【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-5
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-5的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!

    2021年3月5日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on March 5, 2021



    CCTV: The Brookings Institution, an American think tank, published an article the other day, calling for US-China cooperation in the fight against the pandemic. The urgent task of bringing the pandemic under control can only be accomplished through global coordination, which requires the active engagement of the two largest economies in the world, the article said. What is China's comment on this? 


    Wang Wenbin: I've noted relevant reports on this article. Also, at an exchange event recently held between Chinese and American experts on epidemic prevention and control, they agreed that defeating COVID-19 requires global efforts in the spirit of unity and cooperation. The international community appeals for solidarity in the fight against the pandemic, and clear-sighted people want to see better cooperation between China and the US on this front.

    疫情发生以来,中国率先有效控制住疫情,同时积极推进国际抗疫合作,有力保障全球抗疫物资的生产和供应。据我了解,2020年3月1日至2021年2月28日,中国向美国出口口罩约438.5亿只,外科手套约11.9亿双,防护服约9.5亿套,护目镜约5403万副,呼吸机17585台。中国很多省市、企业和团体也向美方积极提供了医疗物资捐助。中方专家、医务工作者、非政府组织等与美国同行们分享防控和诊疗经验。中美双方制药企业和科技界人士也就疫苗及药物研发保持着沟通与合作。  Since the outbreak of the pandemic and after the Chinese government has taken the lead in effectively curbing the virus, we have been actively promoting international anti-epidemic cooperation, including in ensuring the production and supply of global anti-epidemic materials. As far as I know, from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021, China has exported to the United States about 43.85 billion masks, 1.19 billion pairs of surgical gloves, 950 million sets of protective clothing, 54.03 million pairs of goggles and 17,585 ventilators. Many provinces, cities, enterprises and organizations in China have also offered medical supplies to the United States. Chinese experts, medical workers and non-governmental organizations shared their prevention and treatment experience with their counterparts in the United States. Chinese and American pharmaceutical companies and people from the scientific and technological community have also maintained communication and cooperation on vaccine and drug research and development.
    当前,疫情仍在蔓延。中美作为两个大国,应该而且能够携手应对人类共同挑战。中方愿继续同包括美方在内的世界各国共同努力,支持世卫组织进一步发挥作用,推动国际抗疫合作深入发展,争取早日战胜疫情。 At present, the pandemic is yet to be contained. As two major countries in the world, China and the United States should join hands to meet the common challenges of mankind. China will continue to work with other countries, including the United States, to support WHO in further playing its role to further advance international cooperation for an early victory in the fight against the epidemic.



    Bloomberg: A follow-up on COVID-related issues. A group of scientists have called for an "independent probe" into the origins of COVID-19. The group of scientists said in an open letter published by the WSJ that the existing WHO mission isn't independent enough, and that half of the team are Chinese citizens whose scientific independence might be limited. I'd like to ask for the foreign ministry's comment on this.


    Wang Wenbin: First I need to correct you on one point. What China and the WHO conducted was not a probe, but joint research on origin-tracing, which forms part of a global plan. The joint team of experts gave detailed information on their cooperation in origin-tracing at a press conference held on February 9. If any country or media failed to grasp the details accurately, I refer them once again to the information released at that press conference. I'd like to stress the following:

    第一,世卫组织国际专家组的名单完全由世卫方面提出,来自10多个国家以及世卫组织、世界动物卫生组织、联合国粮农组织等国际机构,既有科学独立性,也有广泛代表性。  First, the list of international experts on the WHO mission was formulated solely by the WHO. They are independent as scientists and highly representative as they are from more than ten countries and international institutions such as the WHO, the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization.
    第二,中国政府为这次联合溯源作了大量行政、技术、后勤保障和支持工作。为支持这次联合溯源研究,中方应世卫方面和国际专家组要求,组织了中国相关领域顶级专家参与溯源工作,并动员大量技术人员为联合专家组搜集数据和资料提供必要支撑。专家实地参访需求由专家组自行提出,访谈对象和访谈内容由专家组现场自主确定,报告由专家组自行起草。  Second, the Chinese government has done a lot of administrative, technical, logistic and supporting work. In support of this joint research, the Chinese side, at the request of the WHO and the international team, arranged top Chinese experts in relevant fields to take part, and assembled a large number of technical personnel to support the joint mission in collecting data and documents. The experts on the mission made their own decisions independently as to where they would like to visit, who they would like to talk to and what they would like to talk about as the field work proceeded. The report is also drafted by the mission independently.
    第三,这次溯源合作是中外方联合专家组基于科学研究和事实依据开展的一项科学任务,双方专家进行了充分坦诚交流,其结论反应了双方专家的共识,是客观、科学和权威的。一些人罔顾科学事实,将溯源问题政治化,对专家组科学结论进行肆意曲解,鼓吹对特定国家进行“有罪推定”式的调查,这种行为不利于抗疫国际合作。你刚才提到的所谓“科学家的公开信”,究竟是秉持科学、专业态度为溯源研究建言献策,还是搞“有罪推定”和政治化,我想他们心知肚明。  Third, the cooperation on origin-tracing is a scientific task carried out by the joint mission of both Chinese and foreign experts based on scientific research and facts. The experts of the two sides had full and candid exchanges, and the conclusion reflected the consensus of both sides, which is objective, scientific and authoritative. In disregard of scientific facts, some people have politicized the issue of origin-tracing, misinterpreted the scientific conclusion and report of the joint mission, and kept instigating an investigation with presumption of guilt against a specific country. Such a behavior is not conducive to international anti-epidemic cooperation. These signatories can deceive no one, including themselves, as to whether their so-called "open letter of scientists" is a true proposal for scientific and professional origin-tracing or pursuit of political agenda with presumption of guilt.
    第四,疫情和病毒在2019年下半年多点多地出现的报道越来越多,对其他国家和地区进行类似考察也愈发显得紧迫和必要。我们希望有关各方也像中方一样,采取科学合作态度,同世卫组织开展溯源合作。中方将继续本着开放、透明态度同世卫组织和国际社会开展溯源合作,为人类早日战胜疫情、更好应对未来突发公共卫生事件作出中国贡献。  Fourth, since there have been more reports worldwide on the coronavirus appearing in various places around the world in the latter half of 2019, it is getting increasingly urgent and necessary to conduct similar visits to other countries and regions. We hope that relevant parties will demonstrate the same science-based and cooperative attitude as China does in coordinating with WHO on origin-tracing work. China will continue to work with the WHO and the international community on origin-tracing in an open and transparent manner, so that humanity can achieve an early victory over the pandemic and be better prepared to future public health emergencies.

    3 《北京日报》记者:3月3日,第155届阿拉伯国家联盟外长理事会会议通过涉华决议,重申要加强阿中各领域关系,再次欢迎沙特主办首届阿中峰会,赞赏双方在抗击新冠肺炎疫情等领域的合作,强调要办好阿中合作论坛项下各项机制性活动。中方对此有何评论?  Beijing Daily: The 155th session of the League of Arab States Council at the level of foreign ministers adopted a China-related resolution on March 3, which reiterated the importance to strengthen China-Arab ties, their welcome to Saudi Arabia's hosting of the first Arab-China summit, and appreciation to the two sides' anti-epidemic cooperation. They also stressed the need to hold institutional events under the framework of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF). Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:中方高度赞赏阿盟外长理事会连续多年通过加强对华关系的决议。这充分体现了阿拉伯国家发展对华关系的坚定决心,也体现了中阿传统友谊和双方战略伙伴关系的高水平。 Wang Wenbin: China highly appreciates the resolutions adopted by successive meetings of the League of Arab States Council at the level of foreign ministers on strengthening relations with China for many years. This fully demonstrates the firm determination of Arab states to develop relations with China and the high level of China-Arab traditional friendship and strategic partnership.
    中方高度重视发展同阿拉伯国家关系,将阿盟视为推进中阿关系的重要伙伴。近年来,中阿战略互信不断加深,各领域合作成果丰硕,特别是在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,双方同舟共济、守望相助,书写了团结抗疫的范例。下一步,中方愿同阿拉伯国家和阿盟进一步加强沟通协调,筹备好中阿峰会,携手铸就面向新时代的中阿命运共同体,推动中阿战略伙伴关系实现新的跨越,造福双方人民。 China attaches great importance to developing relations with Arab states and sees the League of Arab States as an important partner in advancing China-Arab relations. In recent years, China and Arab states have deepened strategic mutual trust and achieved fruitful results in cooperation across the board. In particular, in the fight against COVID-19, the two sides have worked together and helped each other, setting an exemplar of solidarity in fighting the epidemics. Going forward, China is ready to step up communication and coordination with Arab states and the League of Arab States, make good preparations for the China-Arab Summit, join hands to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era, and aim for new stride forward in the China-Arab strategic partnership for the benefit of our two peoples.



    Global Times: It is reported that UN human rights experts said that the United States' unilateral sanctions on countries including China, Russia, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela severely violate these countries' human rights. They called on the United States to fully comply with the international human rights treaty and prevent any negative impact such sanctions may have on those countries' human rights. What's your comment?


    Wang Wenbin: China noticed the statement made by UN human right experts. In disregard of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and norms governing international law, certain country launched unilateral sanctions against other countries by wantonly citing human rights as an excuse. Such moves are widely criticized by the international community. Facts abound to prove that unilateral sanctions gravely impact the international political and economic order and the global governance system, severely undermine thee sanctioned countries' efforts to mobilize resources, grow their economy and improve people's well-being, threaten their rights to life, self-determination and development, and constitute continuous, systemic and large-scale violation of human rights. What's more, with the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, unilateral sanctions have led to shortages of food and medicines for tens of millions of people, endangered the health and life of numerous people, especially the vulnerable groups, and exacerbated poverty, hunger and inequality. 


    China is consistently opposed to unilateral sanctions. We urge the relevant country to heed the just voice of the international community and immediately stop imposing unilateral coercive measures. 

    5 彭博社记者:一些关于香港的问题。为什么中方认为有必要修改香港的选举制度?中方会就香港选举制度作哪些具体修改?有“批评人士”称,北京和香港方面计划通过修改香港选举制度,达到削弱香港反对派的目的。中方对此有何回应? Bloomberg: A couple of questions about Hong Kong. My first question is, why does Beijing feel the need to change the Hong Kong electoral system and what specific elements does Beijing want to change about the elections? Critics are saying that both Beijing and Hong Kong governments are using these election changes to disadvantage political opposition in Hong Kong. What are your responses? 汪文斌:今天上午,全国人大常委会副委员长王晨已就关于全国人民代表大会关于完善香港特别行政区选举制度的决定草案作了说明。昨天,十三届全国人大四次会议发言人张业遂也就相关问题回答了记者提问。建议你查阅。  Wang Wenbin: This morning, Wang Chen, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, delivered an explanatory speech on a draft decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Last night, Zhang Yesui, spokesperson of the fourth annual session of the 13th NPC, also answered a relevant question at his press conference. I suggest you refer to their statements. 
    我想强调的是,香港是中国的特别行政区,香港特区的选举制度是中国的地方选举制度,如何设计、如何发展、如何完善完全是中国内政。从世界范围看,由国家决定地方的选举制度也是所有单一制国家共同的宪法制度和政治实践。中方在涉港问题上的立场得到国际社会大多数成员的理解支持。  I must point out that Hong Kong's electoral system is part of China's sub-national electoral systems, as Hong Kong is China's special administrative region. Thus, its design, development and improvement is totally China's internal affairs. In a unitary state, the central government makes decisions for sub-national units regarding their electoral systems, a political practice commonly enshrined in their constitutions. China's position on Hong Kong-related issues has been understood and supported by most members of the international community.
    中方维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的决心坚定不移,坚持贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治方针、维护香港繁荣稳定的决心坚定不移,反对外部势力干预香港事务的决心坚定不移。任何插手香港事务、对华施压的图谋都不会得逞。 The Chinese side is firmly determined in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, in implementing "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, in safeguarding Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and in opposing foreign interference in Hong Kong's affairs. No one will stand the slightest chance in meddling in Hong Kong affairs and exerting pressure on China.

    十三届全国人大四次会议预定于3月7日下午举行记者会,邀请国务委员兼外交部长王毅就“中国外交政策和对外关系”相关问题回答中外记者提问。请大家保持关注。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is scheduled to meet the press on the afternoon of March 7 on the margins of the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, where he will take questions from the press on China's diplomacy and foreign relations. Please stay tuned.

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-3-5的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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