【双语】例行记者会 2021-6-15
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on June 15, 2021


    CRI: Today marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the SCO. How would you assess the progress the SCO has made in the past two decades? Will there be any celebration to mark the occasion?

    赵立坚:今天是上合组织成立20周年纪念日。20年来,上合组织经历国际风云变幻,成功探索出一条新型区域组织的合作与发展道路,为促进地区安全稳定和发展繁荣发挥了重要建设性作用,也为构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体作出重要实践探索。主要成就可以概括为以下几点: Zhao Lijian: Today marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the SCO. Over the past two decades, the SCO has navigated the evolving international landscape, successfully blazed a path of cooperation and development under a new type of regional organization, played an important constructive role in promoting regional security, stability, development and prosperity, and made important exploration through practice for the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. Its main achievements can be summarized as follows: 一是提出了先进合作理念。上合组织顺应和平、发展的时代潮流,创造性提出以“互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展”为内容的“上海精神”,形成了不同社会制度和发展道路国家和睦相处的全新合作模式。 First, it came up with an up-to-date vision on cooperation. Following the trend for peace and development, it put forward the innovative Shanghai Spirit featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development and fostered a brand new cooperation model of harmonious co-existence of countries with different social systems and development paths. 二是促进了双边关系发展。成员国奉行不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方原则,不断增进政治互信和睦邻友好。各方利用上合组织峰会等场合密集开展高层交往,在重大国际和地区问题上密切沟通协调,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互支持,以实际行动诠释了命运与共的深刻内涵。  Second, it strengthened bilateral relations. Member states of the SCO, upholding the principle of no alliance, no confrontation and no targeting any third party, continuously enhanced political mutual trust, good neighborliness and friendship. All sides make full use of venues like the SCO Summit to engage intensively in high-level exchange, conduct close communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and render each other support on issues concerning respective core interests and major concerns, translating the profound connotation of a shared future through weal and woe into concrete actions. 三是维护了地区安全稳定。上合组织始终将安全合作置于优先地位,批准了反恐怖主义公约、反极端主义公约等重量级法律文件,全面推进反恐、禁毒、边防、信息安全等领域合作,定期举行联合反恐演习,通过“上合组织—阿富汗联络组”推动阿富汗和平和解进程,为地区国家营造了和平稳定的发展环境。  Third, it safeguarded regional security and stability. Taking security cooperation as a priority, the SCO ratified important legal instruments such as the Convention on Combating Terrorism and the Convention on Combating Extremism, stepped up cooperation in such areas as counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, border defense and information security, held regular joint counter-terrorism exercises, and promoted the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan through the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group, creating a peaceful and stable environment for the development of regional countries. 四是推动了各国共同发展。上合组织建立了经贸、交通、金融、农业、地方等合作机制,推进共建“一带一路”倡议同各国发展战略和区域合作倡议对接,打造了文化、教育、旅游、环保、青年、妇女等领域一大批接地气、惠民生的合作项目,为促进各国发展振兴注入了强大动力。  Fourth, it enhanced the shared development of all countries involved. The SCO established cooperation mechanisms in economy, trade, transportation, finance, agriculture and localities, dovetailed the BRI with national development strategies and regional cooperation initiatives, launched a great number of livelihood cooperation projects in culture, education, tourism, environmental protection, youth and women, giving a strong boost to the development of rejuvenation of relevant countries. 五是树立了多边主义标杆。上合组织坚定维护国际公平正义,就捍卫多边主义、反对单边主义和保护主义发出响亮的“上合声音”,就推动团结抗疫、反对将疫情政治化阐明“上合立场”,就政治解决地区热点问题提出“上合方案”,同观察员国和对话伙伴密切沟通协调,同联合国、东盟、独联体等国际和地区组织开展广泛合作,共同推动国际秩序朝着更加公平合理的方向发展。  Fifth, it has set the standard for multilateralism. The SCO stands firmly for international equity and justice. It has spoken in a strong voice about defending multilateralism and rejecting unilateralism and protectionism. It has stated its position on enhancing solidarity against the pandemic and rejecting politicization of the virus. It has put forward the SCO solution on the political settlement of regional hotspot issues. It maintains close communication and coordination with observer states and dialogue partners, engages in wide-ranging cooperation with the UN, ASEAN, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other international and regional organizations, and works for a more equitable international order. 今年是上合组织成立20周年,在上合组织发展史上具有里程碑意义。今晚,中国人民对外友好协会和上合组织秘书处将共同举办“上合组织日”招待会,王毅国务委员兼外长届时将发表视频致辞,总结回顾上合组织20年不平凡的发展历程,展望上合组织未来发展的美好愿景。  This year marks the 20th anniversary of the SCO, a year of milestone significance in the history of the organization. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the SCO Secretariat will co-host an SCO Day reception this evening. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will deliver a video address to review the extraordinary journey of the SCO over the past 20 years and envision its bright future.  此外,上合组织各成员国年内都将举行不同形式活动,纪念上合组织成立20周年。中方不久前主办了上合组织民间友好论坛,下阶段还将围绕治国理政、数字经济、传统医学、妇女教育及减贫等主题举办一系列活动,欢迎各方届时积极参与。  In addition, SCO member states will hold various forms of activities to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the SCO. Not long ago, China hosted the SCO Forum on People-to-People Friendship. Going forward, we will hold a series of events on the topics of state governance, digital economy, traditional medicine, women, education and poverty reduction. We look forward to the participation by all sides.



    CCTV: On June 13, the G7 summit concluded and issued a communiqué, which made groundless accusations on China with regard to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and other issues. What is your comment?

    赵立坚:我们注意到七国集团峰会联合公报提及涉华议题,就涉港、涉疆、台湾、涉海等问题对中方蓄意污蔑,干涉中国内政。此举严重违背联合国宪章宗旨和原则,违背和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流,暴露出美国等少数国家人为制造对立隔阂、扩大分歧矛盾的不良用心。中方对此强烈不满、坚决反对。 Zhao Lijian: We have noted that the G7 summit communiqué mentions China-related issues, deliberately slandering China on issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan as well as maritime issues, and interfering in China's internal affairs. Such moves seriously contravenes the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the trend of the times for peace, development and win-win cooperation. It reveals the bad intentions of the US and a few other countries to create confrontation and estrangement and widen differences and disagreements. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to this. 涉疆、涉港、台湾事务纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。中国维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的决心坚定不移。  Issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan are purely China's internal affairs that brook no foreign interference. China is firmly resolved in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests.  我想强调,世界多极化、国际关系民主化是不可抗拒的时代潮流。一国或一个国家集团号令天下的时代已经过去了。当前形势下,国际社会比以往任何时候更需要加强团结合作,践行真正的多边主义,而不应基于“小圈子”利益搞“集团政治”,不应以意识形态划线打压不同发展模式,更不应混淆是非、转嫁责任。美国病了,病得不轻。七国集团还是给美国把把脉,开药方吧。  I want to emphasize that multipolarization and democratic international relations are irresistible trend of the times. The era of one country or a bloc of countries dictating world affairs is over. Under the current situation, the international community need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and practice true multilateralism more than ever. Countries should not seek bloc politics on the basis of the interests of small cliques, suppress different development models by holding ideology as the yardstick, and still less confuse right with wrong and shift blames onto others. The US is ill, very ill indeed. We'd like to advise the G7 to take its pulse and come up with a prescription for the US. 


    法新社记者:据CNN报道,中国台山核电站存在安全问题。过去一周,美国政府都在评估一份有关该电站的安全报告。请问该核电站运行面临什么问题?中方对此有何回应? AFP: CNN reported on the security issues of the Taishan nuclear power plant. The US government spent the past week assessing a report on the security of the nuclear power plant. What are the problems of the facility? Do you have any response? 赵立坚:中国高度重视核安全,建立了接轨国际、符合国情的核安全监管体系。同时,国家核安全局与相关核能国家核安全监管机构密切合作,并在国际原子能机构、《核安全公约》等多边机制下开展沟通交流。迄今为止,中国核电站保持着良好的运行记录,未发生影响环境和公众健康的事件。  Zhao Lijian: China attaches great importance to nuclear safety, and has established a nuclear safety regulatory system that is up to international standards and in line with national conditions. Meanwhile, the National Nuclear Safety Administration maintains close cooperation with its foreign counterparts, and engages in communication and exchanges under multilateral mechanisms such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Convention on Nuclear Safety. So far, China's nuclear power plants have kept a good operating record with zero occurrence of incidents affecting the environment and public health. 据向主管部门了解,目前台山核电站的有关状况满足技术规格书的要求,核电站周边辐射环境水平未见异常,安全是有保障的。有关具体技术问题,请向中方核安全主管部门了解。据我所知,中广核也已就此事对外发布了声明。  According to the competent authorities, the Taishan nuclear power plant performs to the requirements of the technical specifications with normal level of environmental radiation in the surrounding areas of the nuclear power plant, the safety of which is guaranteed. For specific technical issues, please refer to the competent authorities . As far as I know, China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) has also issued a statement on this matter.


    《人民日报》记者:6月11日,王毅国务委员兼外长在日内瓦裁军谈判会议发表了视频讲话。这是中国外长时隔12年再次在裁谈会致辞。你可否介绍讲话有关情况?中方对未来国际军控、裁军与防扩散进程有何期待?  People's Daily: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered an address through video link at the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament (CD) on June 11. The last time a Chinese foreign minister addressed the CD was 12 years ago. I wonder if you could share more about his remarks and China's expectations for the international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes in the future?  赵立坚:当前,百年变局和世纪疫情叠加共振,国际安全形势复杂深刻演变,新问题新挑战新威胁不断涌现,亟需全球性解决之道。在此形势下,日内瓦裁军谈判会议作为唯一多边裁军谈判机构的地位和作用更加突显。  Zhao Lijian: Amid the overlapping impact of major changes and a global pandemic unseen in a century and complex and profound evolution in the international security landscape, new problems, challenges and threats keep propping up, crying out for global solutions. Under such circumstances, the stature and role of the CD, the sole negotiating body for multilateral disarmament, has become more prominent. 今年是中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年,也是中国参与裁谈会工作的第41年。几十年来,中国积极参与国际军控和裁军进程,全面深入参与裁谈会工作,并发挥了建设性作用。此次王毅国务委员兼外长在裁谈会发表讲话,介绍了中方对当前国际安全形势的看法,进一步阐释了共同、综合、合作、可持续的新安全观,并重点就如何推进国际军控与防扩散进程提出了中国倡议和中国主张。 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the lawful seat of the People's Republic of China at the UN and the 41st anniversary of China's participation in the work of the CD. Over the past decades, China has taken an active part in the international arms control and disarmament processes and fully participated in the work of the CD, playing a constructive role. In his address, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi shared China's observations on the current international security landscape, further elaborated on the new approach of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and put forward China's proposals and propositions on how to advance the international arms control and non-proliferation processes. 中国作为裁谈会大家庭负责任的一员,愿与各方一道,不断推进国际军控与防扩散进程,坚持合作共赢,反对零和博弈;坚持公平正义,反对政治操弄,为构建持久和平、普遍安全的世界作出新的贡献。  As a responsible member of the CD family, China stands ready to work with all parties to continuously advance international arms control and non-proliferation processes, uphold win-win cooperation, equity and justice, reject zero-sum game and political manipulation, and make new contribution to building a world that enjoys lasting peace and universal security.


    路透社记者:北约峰会在布鲁塞尔举行并发表公报称,中国对国际秩序以及和北约安全相关领域构成“系统性挑战”。中方对此有何评论?  Reuters: NATO summit was held in Brussels and released a communiqué saying that China poses "systemic challenges" to the international order and to areas relevant to the alliance's security. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:世界上只有一个体系、一种秩序,那就是以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序。搞“小圈子”和集团政治,搞意识形态站队,强迫别的国家在阵营之间选边,违背和平、发展、合作的历史潮流,注定不得人心,也不会得逞。  Zhao Lijian: There is only one system and one order in the world. That is, the international system with the UN at its core and the international order based on international law. It runs counter to the historical trend of peace, development and cooperation to form small cliques, pursue bloc politics and force other countries to choose sides between different ideologies. Such attempt will never be supported by the people, nor will it succeed.


    NATO urges its member states to increase their military spending to at least 2% of GDP, while criticizing China's normal defense development and military modernization. This is typical double standards. In fact, China's defense accounts for about 1.3% of its GDP, much lower than the standard of NATO countries. China's per capita military spending is below the global average and less than one-fifth of NATO's.  北约历史上劣迹斑斑,自己欠账累累,多次给世界带来战争与动荡。国际社会不会忘记,北约未经联合国批准,对南斯拉夫进行长达78天的狂轰滥炸。美国、英国等北约国家仅用一袋洗衣粉和摆拍视频作为“证据”,就对伊拉克、叙利亚等主权国家发动战争。我们中国人更不会忘记中国驻南斯拉夫使馆被炸的历史惨案,这是北约欠中国人民的一笔血债。中国不对任何人形成“系统性挑战”。我们将坚定捍卫自身主权、安全、发展利益。 NATO has a long history of poor records. It is up to its neck in debt morally, and has brought wars and instability to the world for many times. The international community will not forget the 78 days of indiscriminate bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO without the approval of the UN. The US, the UK and other NATO countries used a test tube of laundry powder and staged video as "evidence" to wage wars on sovereign states of Iraq and Syria. The Chinese people will never forget the historical tragedy of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. This is a debt of blood that NATO owes to the Chinese people. China does not pose "systemic challenges" to anyone and will firmly safeguard our sovereignty, security and development interests. 

    深圳卫视记者:俄罗斯总统普京接受美国全国广播公司采访时表示,俄方对俄中关系达到前所未有的高水平感到满意,对双方在政治、经济、科技等领域保持高度互信与合作表示赞赏。普京总统还就涉疆、台湾等问题表达对中方的支持,对企图破坏中俄关系的尝试予以驳斥。中方对此有何评论?  Shenzhen TV: In NBC News' exclusive interview, Russia's President Vladimir Putin said that "we have developed a strategic partnership relationship- between Russia and China that previously had not been achieved in the history of our nations, a high level of trust and cooperation in all areas: in politics, in the economy, in the area of technology..." He expressed support to China on issues related to Xinjiang and Taiwan and refuted attempts to sabotage China-Russia relations. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们高度赞赏普京总统对中俄关系所作的积极表态。的确,中俄团结如山,友谊牢不可破。在习近平主席和普京总统的战略引领下,两国关系经受住了国际风云变幻考验,树立了新型大国关系的典范。两国在涉及彼此核心利益问题上坚定相互支持,政治互信和战略协作水平持续巩固和提升。今年前5个月,双边经贸额大幅上升23.6%,为艰难复苏的世界经济注入强劲动力和信心。双方共同抵制“政治病毒”,维护二战胜利成果和国际公平正义,坚决捍卫真正的多边主义和国际公平正义,成为动荡世界中的重要稳定力量。可以说,中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系是全方位的,也是全天候的。中俄合作上不封顶,下接地气。我们对双边关系发展充满信心。  Zhao Lijian: We highly appreciate President Putin's positive remarks on China-Russia relations. Indeed, China and Russia are united like a mountain, and our friendship is unbreakable. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Putin, bilateral relations have withstood the test of the changing international landscape, setting an example of a new type of major-country relationship. The two countries have firmly supported each other on issues concerning each other's core interests, and the political mutual trust and strategic coordination between the two has been continuously consolidated and enhanced. In the first five months of this year, bilateral economic and trade volume surged by 23.6 percent, injecting strong impetus and confidence into the world economy, which is struggling to recover. Together, we have resisted political viruses, safeguarded the outcome of the victory of World War II and international equity and justice, and firmly defended genuine multilateralism and international equity and justice. Together, we have become an important force for stability in a turbulent world. It is fair to say that the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era is all-dimensional and all-weather. The sky is the limit for down-to-earth China-Russia cooperation, and we are full of confidence in the development of bilateral relations. 再过一个月,我们将迎来《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年,这对两国关系具有十分特殊的意义。双方将围绕这一主线,全面落实两国元首达成的各项共识,重温世代友好、合作共赢的缔约初心,在更高起点、更大范围、更深层次上推进中俄合作,为全球战略稳定和世界经济复苏注入中俄动力。  In one month's time, we will mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia, which is of special significance to bilateral relations. With this as the focus, the two sides will fully implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, revisit the original aspiration of signing the treaty for enduring friendship and win-win cooperation, advance China-Russia cooperation at a higher starting point, in a broader scope and at a deeper level, and inject impetus into global strategic stability and world economic recovery. “真金不怕火炼”。我们也奉劝那些千方百计离间分化中俄关系的人,任何企图破坏中俄关系的图谋都注定不会得逞。希望他们不要在零和博弈、集团政治对抗的歧路上越走越远,而是回归到构建人类命运共同体的正道上来,为维护世界和平、稳定与发展发挥建设性作用。 As a Chinese proverb says, "True gold doesn't fear the test of fire." We have to tell those who try every means to drive a wedge between China and Russia that any attempt to undermine China-Russia relations is doomed to fail. We hope they will not go further down the path of zero-sum game and political confrontation of blocs, but return to the right path of building a community with a shared future for mankind and play a constructive role in safeguarding world peace, stability and development.


    法新社记者:第一个问题,美国总统拜登周二访问了欧盟总部,就如何应对中国崛起寻求欧方支持。中方有何评论?第二个问题,有评论称,是欧盟方面阻止了北约在其公报涉华部分使用更强硬的措辞。中国是否认为欧盟和美国在如何对待中国的问题上存在分歧?  AFP: Two questions, the first is regarding US President Joe Biden's visit to the EU headquarters on Tuesday, where he is expected to seek the EU's backing on facing the rise of China. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this visit? The second question is, according to some news reports, there are some people who believe that Europeans have prevented NATO from coming up with an even stronger statement related to China. How does China view level of unity among Western countries and whether or not there are divisions between the US and the EU? 赵立坚:你的两个问题主要是关于美国、欧盟和中国之间的关系,我一并回答。 Zhao Lijian: Both of your questions are about the relationship among the US, the EU and China. Let me take them altogether.  中方对欧盟的政策一直保持着连续性和稳定性,一直将欧盟视为全面战略伙伴,始终坚定支持欧洲一体化进程,支持欧盟的团结自强,支持欧盟在国际事务中发挥更大的作用。中方认为,中欧是全面战略伙伴,不是制度性对手。中欧之间的合作远大于竞争,共识远多于分歧。中欧合作是优势互补、互利共赢的,为双方人民带来了实实在在的好处。我们也一直希望欧方同中方相向而行,秉持相互尊重、平等相待、互利共赢的精神,共同推动中欧关系健康稳定发展。 China's policy on the EU has been consistent. China always sees the EU as a comprehensive strategic partner. We firmly support European integration, and support a united and strong EU playing a bigger role in international affairs. China believes that China and Europe are comprehensive strategic partners, not systemic rivals. The two sides have far more cooperation than competition and far more consensus than difference. China-Europe cooperation is complementary and mutually beneficial. It brings tangible benefits to the two peoples. We always hope Europe can work with China toward the same direction in the spirit of mutual respect, equal treatment and win-win results to jointly promote sound and steady development of the bilateral ties.  至于美国试图以意识形态划线,搞针对中国的小圈子,我想强调的是,中欧代表着多极世界两支重要力量。我们相信欧盟会不断增强战略自主,不会被别国错误的对华政策绑架。 As for the US attempt to form small cliques against China with ideology as the yardstick, I'd like to say that China and Europe are two important forces in a multipolar world. We believe the EU will continue to enhance strategic autonomy, and won't be hijacked by other country's wrong China policy. 



    Beijing Youth Daily: June 12 marks the World Day Against Child Labor. We noticed that the US is widely criticized at the 109th Session of the International Labor Conference (ILC) over the issue of child labor. Do you have any comment?

    赵立坚:美国是世界上唯一一个没有批准《联合国儿童权利公约》的国家,在国际劳工组织8个核心公约中,美国仅批准2个,是批准公约数量最少的国家之一。不管是历史上,还是现在,美国的童工问题都触目惊心。最近,美国摄影师路易斯·海因100多年前拍摄的美国童工照片再度引发关注,从危险的矿井到烟草农场,美国童工无不过着悲惨的生活。根据有关机构统计,当前美国仍约有50万童工从事农业劳作,烟草行业雇佣童工也极为普遍。除了雇佣童工问题外,每年从境外贩卖至全美从事强迫劳动的人口多达10多万人。过去5年,美国所有50州和哥伦比亚特区均报告了强迫劳动和人口贩卖案。  Zhao Lijian: The US is the only country in the world that has not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the US has ratified only two, making it one of the countries that have ratified the least number of conventions. The problem of child labor in the US is shocking both in history and at present. Recently, American photographer Lewis Hine's photos taken more than 100 years ago featuring child laborers in the US have again come to the fore. Be it dangerous mines or tobacco farms, child laborers in the US have miserable lives. According to statistics of relevant organizations, there are approximately 500,000 child farm-workers in the US and child labor is very common in the tobacco industry. In addition to the issue of child labor, up to 100,000 people are trafficked into the US for forced labor annually. In the past five years, all 50 US states and Washington D.C. all reported cases of forced labor and human trafficking. 多年来,国际劳工组织多次对美国童工问题表示关切,敦促美国政府解决强迫劳动问题。美方对自身问题充耳不闻,反而对他国进行诬蔑抹黑。我们注意到,七国集团峰会联合公报中表示要共同努力剥离全球供应链中的强迫劳动行为,希望美方切实剥离自身烟草业等行业存在的雇佣童工及强迫劳动现象,切实保障儿童等脆弱群体的合法权益。  Over the years, the ILO has repeatedly expressed concern about child labor in the US and urged the US government to solve the problem of forced labor. The US turns a deaf ear to its own problems and instead slanders other countries. We have noted that the G7 summit communiqué calls for collective efforts toward eradicating the use of "forced labor" in global supply chains. We hope that the US side can effectively eradicate child labor and "forced labor" in its tobacco industry and other industries and earnestly protect the legitimate rights and interests of children and other vulnerable groups. 



    Global Times: It is reported that Franz Gayl, a retired US Marine major who is now working at the Pentagon, is under a counterintelligence investigation by the Marine Corps for his two articles published in the Global Times that criticized open confrontation with China by the US regarding Taiwan. Reports say he could face an early exit from the civil service. What is China's comment on this?


    Zhao Lijian: I think many people would want to ask: Isn't the US a self-proclaimed champion of the freedom of speech and justice? Franz Gayl is under investigation just because he wrote two articles expressing different position from the US government. Why can't the US allow two articles clearly marked to represent the author's personal opinion?


    As a matter of fact, similar cases abound in the US. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many people in the US have spoken out. Dr. Helen Y. Chu, a whistle-blower, sounded the alarm on the epidemic in the US; Dr. McCarthy entreated US health authorities to test suspected cases; Captain Brett Crozier of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter to Navy leaders asking that most of the crew be taken ashore. These people have been either muzzled, investigated or dismissed from their posts just because they told the truth that the government doesn't like. Is this the way the US champions the freedom of speech? When clamoring for freedom of speech, the US side should really look at itself in the mirror rather than look at others through a magnifying glass.


    《中国日报》记者:据报道,慕尼黑安全会议发布慕尼黑安全指数和报告,通过对12个国家一万多民众的风险感知情况进行调查,将中国描述为“泰然自若的国家”(unperturbed country)。报告分析称,中国民众对风险的感知指数较低,体现出中国人民对国家实力的信任。中国民众坚信,国家已经做好了应对风险的准备。中方对此有何评论?  China Daily: According to reports, the Munich Security Conference released the latest Munich Security Report and Munich Security Index, which described China as an "unperturbed country" after collecting survey data from over 10,000 respondents in 12 countries. The report concluded that the level at which risks are perceived is relatively low in China – possibly a sign of the confidence of the Chinese people in the strength of their country. Where risks are perceived, the Chinese public strongly thinks their country is prepared for them. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:慕尼黑安全会议有关报告展现了中国人民对政府的信心。中国政府始终致力于确保国家安全、民族和谐、人民安宁、社会公平正义、经济发展繁荣、生态环境美丽,让中国人民都能享有看得见、摸得着、感受得到的幸福感、安全感。经过70多年的不懈努力,14亿中国人民摆脱了绝对贫困,不再遭受战乱、贫困、饥饿之苦。中国人民对中国政府的满意度和支持率连年超过90%。 Zhao Lijian: The relevant report of the Munich Security Conference shows the Chinese people's confidence in the government. The Chinese government is committed to upholding national security, ethnic harmony, peace and tranquility, social fairness and justice, economic development and prosperity and beautiful ecological environment, in order to deliver tangible happiness and security to the Chinese people. After over seven decades of relentless efforts, the 1.4 billion Chinese people are out of absolute poverty and free from war, poverty and hunger. The Chinese people's satisfaction and support rate toward the Chinese government exceeds 90% for many years running. 我还注意到,该报告称中国民众对于“新冠肺炎疫情”和“一场未来流行病”的风险感知指数都远低于其他国家。我想,主要原因在于面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,中国政府坚持人民至上,生命至上,采取了“最硬核”的疫情防控措施,率先控制住疫情,让广大人民率先享受了安全和正常生产生活秩序。加拿大约克大学去年一项调查显示,新冠肺炎疫情之后,中国民众对政府的信任度升至98%。 I also noticed that according to the report, the risk perception indexes of the Chinese people toward "the coronavirus pandemic" and "a future pandemic" are both much lower than that of other countries. This, I believe, is attributable to the fact that in the face of the sudden onslaught of COVID-19, the Chinese government put people and life first, took the most rigorous control measures and was among the first to bring the epidemic under control, making it possible for people to carry on with their life and work as usual. According to a survey done by York University in Canada last year, the Chinese people's trust in the government increased to 98% after COVID-19.  当然,我们也清醒地认识到,在中国前进的道路上还面临许多风险挑战。我们要继续居安思危,增强忧患意识,努力防范化解各种风险挑战,让中国人民未来享有更多的获得感、幸福感和安全感。  In the meantime, we are soberly aware that in China's journey of progress, many risks and challenges lie ahead. We will remain prepared for potential risks and unexpected developments, forestall and resolve all kinds of risks and challenges, and give the Chinese people more sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.  外交部发言人办公室



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