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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on September 8, 20211
CCTV: The African Products Online Promoting Season of the Forum on China–Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was officially launched on September 6. We've noticed many activities jointly held by China and Africa recently. Could you give us a brief description of those?
Wang Wenbin: Just as you said, the three-month-long African Products Online Promoting Season of FOCAC officially kicked off on September 6. This is a concrete measure taken by China to translate the vision of the China-Africa digital innovation partnership plan into reality, which has been warmly received and actively participated by African countries. Recently the two sides have jointly held the China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum and the launching ceremony for the Report on Chinese Investment in Africa. Going forward, there will be the second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, the China-Africa Beidou Cooperation Forum, among other events. Focusing on various sectors including science and technology, innovation and investment, these events aim to meet Africa's needs for cooperation and development and help revitalize its economy. They fully demonstrate China's firm confidence and resolve to promote the transformation and upgrading of China-Africa cooperation and realize high-quality development.
China and Africa have always been good partners on the path to common development. China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 12 consecutive years. Two-way trade between January and July this year reached $139.1 billion, up by 40.5% year-on-year, registering a record high. Over the same period, China's direct investment in Africa across all sectors stood at $2.07 billion, higher than the pre-COVID-19 level in 2019. At the 2018 FOCAC Beijing Summit, President Xi Jinping announced eight major initiatives towards building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future. Three years on, the two sides have worked hand-in-hand and realized high-quality implementation of the eight initiatives despite the difficulties posed by COVID-19. A large number of cooperation projects have taken root, delivering benefits to the Chinese and African people and bolstering Africa's economic recovery.
The FOCAC Dakar Summit will be held as scheduled in the fourth quarter this year. We will uphold the FOCAC spirit of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, proceed from the realities of China and Africa, jointly draw the blueprint for China-Africa cooperation in the next three and more years, and continue enriching and updating the China-Africa community with a shared future.
深圳卫视记者:据报道,美方一些人士表示,中国政府加强市场监管举措可能加剧市场风险。你对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Some in the US reportedly said that more robust market regulation measures by the Chinese government may heighten market risks. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:中国政府加大反垄断监管力度,查处不正当竞争行为,维护市场公平竞争秩序,不仅有法可依,而且有例可循,是许多国家管理经济活动的惯常做法。这有利于从根本上促进中国经济实现公平、有序、可持续的增长与发展,对于世界经济发展也是长期利好。广大中外投资者、经营者和消费者最终必将从中获益。对此,越来越多的国际机构和经济界人士纷纷表达了理解与支持。 Wang Wenbin: The Chinese government has stepped up anti-monopoly regulation and cracked down on unfair competition behaviors to uphold the order of fair competition. Based on laws and precedents, such efforts are the common practice of managing economic activities in many countries. This will fundamentally promote fair, orderly and sustainable growth and development of the Chinese economy, and will be good for the world economy in the long run. Chinese and foreign investors, business operators and consumers will eventually benefit from it. More and more international organizations and people from the economic community have said that they understand why these measures need to be taken and expressed their support.对外开放是中国基本国策,任何时候都不会动摇。事实上,中国打造高水平对外开放的步伐越来越大。近期,习近平主席宣布在全国推进实施跨境服务贸易负面清单,支持北京等地开展国际高水平自由贸易协定规则“对接”先行先试。国务院印发了《关于推进自由贸易试验区贸易投资便利化改革创新的若干措施》,提升贸易、投资、国际物流和金融服务实体经济的便利度。《横琴粤澳深度合作区建设总体方案》、《全面深化前海深港现代服务业合作区改革开放方案》公开发布,为建设高水平对外开放新体制、提升营商环境提出了新的目标。 Opening-up is China's basic national policy that will never waver. As a matter of fact, China is making ever greater strides in opening-up at a high level. Recently, President Xi Jinping announced that China will implement across the country a negative list for cross-border trade in services and support Beijing and other localities in piloting the alignment of domestic rules with high-standard international free trade agreements. The State Council issued measures to promote trade and investment facilitation and deepen reform and innovation in pilot free trade zones (FTZs), in an effort to enable trade, investment, international logistics and the financial sector to better serve the real economy. The general plan for building a Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin and the plan to comprehensively deepen reform and opening-up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone were released, setting new goals for developing new institutions for high-level opening-up and better business environment.
我想强调的是,中方将一如既往为外国投资者来华投资兴业提供更好保障,同各方一道坚持开放合作、互利共赢,共享发展机遇,共促世界经济复苏和增长。 I'd like to stress that China will, as always, provide better safeguards for foreign investors to do business in China. We will work with other parties to uphold openness and cooperation for mutual benefit, share development opportunities and jointly promote world economic recovery and growth.
日本共同社记者:据报道,阿富汗塔利班宣布成立新政府。中方对此有何评论? Kyodo News: According to reports, the Afghan Taliban has announced the formation of a new government. Does the Chinese side have any comment? 汪文斌:中方重视阿富汗塔利班方面宣布成立临时政府及一些重要人事安排,这结束了阿富汗长达三周多的无政府状态,是阿恢复国内秩序和战后重建的必要一步。我们也注意到,阿塔方面表示,成立临时政府是为了尽快恢复社会和经济秩序。 Wang Wenbin: China attaches importance to the Afghan Taliban's announcement of the formation of an interim government and some key roles. This has put an end to the anarchy in Afghanistan that lasted for over three weeks, and is a necessary step for Afghanistan to restore domestic order and pursue post-war reconstruction. We noticed that the Afghan Taliban said that the interim government is formed to restore social and economic order as soon as possible.中方在阿富汗问题上的立场是一贯和明确的。我们尊重阿富汗主权独立和领土完整,不干涉阿富汗内政,支持阿富汗人民自主选择符合本国国情的发展道路,希望阿富汗能构建广泛包容的政治架构,奉行温和稳健的内外政策,坚决打击各类恐怖势力,同各国特别是周边国家友好相处。 China's position on the Afghan issue is consistent and clear. We always respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, adhere to non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs, and support the Afghan people in independently choosing a development path suited to the country's conditions. We hope Afghanistan will establish a broadly based and inclusive political structure, follow moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, resolutely combat all types of terrorist forces, and live on friendly terms with other countries, especially its neighbors.
4 《中国日报》记者:有报道称,美军完成从阿富汗撤离前故意毁坏了喀布尔机场雷达等大量设施。美国中央司令部司令麦肯齐承认,美军离开喀布尔机场前破坏了机场内数十架飞机。据了解,这其中包括阿富汗的民航飞机。中方对此有何评论? China Daily: Reports say that the US military deliberately destroyed a large amount of equipment including the radar at the Kabul airport before their withdrawal. Frank McKenzie, head of US Central Command, admitted that the US troops destroyed dozens of aircraft at the Kabul airport before leaving, including Afghanistan's civil aircraft. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:我们注意到有关报道。可以说,美军从入侵阿富汗的第一天开始,直到离开阿富汗的最后一刻,都在给阿富汗带来巨大破坏,都在给阿富汗人民造成严重伤害。美方声称美军已完成在阿富汗的使命。难道美军的使命就是破坏阿富汗国家,伤害阿富汗人民,甚至在最后撤离前还要为阿和平重建制造更多的障碍吗? Wang Wenbin: We have seen relevant reports. It's fair to say that the US troops had been wreaking havoc in Afghanistan and inflicting serious damage on the Afghan people from the very first day of its invasion to the last minute of its withdrawal. The US side claimed that its troops already accomplished their mission in Afghanistan. What is that mission? To destroy the country, harm its people and even create more obstacles to peace and reconstruction at the eleventh hour of withdrawal?
美军在阿富汗的20年就是一本活教材,生动展示了肆意对他国进行军事干涉、把本国意识形态和价值观强加于人究竟会造成什么样的后果。当前阿富汗历史正在翻开新的一页。国际社会有必要深入思考,如何防止阿富汗的悲剧再次上演。 What the US did in Afghanistan over the past two decades is a textbook example which shows us the consequences of wanton military intervention and attempts to impose one's own ideology and values on others. The history of Afghanistan is now turning a new page. It's imperative for the international community to ponder how to forestall the repeat of Afghanistan's tragedy.
印度报业托拉斯记者:中国一直表示希望阿富汗成立开放包容的政府,有人批评临时政府不具包容性,中方是否会承认阿临时政府? PTI: On the Taliban's formation of the interim government, the criticism is that it is not an inclusive government. "An open and inclusive government" is what China has been asking for. So will China be recognizing this government? 汪文斌:中国驻阿富汗使馆在正常履职,我们愿与阿富汗新政府及领导人保持沟通。希望阿新政权在临时政府期间广泛听取各民族、各派别意见,呼应本国人民愿望和国际社会期待。我们注意到,阿塔方面强调所有人民将从新政权中受益。 Wang Wenbin: The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is operating normally. We stand ready to maintain communication with the new Afghan government and leaders. We hope the new Afghan administration in the capacity of interim government will broadly solicit the opinions of all ethnic groups and factions, and live up to the expectation of the Afghan people and aspiration of the international community. We noted that the Afghan Taliban stressed that all people will benefit from the new administration.6
Bloomberg: The Hong Kong SAR has said that 2,000 non-Hong Kong residents from the mainland and Macao can visit the city without quarantine per day. Does the mainland plan to reciprocate and offer non-quarantine travel to the mainland for Hong Kong residents?
Wang Wenbin: This is not a diplomatic issue.
South China Morning Post: A foreign minister's meeting of the G7 countries can be held as early as September 8 to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, and the attendance of Russia and China is also expected, said Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi. Will China join this meeting?
Wang Wenbin: There have been many multilateral meetings and initiatives on the Afghan issue recently. It's important to have better coordination and be result-oriented. Meetings should not be held just for the sake of meetings; still less should they be used to shirk responsibility. We have taken note of the above-mentioned US proposal, which some people say is a G7 meeting.
《人民日报》记者:7日,缅甸“民族团结政府”(NUG)“代总统”杜瓦拉希拉通过社交媒体发表视频讲话,宣布启动针对军政府的“人民防卫战”,缅全境进入紧急状态。缅军政府随即公开谴责NUG图谋发动暴恐袭击、破坏社会稳定。中方对此有何评论? People's Daily: On September 7, Duwa Lashi La, "Acting President" of the "National Unity Government" (NUG) of Myanmar, announced in a video address posted on social media that the NUG "launched a people's defensive war against the military junta" and declared a nation-wide state of emergency. The military government immediately condemned the NUG for plotting violent terrorist attacks to undermine social stability. Does China have any comment? 汪文斌:中方在缅甸局势上的立场是一贯和明确的。作为缅甸的友好邻邦,我们始终主张缅各党各派从国家和人民的长远利益出发,在宪法和法律框架下,通过政治对话找到解决问题的妥善方案,尽早恢复国家社会稳定,重启国内民主转型进程。 Wang Wenbin: China's position on the situation in Myanmar is consistent and clear. As a friendly neighbor, China always holds that all parties and factions in Myanmar should proceed from the long-term interests of the nation and people, find a proper way to resolve the problems through political dialogue under the constitutional and legal framework, restore nation-wide social stability at an early date and resume the domestic process of democratic transformation.9
Prasar Bharati: Do you have any comments on the statement by Afghan National Resistance Front saying that the interim Taliban government is illegal?
Wang Wenbin: China sincerely hopes that all parties in Afghanistan will meet the urgent desire of the Afghan people and expectation of the international community, resolve relevant differences through consultation, ensure a smooth transition, enable the war-scarred Afghan people to get rid of war and conflict as soon as possible and establish lasting peace.
Bloomberg: Are China, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan planning to hold a virtual meeting on Afghanistan's evolving situation?
Wang Wenbin: The situation in Afghanistan has undergone fundamental changes, which have brought about manifold impacts on regional security and development. Afghanistan's neighbors share common concerns over this. Under the chairmanship of the Pakistani side, China, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan held a meeting of special representatives on Afghan affairs on September 5. Yue Xiaoyong, Special Envoy on Afghan Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry attended the meeting. The participants exchanged views mainly on the situation in Afghanistan, especially cooperation among Afghanistan's neighboring countries on the Afghan-related affairs, and maintained communication with Russia, reaching much consensus.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-8的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!