喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021年2月1日 汪文斌的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
今天凌晨,中国政府向巴基斯坦捐赠的一批新冠病毒灭活疫苗运抵巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡,这是中国政府对外提供的第一批疫苗援助,是落实习近平主席关于将疫苗作为全球公共产品重要宣示的一项具体举措。 In the early hours today, a batch of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines donated by the Chinese government to Pakistan arrived in Islamabad. It was the first batch of vaccine aid provided by the Chinese government to another country and a concrete step in honoring President Xi’s pledge of making COVID-19 vaccines a global public good.
中巴是全天候战略伙伴。疫情发生以来,双方相互支持、相互帮助。去年,在中国国内抗击疫情最困难的时刻,巴基斯坦向中方提供了宝贵支持,是首批向中方提供医疗物资捐助的国家之一。中方在国内疫情形势缓解后,也通过援助医疗防护物资、派遣医疗专家组等多种方式支持巴方抗击疫情。 China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the two sides have been supporting and assisting each other. Last year, at China’s most trying moments, Pakistan was among the first countries to donate medical supplies to us in a great act of valuable support. When the epidemic situation in China eased, we supported Pakistan’s fight against the virus through various means including donating medical supplies and sending medical experts.
疫苗是中巴合作抗击疫情的重要领域。这种合作不仅体现了中巴作为全天候战略伙伴真诚的互帮互助,更体现了两个发展中国家为推动疫苗作为全球公共产品、提高疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性作出的共同努力。 Vaccine cooperation is an important part of the joint efforts by China and Pakistan to fight COVID-19. It demonstrates not only our sincere mutual assistance as all-weather strategic partners, but also our joint efforts as two developing countries to make vaccines a global public good and promote their accessibility and affordability in fellow developing countries.
病毒没有国界,人类命运与共,团结合作是战胜疫情最有力的武器,我们期待各方拿出实际行动,向发展中国家提供更多疫苗,促进疫苗在全球的公平分配和使用,助力早日战胜疫情。 The virus respects no boundaries and we are all in this together. Solidarity and cooperation is our most powerful weapon in this war. We hope all parties will take real action, provide more vaccines to developing countries, and contribute to the equitable distribution and application of vaccines across the world so that we can defeat the virus at an early date.
彭博社记者:缅甸军方扣押了缅国务资政昂山素季,宣布其政党去年11月选举结果无效并将在缅实施为期一年的“紧急状态”。军方称此举是对其“选举舞弊”的回应,并表示将在紧急状态结束后举行自由而公平的选举。外交部对当前缅甸局势有何评论? Bloomberg: Myanmar’s military detained Aung San Suu Kyi, declared a state of emergency for a year and voided her party’s November election victory. The army chief’s office said that the actions were taken in response to alleged voter fraud, and the military would hold a free and fair election after the emergency is over. We are wondering if China has any comment on what is happening in Myanmar?
汪文斌:我们注意到缅甸发生的事情,正在进一步了解情况。中国是缅甸的友好邻邦,我们希望缅甸各方在宪法和法律框架下妥善处理分歧,维护政治和社会稳定。 Wang Wenbin: We have noted what happened in Myanmar, and we are learning more information on the situation. China is a friendly neighbor of Myanmar. We hope that all parties in Myanmar will properly handle their differences under the constitutional and legal framework and maintain political and social stability.
总台央广记者:从你刚才发布的消息看,巴基斯坦是中方对外提供新冠疫苗援助的第一个国家,能否介绍中国是否打算向其他国家援助和出口疫苗,还向多少国家出口了疫苗? CNR: You just said that Pakistan is the first to receive vaccine doses from China as aid. Can you tell us if China plans to offer vaccines as aid to other countries as well or export vaccines to them? To date how many countries have you exported vaccines to?
汪文斌:中方一直以实际行动践行习近平主席的重要宣示,即在中国新冠疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,将作为全球公共产品,为实现疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性作出中国贡献。我们是这么说的,也是这么做的。 Wang Wenbin: China has been acting through concrete actions on President Xi Jinping’s solemn commitment of making COVID-19 vaccines, developed and deployed in China, a global public good, thus contributing to greater accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries. That’s what we’ve been saying and what we’ve been doing.
第一,除巴基斯坦外,中方还正在向文莱、尼泊尔、菲律宾、缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝、斯里兰卡、蒙古、巴勒斯坦、白俄罗斯、塞拉利昂、津巴布韦、赤道几内亚等13个发展中国家提供疫苗援助,下一步将向其他38个有需要的发展中国家援助疫苗。我们还积极参与世界卫生组织“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”,通过实施计划向发展中国家提供疫苗。 First, apart from Pakistan, China is also providing vaccine aid to Brunei, Nepal, the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Palestine, Belarus, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Equatorial Guinea, altogether 13 developing countries. Going forward, we will also assist another 38 developing countries with vaccines. We also take an active part in the WHO-led COVAX and provide vaccines through this platform to developing countries.
第二,中方支持国内企业同国外的合作伙伴开展疫苗联合研发和合作生产,已经向阿联酋、摩洛哥、印尼、土耳其、巴西、智利等临床试验国家出口了国药集团和科兴公司的疫苗。 Second, China supports Chinese companies in conducting joint vaccine R D and production with foreign partners. Vaccines made by Sinopharm and Sinovac have been exported to countries including the UAE, Morocco, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil and Chile where clinical studies have been conducted.
第三,中国支持有关企业向急需获取疫苗、认可中国疫苗、已授权在本国紧急使用中国疫苗的国家出口疫苗。例如,中国企业向塞尔维亚出口的疫苗已于不久前运抵,当地已开始接种。目前,已有越来越多的国家批准中国疫苗在当地使用。 Third, China supports relevant companies in exporting vaccines to countries in urgent need that have approved Chinese vaccines and authorized their emergency use. For instance, Serbia has started vaccination with recently imported Chinese-made vaccines. More and more countries are approving the domestic use of Chinese vaccines.
应对疫情需要国际社会共同努力。中方将继续在力所能及的范围内,及时向有关国家特别是发展中国家提供疫苗,为构建人类卫生健康共同体作出自己的贡献。我们也期待国际社会共同努力,促进疫苗在全球的公平分配和使用,确保发展中国家用得上、用得起疫苗。 The whole world needs to pull together in order to defeat the pandemic. China will continue to provide in a timely manner, to the best of its capability, vaccines to relevant countries, especially the developing countries, and contribute its share to building a global community of health for all. We also hope the international community will work together to promote the equitable allocation and use of vaccines globally to make sure developing countries have access to and can afford them.
印度广播公司记者:印度货轮停泊在曹妃甸港数月之久,中方还需多长时间才能确定其卸货日期?中国政府为何不允许该船离港或调整船员?有报道显示中方在向生病船员提供医疗协助方面有所松懈、不够及时,外交部对此有何评论? Prasar Bharati: This is regarding the Indian ship stuck at Caofeidian port for many months. How long will China take to determine when the cargo can be unloaded? Why is the Chinese government not able to impress the charterer to let the ships leave the port or at least allow a crew change? Reports also suggest there is laxity in the provision of medical aid to the crew who are suffering. They are not getting the medical aid in time. What’s your comment?
汪文斌:中方有关部门一直同印度方面保持密切沟通,及时回复印方有关诉求并提出可具操作性的轮换建议,在符合相关防疫规定前提下为印方提供必要的便利和协助。 Wang Wenbin: The relevant Chinese authorities have been in close communication with the Indian side, responding in a timely manner to their appeals and putting forward practical suggestions for crew change. We have provided necessary convenience and assistance while adhering to epidemic prevention rules.
至于你提到的货运方是否愿调整运行安排,这是由其自主决定的。 As to whether the ship charterer is willing to adjust the shipping arrangement, it is the charterer’s decision to make.
日本共同社记者:关于奥运会,2月4日是北京冬奥会开幕倒计时1周年。在新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行背景下,中方认为举办冬奥会的意义是什么?此外,东京奥运会能否于今年夏天举办有不确定性。如果东京奥运会不能如约举办对北京冬奥会有何影响? Kyodo News Agency: I have a question about the Olympic Games. February 4 marks the one-year countdown to the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. What does China think is the significance of hosting the Winter Olympics under such circumstances when COVID-19 is spreading around the world? Then there is the uncertainty about whether the Tokyo Olympics will be held this summer. If the Tokyo Olympic Games cannot be held as promised, what will be the impact on the Beijing Winter Olympics?
汪文斌:关于第一个问题,上周习近平主席同国际奥委会主席巴赫通电话,双方就克服疫情影响,确保安全顺利举办北京冬奥会,推动奥林匹克运动持续健康发展等达成了重要共识。中方已经发布了新闻稿。 Wang Wenbin: On your first question, during the phone call last week between President Xi Jinping and International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, the two sides reached important consensus on overcoming the impact of the pandemic to ensure a safe and successful Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and on promoting the sustained and healthy development of the Olympic Movement. The Chinese side has issued a press release on that phone call.
这里我愿再强调一下,中国率先控制住国内疫情并实现经济复苏,为北京冬奥会顺利举办创造了有利条件。我们严格落实防控举措,克服疫情影响,积极稳步推进冬奥会各项筹办工作,得到了包括国际奥委会在内的国际社会的充分肯定和大力支持。我们对把北京冬奥会办成一届精彩、非凡、卓越的奥运盛会充满信心。正如习近平主席指出的,相信在有关各方大力支持下,中方一定能够如期完成各项筹办任务,做好全面准备,确保北京冬奥会取得圆满成功。北京作为国际上唯一举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的“双奥城”,将为国际奥林匹克运动作出独特的贡献。 I would like to emphasize that China took the lead in bringing the domestic epidemic situation under control and realizing economic recovery, thus creating favorable conditions for the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics. We have strictly implemented prevention and control measures, overcome the impact of the epidemic, and actively promoted the steady progress of all preparation work for the games, which have won full recognition and strong support from the international community including the IOC. We are fully confident that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a splendid event. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, the Chinese side, with strong support from various parties, will complete all preparation as scheduled, so as to ensure Beijing 2022 is a complete success. Beijing, the only city in the world to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics, will make unique contributions to the international Olympic Movement.
关于第二个问题,据了解,国际奥委会和日方正在积极制订东京奥运会疫情防控方案,全力推进筹办各项工作。中方将继续全力支持国际奥委会和日方举办一届安全、成功的奥运会。 As for your second question, we have learned that the IOC and the Japanese side are actively working on a plan to host the Tokyo Olympics with prevention and control measures in place. They are doing their best in advancing preparatory works. China will continue to support the IOC and Japan in hosting a safe and successful Olympic Games.
澎湃新闻记者:据了解,一名从事文化衫订制的中国店长近日通过微信实名举报加拿大驻华使馆工作人员于去年7月订制带有“武汉蝙蝠”图案的文化衫。中方对此有何评论? The Paper: A Chinese shop manager who specializes in custom-made T-shirts recently reported through WeChat that the staff of the Canadian Embassy in China ordered T-shirts with “Wuhan bats” on them in July last year. What is China’s comment?
汪文斌:我们也注意到了有关报道。新冠病毒是人类共同的敌人。世卫组织和国际社会都明确反对将病毒同特定的国家和地区相关联,反对搞污名化、标签化。加拿大总理、卫生部长等也多次作出类似表态。 Wang Wenbin: We have noted relevant reports. The novel coronavirus is the common enemy of mankind. The WHO and the international community are clearly opposed to associating the virus with specific countries and regions, as well as to stigmatizing and pinning labels on them. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health of Canada have made similar statements on many occasions.
世界上任何一个国家的驻外外交、领事人员都应该严格遵守《维也纳外交关系公约》、《维也纳领事关系公约》以及驻在国法律法规。有关人员作为加拿大驻华使馆外交官,所作所为与其身份严重不符,也背离加政府高层的一贯立场。中方对此感到震惊,已向加驻华使馆提出严正交涉,要求加方立即彻查此事,给中方一个明确交代。 The diplomatic and consular staff of any country stationed abroad should strictly abide by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the laws and regulations of the host country. As diplomats of the Canadian Embassy in China, what they have done is not in line with their positions and runs counter to the consistent position of the high-level leadership at the Canadian government. The Chinese side is shocked by this and has lodged stern representations with the Canadian Embassy in China, demanding that the Canadian side immediately thoroughly investigate the incident and give China a clear explanation.
《环球时报》记者:据报道,美国大西洋理事会日前发表一份匿名涉华报告,策动对华冷战。有媒体将其与乔治凯南电报相类比,称之为“更长电报”。中方对此有何评论? Global Times: The Atlantic Council recently published an anonymous strategy paper on China, which instigates a Cold War against China. Some media described it as “the Longer Telegram”, associating it with George Kennan’s famous “Long Telegram”. Do you have any comment?
汪文斌:这个所谓的报告以匿名方式发表,充分暴露了一些人的阴暗心理和懦弱心态。当今世界,搞“新冷战”和意识形态对抗是逆时代潮流而动,不得人心。叫嚣对中国搞政权更迭,企图遏制中国,更是痴心妄想! Wang Wenbin: That the author of this so-called paper chooses to remain anonymous only reveals the dark motives and cowardliness behind this. To incite any “new Cold War” or ideological confrontation goes against the trend of the times and the will of people. The clamour for regime change and attempt to contain China is no other than a chimera.
无论是大西洋理事会的匿名报告,还是蓬佩奥之流对中国共产党的诋毁攻击,都是撒谎造谣的“谎言集”“阴谋论”。中国共产党为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴,为世界谋大同,光明磊落,得道多助。造谣抹黑阻挡不了中国前进的步伐。干涉中国内政、改变中国政治制度的企图必将遭到中国人民迎头痛击。一切在中美两国人民之间散布敌意、试图将中美关系推向对抗冲突的势力,必将成为历史的罪人,注定一败涂地。 From the Atlantic Council’s anonymous strategy paper to Pompeo and his likes’ slanders against the Communist Party of China, these are nothing but a collection of rumors and conspiracy theories. The CPC has always pursued happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and common good for the world. What the CPC has done is above board and its just cause will rally abundant support. No slander or mud-slinging will stop China from progressing. Any attempt to meddle in China’s internal affairs and change China’s political system will be met with strong fightback from the Chinese people. Anyone with vicious intention to sow discord between the Chinese and American people and drive China-U.S. relations to the edge of antagonism and conflict will turn out a sinner in history and is doomed to be a total failure.
深圳卫视记者:据报道,澳大利亚智库洛伊研究所近期公布了全球98个国家和地区抗疫表现的排名。中国大陆由于公开数据较少,未在此次调查之列。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: The Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank, recently released a ranking of 98 countries and regions in terms of their anti-epidemic performance. The Chinese mainland was not included in this ranking due to a lack of publicly available data. What is your comment?
汪文斌:自疫情发生以来,中方建立了最严格且专业高效的信息发布制度,第一时间发布权威信息,速度、密度、力度前所未有。武汉市从2019年12月31日起依法发布疫情信息,并逐步增加信息发布频次。2020年1月3日起,中方持续通过《国际卫生条例》等渠道,一直积极与世卫组织及有关国家和地区保持密切沟通,公开透明分享疫情信息。2020年1月21日起,有关部门每日公开发布全国疫情信息。中方相关技术机构与180多个国家、10多个国际和区域组织开展疫情相关技术交流。2020年6月,中方发布了《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书,公开了中国抗击疫情的阶段性进展。 Wang Wenbin: Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has put in place the strictest, professional and efficient information release system, enabling the public to access as much information as possible and as soon as possible. Wuhan City began to release official information on the epidemic in accordance with law on December 31, 2019, and gradually increased the frequency of information release. Since January 3, 2020, China has been in close communication with the WHO and relevant countries and regions through the International Health Regulations and other channels to share information on the epidemic in an open and transparent manner. Starting from January 21, 2020, relevant Chinese departments started to release nationwide epidemic information on a daily basis. Relevant Chinese technical institutions have conducted technical exchanges with more than 180 countries and more than 10 international and regional organizations. In June 2020, China released a white paper titled “Fighting COVID-19: China in Action”, which details in a phased manner the progress of China’s fight against the epidemic.
一个国家或地区抗击疫情表现得怎么样,关键是要用事实来说话。中方始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的疫情防控措施,用1个多月的时间初步遏制疫情蔓延势头,用2个月左右的时间将本土每日新增病例控制在个位数以内,用3个月左右的时间取得武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战的决定性成果。事实证明,在中国共产党领导下,中国政府采取的防控举措有力维护了中国人民的生命安全和身体健康。根据《科学》杂志研究报告估计,中方采取的措施使中国减少了超过70万的感染者。新加坡有关民调显示,中国民众对本国政府抗疫表现满意度在被调查的国家中最高。 Facts are all we need to determine how a country or region has responded to the pandemic. Putting people and people’s life first, China has taken the most comprehensive, most strident and most thorough prevention and control measures. China basically controlled the spread of the virus within more than 1 month, capped daily increase of new local cases to single digits within 2 months, achieved decisive victory in freeing Wuhan and Hubei from the clutch of the virus within 3 months. Facts have proved that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the prevention and control measures taken by the Chinese government have effectively safeguarded the safety and health of the Chinese people. Findings published in Science estimate that China’s control measures have prevented more than 700,000 infections across the country. An opinion poll in Singapore shows that Chinese people have the highest satisfaction rating for their government’s performance in fighting the epidemic.
在做好本国疫情防控的同时,中国还以透明、负责任态度积极参与和推动国际抗疫合作,最早向世界卫生组织报告疫情,第一时间发布新冠病毒基因序列等关键信息,第一时间公布诊疗方案和防控方案,以多种方式支持、帮助发展中国家实现疫苗的可及性和可负担性。我们将继续同国际社会一道推进抗疫合作,共同为早日彻底战胜疫情而不懈努力。 While ensuring adequate domestic response, China has also been actively participating in and promoting international cooperation in a transparent and responsible attitude. China was the first to report the situation to the WHO, released the genome sequence of the virus, diagnosis and treatment plan, and other key information at the earliest time possible, and has taken various steps to help developing countries access vaccines. We will continue to work with the international community to advance relevant cooperation and make unremitting efforts for an early and complete victory over the pandemic.
《北京日报》记者:据媒体报道,乌克兰总统泽连斯基宣布对参与收购马达西奇公司的4家中国企业和3名中国公民实施制裁,请问中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: Ukrainian President Zelensky announced sanctions on four Chinese companies and three Chinese citizens seeking to purchase a stake in Motor Sich. Do you have any response?
汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。中方一贯反对外国政府对中国企业进行单边制裁。同时,我们也一直要求中国企业在海外合法经营。希望乌方依法维护中方企业和投资者的合法权益。 Wang Wenbin: We noted relevant reports. China as always opposes unilateral sanctions on Chinese enterprises by foreign governments. In the meantime, we ask Chinese enterprises to abide by laws when doing business overseas. We hope the Ukrainian side will uphold the legal rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and investors.
印度广播公司记者:预计中国将于何时公布中国疫苗的三期临床试验数据? Prasar Bharati: When is China expected to release the phase III clinical trial data of the Chinese vaccines?
汪文斌:我可以告诉你的是,中国的疫苗研发企业严格根据科学规律和监管要求,全力以赴推进新冠疫苗的研发工作,并积极开展国际合作。你提到的问题建议向主管部门询问。 Wang Wenbin: Chinese companies have been putting their best efforts in advancing vaccine R D in strict accordance with scientific rules and regulatory requirements. They are also very active in pursuing international cooperation on this front. I would refer you to the competent department for the specific details.
彭博社记者:《金融时报》报道,由于中方近期采取的行动,在亚洲地区运营的跨国公司正考虑开展业务或合资运营时将香港排除在法律合同之外。报道还提及香港地区的律师近期收到大量这方面的客户问询。外交部对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Financial Times has reported that international companies operating in Asia are considering leaving Hong Kong out of their legal contracts due to China’s recent actions. Lawyers in the region have received a surge of queries from clients about excluding Hong Kong from contracts when conducting business or entering into joint ventures. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?
汪文斌:香港是法治社会,法治指数始终在全球名列前茅。香港国安法制定实施以来,香港法律制度更加完善,营商环境更加良好,这是不可否认的客观事实。中央政府将继续全力支持香港巩固和提升国际金融、航运和贸易中心地位,建设亚太区国际法律及争议解决服务中心,保持长期繁荣稳定。我们对香港的美好未来充满信心。 Wang Wenbin: Hong Kong is a society governed by law and a top-ranking city in terms of Rule of Law Index. It is an undeniable fact that after the promulgation and implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong, its legal system and business environment have been improved. The central government will continue to support Hong Kong in consolidating and enhancing its status as an international financial, shipping and trading center, developing into an international center for legal and dispute resolution services in Asia Pacific, and maintaining long-term stability and prosperity. We are fully confident in the better future of Hong Kong.
美国专题新闻社记者:有报道称,当前缅甸局势使中缅经济走廊受挫。你能否再详细介绍一下中方立场? FSN: There are reports that have suggested that what happened in Myanmar is a setback for the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Would you like to elaborate a little bit more on China’s position?
汪文斌:我愿再次重申,中国是缅甸的友好邻邦,我们希望缅甸各方在宪法和法律框架下妥善处理分歧,维护政治和社会稳定。 Wang Wenbin: I would like to reiterate that China is a friendly neighbor of Myanmar. We hope that all parties in Myanmar will properly handle their differences under the constitutional and legal framework and maintain political and social stability.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021年2月1日 汪文斌的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!