【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-1
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-1的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!

    2021年3月1日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on March 1, 2021



    Bloomberg: The US is calling for the immediate release of pan-democratic election candidates in Hong Kong, according to a tweet from Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Does the foreign ministry have any comments?


    Wang Wenbin: Will the US allow its normal law enforcement activities to be criticized unjustifiably and do nothing?


    What governs China and its HKSAR is the law, and no one is above the law. The Hong Kong police has been carrying out normal law enforcement activities by arresting and prosecuting those criminal suspects who have sought to subvert state power in violation of the Hong Kong security law. We firmly support the Hong Kong police in executing their duties in accordance with law, upholding national security, and protecting Hong Kong's security and stability. We urge the US side to respect facts, respect rule of law, and stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and China's internal affairs in any way.



    FSN: Australian media reports today said that the Australian government has granted its first humanitarian visas to Hong Kong passport holders since 2010. What is your comment?

    汪文斌:中方在涉港问题上的立场是一贯、明确的。香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政,任何外国无权干涉。中方敦促澳方停止以任何方式干涉香港事务和中国内政,以免对中澳关系造成进一步损害。 Wang Wenbin: China's position on Hong Kong-related issues is consistent and clear. Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong, and every bit of Hong Kong affairs belongs to China's internal affairs, in which no other country has the right to interfere. The Chinese side urges the Australian side to stop meddling in Hong Kong's affairs and China's internal affairs in any way. Otherwise the China-Australia relations will only sustain further damage.

    3 《环球时报》记者:据报道,美国国务卿布林肯26日称,美国坚定支持加拿大发起的“反对任意拘押宣言”,并要求中方立即无条件释放两名被拘押的加公民。中方对此有何评论? Global Times: According to reports, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on February 26 that the United States is in strong support of Canada's initiative against arbitrary detention and stands in absolute solidarity with Canada in insisting on the immediate and unconditional release of the two Canadian citizens. What is China's comment? 汪文斌:康明凯、迈克尔涉嫌危害中国国家安全犯罪,已被提起公诉。中国司法主权不容干涉。 Wang Wenbin: Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor have been prosecuted on charges of undermining China's national security. China's judicial sovereignty brooks no interference.
    至于加方发表的所谓“反对任意拘押宣言”,这完全是加拿大一手炮制的国际闹剧。我们注意到,加方近日已悄悄将加纳等所谓联署国从联署名单当中删除了。贝宁也通过外交渠道向中方明确表示没有参与加方“宣言”,但至今仍被加方强行列在联署名单上。加方出于一己之私,不惜在国际上四处哄骗,甚至违背有关国家意愿、强行将他们拉入所谓的联署国家名单,是企图误导国际社会,这种做法十分拙劣,理应受到谴责。加方的图谋绝不会得逞。 As for the so-called "Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention" launched by Canada, it is nothing but a farce on the international stage. We noticed that the Canadian side has quietly removed some names including Ghana from the list of founding endorsers. Benin has informed the Chinese side explicitly through diplomatic channels that it has not participated in the initiative. However, you will still find its name kept on the list. Driven by selfish interest, Canada went around coaxing and beguiling other countries into endorsing its so-called declaration, even defying their will just to make up a list. Such futile and despicable tricks attempting to mislead the international community should be condemned. 



    NHK: First question, now one month has passed since the "military coup" took place in Myanmar. Several people have been shot to death recently by the Myanmar military. Myanmar's military stressed that they've been treating the protests cautiously. What's the comment of the Chinese side? The second question is that the EU floated the idea of holding talks that would include all of the remaining participants in the JCPOA as well as the US. The US government has also expressed its intention to join the talks, but the Iranian government has refused to participate. What is China's comment? The third question is that it has been a year since the US government and the Taliban reached a peace agreement for Afghanistan. As the US military withdraws, there are also terrorist attacks occurring occasionally. The long sought-after peace still seems elusive. What is China's comment? 


    Wang Wenbin: On your first question, as a friendly neighbor of Myanmar, China is following the current situation in Myanmar and hopes that each party will bear in mind the big picture of national development and stability, exercise restraint, properly handle differences under the constitutional and legal framework, and maintain political and social stability. At the informal meeting on the Myanmar issue held recently by the UN General Assembly, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations expounded China's position on the relevant issue. What I want to emphasize here is that cooling down the situation in Myanmar is a top priority and also a consensus of the international community. The international community should respect Myanmar's sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and national unity, and help all relevant parties in Myanmar engage in dialogue and reconciliation in accordance with the wishes and interests of the Myanmar people, properly handle differences, maintain political and social stability, resolve outstanding issues in a peaceful manner, and continue to promote domestic democratic transformation process in an orderly manner. Any action by the international community should contribute to Myanmar's political and social stability and peaceful reconciliation, avoid escalating conflicts and further complicating the situation. China is willing to continue to play a constructive role to ease up the situation on the ground in Myanmar.

    关于第二个问题,伊朗核问题局势正处于关键节点。当务之急是美国采取具体措施解除对伊制裁,伊朗则对等恢复履约,以共同推动全面协议重返正轨。正是出于这一考虑,中方倡议举行全面协议参与方加美方的国际会议,并支持欧盟提出的具体设想。我们呼吁美欧不要在国际原子能机构采取对抗性行动,以利于尽早召开上述会议。中方将继续同有关各方保持接触,共同为此作出努力。 Regarding the second question, the Iranian nuclear issue is at a critical juncture. The top priority is for the United States to take specific measures to lift sanctions against Iran while Iran resumes compliance reciprocally in order to jointly push the JCPOA back on track. It is for this reason that China proposes to hold an international conference participated by all remaining JCPOA parties plus the United States, and supports the specific ideas put forward by the EU. We call on the United States and Europe to refrain from taking confrontational actions at the International Atomic Energy Agency so that the aforementioned meeting will be materialized as soon as possible. China will continue to maintain contact with relevant parties and make joint efforts to this end.
    关于第三个问题,中方关注美塔和平协议落实及阿人内部谈判推进相关情况,注意到有关方面和国际社会对阿富汗形势走向的关切。当前阿安全形势依旧复杂严峻,阿人内部谈判正迈向实质性谈判。我们认为,阿各方及国际社会应以负责任、建设性态度处事谋事,共同坚定致力于推进政治解决阿富汗问题,早日实现阿和平、团结与发展。 Regarding the third question you mentioned, China is following the implementation of the US and Taliban peace agreement and the progress of the intra-Afghan negotiations. We have noticed that relevant parties and the international community have expressed concerns about the current direction of the evolving situation in Afghanistan. The security situation in Afghanistan is still complicated and severe. The intra-Afghan negotiations are moving towards substantive ones. We maintain that all parties and the international community should jointly and firmly advance the political settlement of the Afghan issue in a responsible and constructive way, thus helping Afghanistan realize peace, unity and development at an early date.
    中方坚定支持“阿人主导、阿人所有”的广泛包容性和平和解进程,将在尊重阿各方意愿基础上,秉持公正客观立场,继续做阿和平和解进程的支持者、斡旋者和便利提供者,发挥建设性作用。 China firmly supports the "Afghan-led, Afghan-owned" process of peace and reconciliation that is extensive and inclusive. On the basis of respecting the wishes of all parties, China will act as a constructive party in upholding a fair and objective position and continuing to be a supporter, mediator and facilitator of the Afghan peace and reconciliation process.

    5 总台国广记者:据报道,中国援助菲律宾的新冠疫苗28日运抵马尼拉。菲律宾总统杜特尔特赴机场迎接,并表示这是菲律宾在抗击疫情过程中迈出的关键一步,感谢中国政府和人民的诚意和善意。中方能否介绍更多情况?  CRI: According to reports, a batch of vaccines donated by China arrived in Manila on February 28. President Duterte, marking the event at the airport, called it a key step in the country's fight against COVID-19 and conveyed "sincere gratitude to the Chinese people and the government of China for this gesture of friendship and solidarity". Could you share more information about this? 汪文斌:中国和菲律宾是友好邻邦。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中菲两国政府和人民守望相助,携手抗疫,构建了更加紧密的伙伴关系。中国政府决定向菲方提供疫苗无偿援助,中国军队也向菲军方紧急提供疫苗援助。中国相关企业还与菲政府签署了疫苗采购合同。这次运抵菲律宾的中国疫苗是菲律宾接收的首批外国新冠疫苗。正如杜特尔特总统所说的那样,中国疫苗援助彰显了中菲两国之间的友谊和团结。我们希望中国疫苗能为菲方控制疫情、恢复经济和保护人民健康提供助力。 Wang Wenbin: China and the Philippines are friendly neighbors. Since COVID-19 broke out, the two governments and peoples have been standing together and fighting shoulder-to-shoulder, forging a closer partnership. The Chinese government has decided to offer vaccines to the Philippines in free assistance. The Chinese military has provided emergency vaccine aid to the Philippine military. Besides, the Philippine government has also signed purchase contracts with Chinese business community. The shipment you mentioned is the first batch of foreign vaccines to have arrived in the Philippines. Just as President Duterte put it, this demonstrates the two sides' friendship and solidarity. We hope the Chinese vaccine doses could help the Philippines contain COVID-19, revive the economy and protect people's health.
    近期,中国新冠疫苗陆续运抵多个国家,为有关国家抗击疫情作出积极贡献。中方将继续践行习近平主席将疫苗作为全球公共产品的重要宣示,以不同方式同各国开展疫苗合作,携手共克疫情,促进疫后共同发展。我们也希望所有有能力的国家都尽快行动起来,共同为支持国际社会特别是发展中国家战胜疫情作出积极贡献。 Recently China-made vaccines have reached many countries, contributing to the local battles against the virus. China will continue to act on President Xi Jinping's pledge to make vaccines a global public good and conduct vaccine cooperation with other countries in various means to help them conquer the virus and boost post-pandemic growth. We also hope that all capable countries will take actions to contribute to the global fight, especially in developing countries.

    6 巴通社记者:巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗表示,中国帮助本国7亿多人口脱贫,他向习近平主席和中国政府表示祝贺。中方对此有何评论?中国脱贫工作取得的成就还有哪些? Associated Press of Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has congratulated President Xi and Chinese government for taking over 700 million people out of poverty. Do you have any comment on that? Could you share more details about China's achievement in poverty alleviation campaign?
    汪文斌:中方赞赏伊姆兰·汗总理对中国脱贫攻坚成就作出的积极评价。我也注意到联合国驻华协调员常启德等国际组织负责人表示,中国的脱贫攻坚成果为世界带来重要启示,习近平主席带领中国政府和人民表现的决心和行动力是首要经验。 Wang Wenbin: China appreciates Prime Minister Imran Khan's positive comments on China's achievements in poverty alleviation. I have also noted that the UN Resident Coordinator in China Siddharth Chatterjee, among other senior officials of international organizations, said that China's great achievements in poverty reduction bring important inspirations to the world, and the first and foremost lesson is strong will and action as demonstrated by the Chinese government and people under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.
    消除绝对贫困是中国民生改善的里程碑,是中国人权发展的历史性成就,也是人类进步的壮丽篇章。党的十八大以来,中国平均每年有1000多万人脱贫,相当于一个中等国家的人口脱贫,平均大约每3秒钟就有1个人跨过贫困线。改革开放以来,按照现行贫困标准计算,中国7.7亿农村贫困人口摆脱贫困;按照世界银行国际贫困标准,中国减贫人口占同期全球减贫人口70%以上。一个国家在这么短的时间内实现几亿人脱贫,是人间奇迹。 The elimination of absolute poverty is a milestone in the improvement of people's livelihood in China, a historic achievement in China's human rights development, and a magnificent chapter in the history of human progress. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has lifted over 10 million people out of poverty every year on average, equivalent to the population of a medium-sized country, or one person being lifted above the poverty line every three seconds. Since the launch of the reform and opening up, 770 million impoverished rural residents have shaken off poverty. China has contributed to more than 70% of global total over the same period according to the World Bank's international poverty line. It is a miracle that a country has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty in such a short period of time.
    消除绝对贫困体现了中国共产党以人民为中心,把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益作为一切工作出发点和落脚点的执政理念,展现了中国社会主义制度集中力量办大事的政治优势。在中国共产党领导下,全国投入大量人力、物力、财力用于脱贫攻坚,包括累计选派25.5万个驻村工作队、300多万名第一书记和驻村干部,同近200万名乡镇干部和数百万村干部一道奋战在扶贫第一线。这其中也包括外交部的同事们。过去28年来,外交部一共派驻了38位驻云南省金平和麻栗坡两个贫困县的扶贫代表和3位驻村第一书记,为帮助当地百姓摆脱贫困作出了积极贡献,我们为此深感自豪。 The elimination of absolute poverty is also a good example in explaining the CPC's people-centered philosophy. It shows that in state governance, the CPC always holds close to heart the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the Chinese people, and takes realizing, protecting and developing these fundamental interests as its governance goals. It also demonstrates the political advantages of China's socialist system, which is pooling all necessary resources together to accomplish great tasks. Under the leadership of the CPC, the whole country has devoted a great deal of manpower, material and financial resources to poverty alleviation. A total of 255,000 village-based working teams and over 3 million first secretaries of CPC village committees and village-based officials have been sent to the frontline of poverty alleviation, along with nearly 2 million township officials and millions of village officials. My colleagues from the Foreign Ministry are also present at the frontline. Over the past 28 years, the Foreign Ministry has sent 38 poverty alleviation representatives and three first secretaries to villages in the poverty-stricken counties of Jinping and Malipo in Yunnan Province, making positive contributions to helping the local people shake off poverty. We are all very proud of their contributions.
    中国的脱贫成绩属于中国,也属于世界,从理论和实践上为促进国际减贫事业发展提供了中国方案。我们愿同各国一道,为广大发展中国家消除贫困、实现联合国2030可持续发展目标提供力所能及的帮助,为各国人民过上更美好的生活、推动世界人权进步作出自己的贡献。 China's achievement in poverty alleviation is also great news for the world, as it has contributed to the progress of international poverty reduction with China's solutions. We are ready to work with the rest of the world to help other developing countries eradicate poverty, achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and contribute to a better life for all and the progress of the global human rights cause.

    7 总台央视记者:据报道,26日,联合国23名人权专家发表联合声明表示,已多次对美国警方过度使用武力等问题表达担忧。专家们指出,在美国一些城市,“警察不分青红皂白地对抗议者、居民和旁观者发射催泪弹、橡皮子弹,并且近距离使用胡椒喷雾。催泪弹甚至落在居民院落里并伤害到了儿童”。专家们还表示,美方必须解决警察暴力执法和系统性种族主义问题,采取措施以确保任何过度使用武力的执法行为都无法逃脱惩罚。中方对此有何评论?  CCTV: According to reports, on February 26, 23 United Nations human rights experts released a joint statement saying "We have repeatedly raised our concerns about the excessive force used by American police". In some U.S. cities, "police officers fired tear gas, rubber bullets and used pepper spray from close range against protesters, residents, and bystanders indiscriminately," the report states. "Tear gas canisters even landed in home yards hurting children." The experts call on the United States to address police brutality and systemic racism and to ensure that there is no impunity for any excessive use of force by law enforcement officials. I wonder if you have any comment?
    汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。过去一年,美国执法部门暴力执法的报道经常见诸媒体。“我不能呼吸”依旧让人警醒。美国“警察暴力地图”网站数据显示,2020年1月到11月,美国只有17天没有发生执法人员致死案件。《华盛顿邮报》调查数据显示,2020年美国约有近1000人遭执法人员射杀,平均每天就有3人丧生在执法人员的枪下。这背后反映出的问题值得人们深思。 Wang Wenbin: I have noted this report. Over the past year, US law enforcement brutality has made many newspaper headlines. The choking cry of "I cannot breathe" remains a sobering call. According to data on the US website Mapping Police Violence, between January and November 2020, only 17 days passed without anyone being killed by the US law enforcement officials. Washington Post data shows nearly 1,000 were shot and killed by law enforcement personnel in the US in 2020, an average of three deaths per day. The underlying problem deserves our deep reflection.
    世上的每一个人,不论种族、肤色、性别、国籍,其生命都应当得到尊重和珍惜,人权都应当得到维护和保障。我们希望美方摒弃双重标准,正视本国种族主义、执法部门暴力执法等严重人权问题,采取措施切实促进和保障人权。 Each and every life on earth, regardless of ethnicity, color of skin, gender and nationality, should be respected and cherished, and their human rights preserved and protected. We hope the United States will discard its double-standard approach, look hard at its own grave human rights violations such as racism and law enforcement brutality, and take concrete measures to promote and protect human rights at home.

    8 法新社记者:“驻华外国记者协会”(FCCC)发布了年度“报告”。中方对此有何评论? AFP: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) issued its annual report. What is your comment?
    汪文斌:我们从未承认你提到的相关组织。这个所谓“报告”预设立场,危言耸听,毫无事实依据。我要强调的是,中国是法治国家,任何人在中国都必须遵守中国法律。我们始终欢迎各国媒体和记者依法依规在中国从事采访报道工作,并将继续为其提供便利和协助。我们反对的是针对中国的意识形态偏见,反对的是借所谓新闻自由炮制假新闻,反对的是违反新闻职业道德的行为。 Wang Wenbin: We have never acknowledged this organization you mentioned. The so-called "report" is based on preconceptions rather than facts in an attempt to sensationalize and scare. I'd like to stress that China is a country governed by law. Anyone in China must abide by Chinese laws. We welcome media and journalists from different countries working in China in accordance with laws and regulations, and will continue to provide them with convenience and assistance. That being said, we reject ideological bias against China, fake news fabricated in the name of freedom of the press, and acts that violate professional ethics of journalism.

    9 日本广播协会记者:关于日本来华人员入境时进行核酸检测的问题。日本驻华使馆认为,如果采取肛拭子检测方式,可能导致被检测人心理负担大,希望中方重新评估有关做法。中方对此有何回应? NHK: Regarding the issue of nucleic acid testing for Japanese people entering China, the Japanese Embassy in China believes that the use of anal swab testing may cause psychological burden on the tested persons, and hopes that the Chinese side will reconsider the relevant practices. What is your response?
    汪文斌:中方根据疫情形势变化,按照相关法律法规,科学动态调整相关防疫措施。具体情况请你向中方主管部门询问。 Wang Wenbin: The Chinese side will make science-based adjustments to its relevant epidemic control measures in accordance with the changes in the epidemic situation as well as relevant laws and regulations. For specific information, I would refer you to the competent Chinese authority.

    10 《中国日报》记者:据报道,2月28日,澳大利亚国立大学东亚经济研究所研究显示,2020年中国对澳直接投资下降61%至7.83亿美元,创6年来新低。这既受疫情影响,也是澳方加强对中方投资审查所致。中方对此有何评论? China Daily: According to a report released by the Institute of East Asian Economics at the Australian National University on February 28, China's direct investment to Australia dropped 61 percent to 783 million US dollars in 2020, hitting a six-year low. The report says this is partly due to the pandemic, and partly to Australia's tightened scrutiny of Chinese investment. Could I have China's comment on that?
    汪文斌:你提到的数字很能反映中澳关系当中存在的一些实际问题。中澳经贸投资合作本质上是互利共赢的。长期以来,中国企业赴澳大利亚投资为当地经济发展和民生就业作出了巨大贡献。在中国去年对外直接投资增长3.3%的背景下,对澳投资却断崖式下降,其中原因值得澳方认真反思。近年来澳方多次滥用“国家安全”理由否决中国企业赴澳投资项目,动辄对两国各领域正常的交流合作无端设限,严重影响中国企业赴澳投资的信心。这种将经贸问题政治化的做法与澳方一贯标榜的市场规则和自由竞争原则相悖,对澳方自身利益及声誉也造成损害。澳政府应采取措施,为包括中国企业在内的外国投资者提供公平、开放和非歧视的投资环境,为中澳两国各领域务实合作创造便利条件。 Wang Wenbin: The figures you mentioned tell a lot about some practical problems in China-Australia relations. China-Australia trade is mutually beneficial in nature. Over the years, Chinese investment in Australia has given a great boost to local economic development and livelihood improvement. In 2020, while China's outward direct investment (ODI) grew by 3.3%, China's investment to Australia took a nosedive, a contrast that deserves some serious thoughts by the Australian side. In recent years, the Australian side has repeatedly used "national security" as an excuse to veto Chinese companies' investment projects and arbitrarily imposed restrictions on normal exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields, which has seriously dampened the confidence of Chinese investors. Such practice of politicizing economic and trade issues runs counter to Australia's self-proclaimed commitment to market rules and the principle of free competition, and puts Australia's own interests and reputation in jeopardy. The Australian government should take steps to provide a fair, open and non-discriminatory investment environment for investors, who are from not only China, but also other countries, so as to facilitate practical cooperation between China and Australia in various fields.

    11 共同社记者:日本政府最近表示,如果外国公务船强行登陆钓鱼岛,日方可能会在必要时使用武器。中方对此有何评论? Kyodo News Agency: The Japanese government said recently that if foreign public service ships forcibly land on the Diaoyu Dao, Japan may use weapons when necessary. What is China's comment?
    汪文斌:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国固有领土,中国海警在钓鱼岛海域开展巡航执法,是中方依法行使主权的正当举措。中方维护领土主权的决心和意志坚定不移,将坚决应对针对钓鱼岛的任何挑衅冒险行为。 Wang Wenbin: The Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territory. The patrol and law enforcement by the Chinese Coast Guard in waters off the Diaoyu Dao is a legitimate measure taken by China to exercise its sovereignty in accordance with law. China is firmly resolved to safeguard its territorial sovereignty, and will resolutely respond to any provocative and dangerous action against the Diaoyu Dao.
    我们敦促日方切实恪守中日四点原则共识精神,停止可能导致钓鱼岛局势复杂化的危险言行。 We urge the Japanese side to earnestly abide by the spirit of the four-point principled consensus between China and Japan and stop saying or doing things that may complicate the situation on the Diaoyu Dao.

    12 路透社记者:据《纽约时报》报道,研究显示中国黑客可能对印度电网系统进行了网络攻击,借机“警告”印度不要在边境问题上咄咄逼人。请问中方对此有何评论? Reuters: According to the New York Times, studies show that Chinese hackers may have launched cyber attacks against India's power grid, as a way to "warn" India to stop acting aggressively on the border issue. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:中国是网络安全的坚定维护者,坚决反对并打击任何形式的网络攻击行为。网络攻击溯源难,不能无中生有、随意猜测,更不能在拿不出证据的情况下向特定方泼脏水,这种做法不仅不负责任,而且别有用心。中方对此坚决反对。 Wang Wenbin: As a staunch defender of cyber security, China firmly opposes and cracks down on all forms of cyber attacks. Speculation and fabrication have no role to play on the issue of cyber attacks, as it is very difficult to trace the origin of a cyber attack. It is highly irresponsible to accuse a particular party when there is no sufficient evidence around,. China is firmly opposed to such irresponsible and ill-intentioned practice.

    13 湖北广电记者:中欧地理标志协定今天起正式生效。发言人认为这对中欧经贸合作、对双方企业和民众来说有何积极意义? Hubei TV: The China-EU geographical indications agreement takes effect today. What do you think is its significance for the bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and companies and people on both sides?
    汪文斌:中欧地理标志协定的生效对于中国和欧洲都是一个好消息。日前,商务部有关司局负责人已就此介绍了情况,中欧第一批双方互认的各约100个地理标志将于协定生效之日起开始获得保护,第二批各175个地理标志产品亦将在4年内获得保护。这些产品当中包括我们熟知的中国的安溪铁观音、绍兴酒,欧洲的帕尔玛火腿、香槟等食品,也包括宣纸、蜀锦等欧盟第一次在其对外商签的地理标志协定中纳入的中国特色地理标志。相信在协定生效后,中国和欧洲的消费者都可以放心购买更多来自对方的优质产品,吃上更多来自对方的特色美食。双方企业也能在相关领域的贸易往来中获得更多保障。 Wang Wenbin: The coming into effect of the China-EU Geographical Indications agreement is a good news for both China and the EU. As noted by the official from relevant department of the Ministry of Commerce several days ago, 100 GIs from each side came under protection upon the agreement's entry into force. The second GI list of 175 products from each side will be protected within the next four years. These products include food that are familiar to us such as Anxi Tie Guan Yin tea and Shaoxing wine from China, and Prosciutto di Parma and Champagne from Europe. They also include featured Chinese GIs such as Xuan paper and Sichuan brocade which have never been included in EU's GI agreements with other sides before. We believe that after the agreement takes effect, consumers from China and the EU can buy more quality products and get to taste more delicacies from the other side. Enterprises on both sides can also be given more protection in trade and exchanges in relevant sectors. 
    中欧地理标志协定是中国对外商签的第一个全面高水平的地理标志协定。协定的生效实施,充分体现了中欧双方坚持自由和开放贸易、支持以规则为基础的多边贸易体制的承诺,将为中欧经贸合作发展提供新的动力,有助于进一步巩固中欧全面战略伙伴关系的经贸基础。去年底,中欧双方如期结束了中欧投资协定谈判。我们也希望投资协定能尽快正式签署和生效,早日惠及中欧双方企业和民众。中方愿与欧方一道,继续携手维护基于规则的多边贸易体系,共同构建开放型世界经济,助力中欧和世界经济复苏和发展。 The China-EU Geographical Indications agreement is China's first comprehensive, high-level bilateral agreement on GIs. Its coming into effect fully testifies to China and the EU's commitment to upholding free and open trade, and supporting rules-based multilateral trading system. It will provide new impetus to China-EU economic and trade cooperation and be conducive to cementing the foundation, economic- and trade-wise, of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. In the end of 2020, China and the EU concluded the bilateral investment agreement as scheduled. We hope the agreement can be officially signed and take effect at an early date and deliver benefits to the enterprises and people on both sides. China is ready to work with the EU to continue to safeguard the rules-based multilateral trading system, jointly build an open world economy, and contribute to economic recovery and development of China, the EU and the world at large. 

    14 《北京青年报》记者:26日,联合国人权高专巴切莱特在联合国人权理事会高级别会议上称,应对有关中国新疆地区发生“任意拘押”“强迫劳动”等问题的报道进行独立评估。相信通过与中方正在进行的对话,能够就其访华达成双方都满意的条件。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Youth Daily: At the UN Human Rights Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said that in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, information that is in the public domain indicates the need for independent and comprehensive assessment of the human rights situation such as arbitrary detention and forced labor. She's confident that through the on-going dialogue they will find mutually agreeable parameters for her visit to China. What is your comment?
    汪文斌:我们对联合国人权高专依据不实信息、屈从政治压力,对中国进行不实指责感到遗憾,坚决反对将人权问题政治化、借人权问题干涉中国内政的错误做法。 Wang Wenbin: To our regret, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has succumbed to political pressure and launched unfounded and disinformation-based accusations against China. We firmly oppose the wrong actions of politicizing human rights issues and interfering in China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights issues. 《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由,有宗教信仰自由,公民的人身自由不受侵犯。中华人民共和国公民行使各项合法权利受到宪法和法律保护。中国“十四五”规划编制工作广泛在网上征求意见,广大人民群众踊跃参与,留言100多万条,有关方面从中整理出1000余条建议。这是中国特色社会主义民主的生动实践。改革开放以来,按现行贫困标准计算,中国7.7亿农村贫困人口摆脱贫困;按世界银行国际贫困标准,中国减贫人口占同期全球减贫人口70%以上。这是中国人权事业的历史性成就,也是世界人权进步的重要体现。 Let me first quote some articles from the Constitution of the People's Republic of China for you. "Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration", they "enjoy freedom of religious belief",  and "freedom of the person of citizens of the People's Republic of China shall not be violated". The Constitution and Chinese laws protects citizens of the People's Republic of China in exercising their legitimate rights. I have another fact for you. During the drafting process of the 14th Five-Year Plan, extensive solicitations for comments and suggestions from various sectors were held online. Over 1 million comments were received, based on which relevant authorities sorted out more than 1,000 suggestions. The drafting process is vivid example of China's socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics. Since reform and opening-up began, 770 million rural residents living under the current poverty line have all been lifted out of poverty, which accounts for more than 70% of the total population shaking off poverty worldwide. This is a historic achievement for China's human rights cause, occupying an important place in the world's human rights progress.
    一国人权状况好不好,本国人民最有发言权,人民才是一国人权事业的评分者,人民的满意度是衡量一国人权事业最直观的晴雨表。有关国际权威机构历次调查显示,多年来中国民众对中国共产党领导的中国政府满意度超过90%。新加坡有关调查显示,全球23个经济体中,中国大陆民众对政府抗击疫情举措满意度最高。 When we consider a country's human rights condition, we should always listen to its people first and foremost, as no one knows it better than the people living in the country. They have first-hand experience of how good or bad their country's human rights condition is. A multi-year survey conducted by an international prestigious institution shows that Chinese people's satisfaction with the CPC-led government has been over 90% for many years. In a global survey by Singapore's leading social research agency which measured the sentiments of citizens from 23 countries towards their national COVID-19 management efforts, China's mainland tops the index with the most citizens rating its government's performance favorably.
    中方愿意同世界各国在平等和相互尊重基础上开展人权对话与交流。新疆地区的大门始终是敞开的,我们欢迎联合国人权高专访问新疆,双方也在就此保持沟通。但访问目的应是促进双方交流与合作,而不是进行有罪推定式的所谓“调查”。我们坚决反对任何人利用此事进行政治操弄,向中方施压。 China is always ready to have equal-footed and mutually respectful dialogues and exchanges with other countries on the human rights issues. Xinjiang's door to the world is always open. We welcome UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang, and the two sides are in communication on this. But the purpose of the visit should be to promote exchanges and cooperation, not to carry out some kind of "investigation" with China already being presumed as "guilty". We firmly oppose political manipulation of such issues to strong-arm China.

    15 彭博社记者:据《产经新闻》报道,日本政府年内不会邀请中国领导人访问日本。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Sankei newspaper reported that Japan won't invite Chinese leadership for a visit this year. What is the foreign ministry's comment?
    汪文斌:我愿再次强调,一段时间以来,中日双方未就有关重大议程进行探讨。日本国内少数媒体借此炒作涉华议题,制造噪音和杂音,根本毫无意义。希望日方同中方一道努力,正确引导国内舆情民意,为两国关系改善发展营造良好氛围,积累有利条件。 Wang Wenbin: I'd like to stress again that for a while, China and Japan have not held discussions on any relevant major agenda. It is utterly meaningless for a few Japanese media outlets to hype up issues relating to China in unpleasant and unfitting ways. We hope the Japanese side will work with China, help its public form correct opinions on relevant issues, create a favorable atmosphere and accumulate enabling conditions for the improvement and development of bilateral relations.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-1的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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