed the constructive voices from people with vision, face up to and reflect upon the crux of the difficulties that China-Australia bilateral relations are in, develop relations with China based on mutual respect and equality, and do more to enhance mutual trust and promote practical cooperation.

    总台国广记者:印度外长苏杰生28日发表演讲,表示印中关系合作与竞争共存。两国在贸易、旅游领域交流迅速增长,在多边议题上存在共识,但在利益和愿望方面也存在明显分歧。印中关系处于十字路口。苏杰生还提出印中关系发展的三个决定性因素和八项基本原则。中方对此有何回应? CRI: India’s External Affairs Minister Jaishankar delivered an address on India-China relations on January 28. He said that cooperation and competition co-exist in this pair of relations. Bilateral exchanges in trade and tourism have been increasing rapidly and the two sides agree on many multilateral topics. Meanwhile, there are also clear discrepancies in the interests and expectations the two countries hold. The two countries are truly at a crossroads. He also outlined three “mutuals” and eight broad principles to develop ties between India and China. What is your response?

    赵立坚:我们注意到苏杰生外长有关讲话。苏杰生外长强调中印关系具有重要意义,展现了印方对中印关系的重视,中方对此表示肯定。 Zhao Lijian: I have noted his remarks. External Affairs Minister Jaishankar’s stress on the significance of China-India relations showcases the importance the Indian side attaches to its ties with China. We approve of that.

    同时我想强调,边界问题与双边关系不应该挂钩。这是过去多年来两国关系持续向前发展的重要经验。希望印方同中方相向而行,妥善管控分歧,推进务实合作,推动两国关系重回正轨。 Meanwhile I need to stress that the border issue shall not be linked with bilateral relations. This is also an important lesson learned through the two countries’ efforts over the past decades to keep our ties moving forward. We hope the Indian side will work with us to properly manage differences, promote practical cooperation, and get the bilateral relations back on the right track.

    总台央视记者:目前,中国国内正在开展重点人群新冠疫苗接种工作。据了解,在阿联酋、塞尔维亚,已有一些中国公民在当地接种了中国产疫苗。你能否介绍一下这方面的情况? CCTV: China has started to vaccinate priority groups at home. As we know, some overseas Chinese citizens in the UAE and Serbia have also been inoculated with Chinese vaccines. Could you share more details on that?

    赵立坚:新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,党和政府一直牵挂着每位海外中国公民的生命安全和身体健康。疫苗是防控并战胜疫情的有力武器。目前中国疫苗已在一些国家获准使用,其中阿联酋、塞尔维亚等国已将当地中国公民纳入接种中国产疫苗计划。我们将继续与有关国家加强沟通,在严格遵守驻在国法律法规、充分尊重中国公民个人意愿的前提下,为海外中国公民在当地接种疫苗特别是中国产疫苗提供协助,维护好海外同胞的身体健康和生命安全。 Zhao Lijian: Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the CPC and the Chinese government have all along cared deeply about the safety and health of each and every Chinese citizen abroad. Vaccines are the most powerful weapon against the pandemic. Now Chinese vaccines have received approval for use in some countries, including in the UAE and Serbia, where Chinese citizens are included in the local inoculation plan for Chinese vaccine candidates. We will continue to strengthen communication with relevant countries. On the precondition of strict compliance with local laws and regulations and with full respect to the will of the Chinese nationals, we will provide assistance to our citizens in receiving vaccination, especially Chinese-produced vaccines, so as to better protect the safety and health of our people abroad.

    法新社记者:世卫组织方面称,世卫组织国际专家组计划走访医院、实验室和市场,包括武汉病毒研究所、华南海鲜市场、武汉市疾控中心实验室,他们应获得所需的支持、访问权限和数据。世卫组织总干事谭德塞也发推特称,他和中方卫生部门负责人就确保专家能有渠道获得相关数据进行了坦诚讨论。中方能否就专家组实地考察计划提供更多细节?可否确保专家组将获得所需的科学数据和病例信息? AFP: The WHO said the team of experts plans to visit hospitals, labs and markets, including the WIV, the Huanan seafood market and the Wuhan CDC. It says they should receive the support, access and data they need. The WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros also tweeted yesterday that he’s had frank discussions with the Chinese health minister on negotiating access for the scientists. Can you offer more details on their field work itinerary and can China guarantee that they will receive full access to scientific data and medical records?

    赵立坚:关于世卫组织国际专家组下步活动安排,去哪些地方走访,同哪些方面交流,事关科学的严肃性和研究的严谨性。双方会基于前期达成的共识,结合病毒特点和疫情形势,科学地、专业地作出安排。据我所知,你刚才提到的有关地点,专家组都会去。随着交流合作的深入,相信双方专家会在适当时机对外发布合作进展和研究成果。 Zhao Lijian: The WHO experts’ field work itinerary and plan for exchanges are crucial to serious, prudent scientific studies. The two sides will follow the prior consensus and make science-based arrangements in light of the features of the virus and the epidemic situation. As far as I know, the expert panel will visit all the places you named. As our exchanges and cooperation deepen, I believe experts of both sides will make public their progress in cooperation and results of research in due course.

    我愿强调的是,这是世卫组织国际专家同中方相关领域专家就新冠病毒溯源问题进行的一次交流合作,是全球研究的一部分,不是调查。世卫专家隔离期间,双方已通过视频方式进行了多次交流,分享了各自研究成果,为下阶段深化双方合作、助力全球研究打下了良好基础。 I’d like to stress that the exchanges and cooperation on origin-tracing between WHO experts and Chinese professionals are part of a global study, not an investigation. During the WHO experts’ quarantine, both sides had multiple discussions via videolink to share research outcomes, laying a good foundation for deeper cooperation and better global research in the next phase.

    无论是各国官员还是新闻记者,我们都不是科学家,也不是专业人士。我们应当把溯源研究这项极为专业的工作交给专家去办,为他们推进相关合作提供充足的时间和必要的空间,给予他们充分的信任和支持,尽量减少不必要的关注和干扰。中方将一如既往地秉持开放、透明、负责任的态度,继续同世卫组织保持合作,为更好地预防未来的风险,保护好各国人民的生命安全和健康作出自己的贡献。 Since officials and journalists are neither scientists nor specialists after all, we need to entrust the experts with the very professional task of origin-tracing, give them enough time, space, trust and support to advance cooperation, and minimize unnecessary attention and disturbance. In an open, transparent and responsible spirit, China will continue working with WHO to better prevent future risks and protect humanity’s safety and health.

    《北京日报》记者:据媒体报道,智利日前来华接运首批中国科兴公司疫苗,智利总统出席了疫苗运抵后举行的仪式,并对中方宝贵的抗疫合作表示感谢。请问中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: Chile recently received its first shipment of coronavirus vaccines developed by China’s Sinovac, and the country’s president welcomed the arrival of Chinese vaccines and expressed thanks to the valuable anti-epidemic cooperation with China. Do you have any response to that?

    赵立坚:中国和智利互为全面战略伙伴。不久前两国刚刚隆重庆祝了建交50周年。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,双方积极落实习近平主席和皮涅拉总统达成的重要共识,开展了富有成效的抗疫合作,充分体现了中智关系的高水平和两国人民的深厚情谊。中方愿同包括智利在内的拉美国家和加勒比各国一道,为发展中国家用得上、用得起疫苗作出积极贡献,共同构建人类卫生健康共同体。 Zhao Lijian: China and Chile are comprehensive strategic partners, and the two sides celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties not long ago. Since the epidemics broke out, the two sides have been following through on the important consensus reached by President Xi Jinping and President Sebastián Piñera, and carrying out fruitful anti-epidemic cooperation that fully attests to the high level of bilateral relations and the deep friendship between the two peoples. China stands ready to work with Chile and other Latin American and Caribbean countries to make vaccines accessible and affordable to people in developing countries, and jointly build a global community of health for all.

    《澳门月刊》记者:据报道,1979年的今天,邓小平副总理访问美国,外界普遍认为中美友好交流的大幕从此正式拉开。邓小平说,中美两国人民是伟大的人民,两国人民的友好合作必将对世界形势的发展产生积极深远的影响。这对于今天处在十字路口的中美关系来说有什么启示? Macao Monthly: On January 29, 1979, the then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping visited the US, which was believed by many to be the start of friendly exchanges between China and the US. Deng Xiaoping once said that the Chinese and the Americans are both great people, and their friendship and cooperation will definitely have positive and profound impact on the development of the international landscape. Can we draw inspiration from this as the China-US relations are now at a crossroads?

    赵立坚:这个问题提得非常好,看来你很关注中美关系。42年前的今天,在中美两国正式建交刚刚28天后,应卡特总统邀请,邓小平副总理对美国进行正式访问,这是新中国成立后中国领导人首次访美。访问留下了很多精彩瞬间,深深定格在中美关系的历史中,相信不少人现在都还记得。 Zhao Lijian: This is a very good question. It clearly reveals your keen interest in China-US relations. On this very day 42 years ago, which was also 28 days after the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the US, the then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping paid an official visit to the US at the invitation of President Carter. Being the first visit to the US by a Chinese leader after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was accompanied by many memorable moments that left their indelible marks on the history of China-US relations and are still brought up by many people.

    之后的历史告诉世人,双方共同作出建立外交关系的这一重大抉择是完全正确的。建交40多年来,经过双方几代人的共同努力,两国关系取得了历史性发展。中美合作从来都是互利共赢的,两国和世界各国都是中美关系发展的受益者。我给大家举几组数字:中美两国经济总量超过世界三分之一,对世界经济增长贡献率超过50%。双边贸易额较建交之初增长了250多倍,达世界五分之一。双向投资从几乎为零攀升到近2400亿美元。每年人员往来达500万人次。两国在涉及世界和平与发展的几乎所有全球性问题上都肩负着重要责任。事实证明,中美合作可以办成很多有利于两国和世界的大事。 What has happened since then only serves to prove the absolute correctness in the two countries making this historic decision of establishing diplomatic relations. Over the four decades and more, our bilateral relations achieved historic development thanks to the concerted efforts made by both sides generation after generation. China-US cooperation has always been beneficial to both countries and the whole world. The total economic aggregates of China and the US account for a third of the world’s total, contributing more than 50 percent to the world economic growth. Bilateral trade volumes, now taking up a fifth of the world’s total, have increased by more than 250 times compared with the case when the two countries first established diplomatic relations. Bilateral investment has skyrocketed from nearly zero to almost 240 billion US dollars, and 5 million visits are made between the two sides every year. China and the US also shoulder great responsibility on almost all global issues bearing on world peace and development. Facts have proven that when China and the US cooperate, great things can be done to help not only the two countries but also the world.

    过去几年,中美关系陷入前所未有的困境。其根本原因在于特朗普政府采取了完全错误的对华政策,无视中美建交40多年来取得的合作成果,无视包括中美老一辈领导人和政治家在内的两国有识之士为发展中美关系付出的多年心血,无视国际社会期待中美两国和平共处的强烈愿望。这是不可持续的,也是不得人心的。 The past few years saw China-US relations mired in unprecedented difficulties. The fundamental cause is the utterly wrong China policies taken by the Trump administration. These policies negate all the bilateral cooperation outcomes born out of the 40-plus years of engagement, trample on decades of dedicated efforts made by those visionary Chinese and American leaders, statesmen and people from all walks of life to cultivate ties, and turn a blind eye to the fact that the international community strongly wishes to see peaceful co-existence of China and the US. Such policies are unsustainable and unsupported.

    做正确的事情,永远不晚。当前,中美关系正处在新的十字路口,也有望打开新的希望之窗。我们希望美方顺应时代潮流,倾听两国人民和国际社会呼声,客观理性看待中国和中美关系,与中方相向而行,秉持不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的精神,加强对话,聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系早日回到健康稳定发展的正确轨道。 It is never too late to do the right thing. China-US relations are now standing at a new crossroads, given a chance to open up a new window of hope. We hope the US will choose to follow the trend of the times, heed the voices of the Chinese and American people and the international community, view China and China-US relations in an objective and rational way, and work with China to follow the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, strengthen communication, focus on cooperation, manage differences, and strive to get China-US relations back on the right track of sound and steady development.

    彭博社记者:彭博社刚刚报道称,拜登政府下周将同台湾当局以及包括台积电在内的产业代表会谈,讨论解决汽车芯片供应紧缺的问题。你对此有何回应? Bloomberg: Bloomberg has just reported that the Biden administration is planning to have a meeting next week with Taiwan authorities and industry officials including the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) and they’re expected to talk about resolving a crunch in auto-chips, chips for automakers. Does China have any comment on this meeting?

    赵立坚:我不了解你提到的有关会议。中方在台湾问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。我们坚决反对美台进行任何形式的官方往来。 Zhao Lijian: I’m not aware of the meeting you mentioned. China’s position on the Taiwan question has been consistent and clear. We firmly oppose any official ties between the United States and the Taiwan region.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021年1月29日 赵立坚的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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