喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-12的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on July 12, 20211
CCTV: On July 12 Beijing time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken released a press statement on the fifth anniversary of the so-called arbitral tribunal ruling on the South China Sea. He claims that the rules-based maritime order is under great threat in the South China Sea and accuses China of continuing to "coerce and intimidate Southeast Asian coastal states", threatening freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. He said that the arbitral tribunal delivered a decision firmly rejecting China's expansive South China Sea maritime claims as having no basis in international law, adding that China and the Philippines, "pursuant to their treaty obligations under the Law of the Sea Convention, are legally bound to comply with this decision". He also reaffirms that an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea would invoke US mutual defense commitments under the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. He calls on China to abide by its obligations under international law, cease provocative behavior, and take steps to reassure the international community that it is committed to the rules-based maritime order. Does China have any comment on this?
赵立坚:美方声明罔顾南海问题的历史经纬和客观事实,违反和歪曲国际法,违背美国政府长期以来在南海主权问题上不持立场的公开承诺,蓄意挑动南海领土主权和海洋权益争端,挑拨地区国家间关系,破坏地区和平稳定,是极不负责任的。中方对美方错误行径表示强烈不满和坚决反对。我愿强调以下几点: Zhao Lijian: The US statement disregards the historical merits and objective facts of the South China Sea issue, violates and distorts international law, and breaks the US government's long-held public commitment of not taking a position on the South China Sea sovereignty issue. It deliberately stokes disputes on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, sows discord among regional countries and undermines regional peace and stability. This is extremely irresponsible. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to the wrong act by the US side. I want to stress the following points:第一,中国在南海的主权和权益是在长期历史过程中形成的,有着充分的历史和法理依据,并为中国历代政府所坚持。直到上世纪七十年代初,没有任何国家对中方的上述立场提出异议。美方所谓中国在南海的海洋权益缺乏国际法基础的说法,完全不符合事实。 First, China's sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea have been formed in the course of a long history. They are supported by abundant historical and legal basis and upheld by the Chinese government all along. No country raised any objection to this position until the 1970s. The US accusation that our maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea have no basis in international law totally runs counter to facts.
第二,南海仲裁案违背“国家同意”原则,仲裁庭越权审理、枉法裁判,在事实认定和法律适用上存在严重谬误,违反《联合国海洋法公约》和国际法,所作裁决是非法的、无效的,是废纸一张。中国不接受、不参与仲裁案,不接受、不承认该裁决。中国在南海的主权和权益丝毫不受该裁决影响,中国也不接受任何基于该裁决的主张或行动。明眼人看得非常清楚,南海仲裁案就是一场政治闹剧,美方作为闹剧的始作俑者和幕后操手,企图以此抹黑打压中国。此次,美方借非法裁决出台五周年再次炒作南海问题,其政治图谋昭然若揭。 Second, the South China Sea arbitration violated the principle of state consent and the arbitral tribunal exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires and rendered an award in disregard of law. The arbitration has major fallacies in fact-finding and application of law and violates UNCLOS and international law. The award of the arbitration is illegal, null and void. It is nothing more than a piece of waste paper. China does not accept or participate in the arbitration, nor does it accept or recognize the award. China's sovereignty and rights and interests over the South China Sea are not affected at all by the arbitration and China does not accept any claim or act based on it. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily see that the arbitration is a political farce which is initiated and manipulated by the US to smear and suppress China. The political agenda of the US to hype up the South China Sea issue by taking advantage of the 5th anniversary of the illegal award can't be more obvious.
第三,中方一贯坚持通过友好谈判协商解决处理南海问题,始终平等对待南海周边国家,在维护南海主权和权益方面保持着最大克制。与此相反,美国动辄派大规模先进舰机到南海搞军事侦察、演习,非法闯入中国领海领空及岛礁邻近海空域。今年以来,美方对华海空抵近侦察近2000次,针对中国的大规模海上军演超过20次。美方还滥用带有冷战色彩的双边军事协议,对中方威胁使用武力,暴露出赤裸裸的强权逻辑和霸权行径。究竟是谁在南海搞“胁迫和恐吓”,又是谁在“威胁航行自由与安全”,真相不言自明。 Third, China always advocates friendly negotiations and consultations to settle the South China Sea issue, treats our South China Sea neighbors as equals and exercises maximum restraint when safeguarding our sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea. On the opposite, the US willfully sends large-scale advanced vessels and aircraft to the South China Sea for military reconnaissance and drills and illegally intruded into China's territorial waters and space and water and air space adjacent to islands and reefs. Since the beginning of this year, the US side has conducted close-in reconnaissance for nearly 2,000 times and over 20 large-scale military drills on the sea targeting China. What's more, the US abuses bilateral military agreements that smack of the Cold War to threaten to use force on China. This exposes its power politics logic and hegemonic practices. It is self-evident who is seeking coercion and intimidation and threatening freedom and security of navigation.
第四,中方是国际法治的坚定维护者和践行者,作为《联合国海洋法公约》创始缔约国,始终坚持正确理解、认真执行《公约》,以实际行动捍卫《公约》的权威和完整性。美方动辄以国际法卫道士自居,言必称《公约》,频频拿《公约》说事,请美国先加入《公约》再说。美方口口声声坚持“基于规则的秩序”,却拒不执行国际法院的判决、咨询意见以及联大决议,对国际法和国际规则合则用、不合则弃,这种实用主义、利己主义和双重标准的做派在世人面前早已暴露无遗。 Fourth, China firmly upholds and practices international rule of law. As an original contracting party of UNCLOS, China always correctly understands and earnestly implements the Convention, and uphold its authority and integrity with concrete actions. The US poses as a defender of international law and keeps referring to the Convention and making an issue out of it. Why doesn't it accede to the Convention first? It claims to uphold "rules-based international order", but refuses to execute the judgement and advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and the resolution of the UN General Assembly. It is selective in applying international law and international order. The world's people see clearly the US' pragmatism, egoism and double standards.
第五,南海是世界上最繁忙的海上通道之一,也是中国海上贸易的生命线。全球约30%的货物贸易经过南海,每年约有10万艘商船航经南海。在包括中国在内的地区国家共同努力下,一段时间以来南海一直保持着畅通安全,没有听说有任何船只在南海航行受阻、安全受到威胁。美方所谓南海航行自由受到威胁的说法根本站不住脚。 Fifth, the South China Sea is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world and the lifeline of China's maritime trade. Some 30% of global trade in goods and each year about 100,000 merchant vessels transit through the South China Sea. With the joint efforts of countries in the region including China, passage through the South China sea has been smooth and safe for a period of time, and not a single vessel has ever reported that its navigation is hindered or safety threatened in the South China Sea. The US allegation of "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea threatened is simply untenable.
第六,南海是地区国家共同的家园,不应成为美国谋求地缘政治私利的狩猎场。中国与南海当事国通过对话磋商有效管控矛盾分歧,不断推进务实合作。中国与东盟国家全面有效落实《南海各方行为宣言》,积极推进“南海行为准则”磋商,取得了重要进展。美国等域外国家应尊重地区国家维护南海和平稳定的努力。中方敦促美国停止滥用国际法,停止使用武力或以武力相威胁,停止在南海挑衅滋事,遵守以《联合国宪章》为核心的国际法,尊重中方在南海的主权和权益,不要在错误道路上越走越远。中方将继续坚定依法维护自己的主权、权益和安全,坚定维护与地区国家的友好合作关系,坚定维护南海的和平稳定。 Sixth, the South China Sea is the shared home for the countries in the region. It should not be a hunting field for the US to seek geopolitical self-interests. China and countries concerned have effectively managed differences through dialogue and consultation and continuously promoted practical cooperation. China and ASEAN countries fully and effectively implement the DOC and actively promote consultations on the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" with major progress. The US and other countries outside the region should respect the regional countries' efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. China urges the US to stop abusing international law, stop the use of force or the threat of force and stop making provocations in the South China Sea. It should abide by international law underpinned by the UN Charter, and respect China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea instead of going further down the wrong path. China will continue to firmly defend its sovereignty, rights, interests and security in accordance with law, firmly protect the friendly, cooperative relations with regional countries, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.
新华社记者:当前,新冠肺炎疫情仍在全球扩散蔓延,特别是变异病毒传播加大疫情防控难度,世卫组织多次呼吁全球各国加快提升疫苗覆盖率,抑制新冠病毒大规模传播。你可否进一步介绍中国对外提供疫苗情况?中国疫苗为全球特别是发展中国家抗击疫情作出了哪些贡献? Xinhua News Agency: As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, especially as the emergence of variants made prevention and containment more difficult, the WHO has repeatedly called on all countries to accelerate vaccine rollout to curb the large-scale transmission of the virus. Can you offer more details on how many doses China has provided outside the country? How have Chinese vaccines helped with the global response, especially in developing countries? 赵立坚:中方始终积极落实习近平主席关于将疫苗作为全球公共产品的重要宣示,秉持人类命运共同体理念,本着开放包容的原则对外提供疫苗。截至目前,中国已向全球100多个国家和国际组织提供了5亿多剂新冠疫苗和原液,相当于当前全球新冠疫苗总产量的六分之一。中国企业为世界卫生组织主导的“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)生产的疫苗也已下线,将尽快向世卫组织提供。 Zhao Lijian: China has been actively implementing President Xi Jinping's pledge of making vaccines a global public good and upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind to provide vaccines abroad in an open and inclusive manner. To date, we have provided more than 500 million doses and concentrates to over 100 countries and international organizations, one sixth of the total global output. Doses produced by Chinese companies for the WHO-led COVAX has rolled off the assembly line and will be delivered soon.中国对外提供疫苗始终兼顾国内需求与国外需求,对于所有向中国提出疫苗合作需求的国家,中方都克服困难给予积极回应并启动合作。中国是向发展中国家提供疫苗数量最多的国家,疫苗合作伙伴国遍及全球。习近平主席在全球健康峰会上表示,中国支持本国疫苗企业向发展中国家进行技术转让,开展合作生产。在中国政府支持下,中国疫苗企业已经在阿联酋、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、埃及、巴西、土耳其、巴基斯坦、墨西哥等国启动合作生产,产能已经超过2亿剂。多国政要高度评价中国疫苗为当地抗疫所作重要贡献,接种中国疫苗的外国民众也为中国疫苗投下了赞成票。 In providing vaccines overseas, China always coordinates needs at home and abroad, and overcomes difficulties to actively respond to countries' requests for vaccine cooperation and launch cooperation with them. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe. President Xi Jinping said at the Global Health Summit that "China supports its vaccine companies in transferring technologies to other developing countries and carrying out joint production with them". With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. Political leaders of many countries have spoken highly of the important contribution Chinese vaccines have made to their local fight. Foreign nationals who have received the Chinese jabs have also voted in favor of the vaccines.
当前全球疫情形势仍在反复,依然严峻。中方愿同各国继续团结合作,为尽快彻底战胜疫情作出积极的贡献! As the pandemic continues to ebb and flow, the situation remains a grave challenge. China stands ready to work together in solidarity with all countries to contribute to an early full victory over the virus!
法新社记者:富士康和台积电集团将分别从中国复星医药集团购买各500万剂辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研发的疫苗。此前台湾方面在直接与复星公司达成协议的问题上遇到难题。外交部对此有何评论? AFP: The tech companies Foxconn and TSMC are buying 5 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses each from China's Fosun Pharma. This comes after Taiwan had trouble in securing a direct deal with Fosun. What's the foreign ministry's view on this arrangement? 赵立坚:你提到的不是一个外交问题,请你向主管部门和有关企业询问。我想强调的是,我们真正关心台湾同胞福祉,希望台湾同胞早日用上急需的疫苗。 Zhao Lijian: This is not a question concerning foreign affairs. I would like to refer you to the competent authorities and relevant companies. I want to stress that we truly care about the welfare of our Taiwan compatriots and hope they can have early access to the direly-needed vaccine.4
China Daily: On the sidelines of the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, China, Belarus, Russia and Venezuela jointly hosted a video session with the theme of "Human rights in the West: lack of international control and response to violations of human rights", which revealed the human rights problems of western countries and the hypocritical nature of their human rights policies. Could you elaborate on China's position?
赵立坚:美国等一些西方国家长期存在种族歧视、强迫劳动、枪支暴力等严重人权问题,并犯下灭绝原住民、对别国非法军事干涉、滥杀别国平民等罪行。但令人不解的是,这些国家不是认真反省和纠正自身问题,而是以“人权卫士”、“人权教师爷”自居,甚至编造谎言谣言对他国诬蔑抹黑。事实一再证明:他们关心人权是假,干涉他国内政是真。 Zhao Lijian: Some Western countries like the US have been plagued by serious human rights problems such as racial discrimination, forced labor and gun violence, and committed crimes including genocide of indigenous communities, illegal military intervention and indiscriminate killing of civilians in other countries. Oddly, these countries, instead of conscientiously reflecting on and redressing their own problems, have been in the habit of lecturing others as if they were "defenders" of human rights, and even fabricating lies and rumors to vilify others. Facts have proved time and again that human rights is the last thing on their mind, and their real intention is to meddle in others' domestic affairs.药好不好,不能看广告,而要看疗效。人权不是个别国家的“专利”,更不能只用西方意识形态和价值观来定义。衡量一国人权事业的标准,关键在于本国人民是否满意,是否高兴。看看那些西方国家内部的严重种族、人权等问题和犯下的历史罪行,我不知道他们哪里来的自信和底气,动辄对他国颐指气使、诬蔑指责?他们真正应该做的,是摒弃虚伪双标和政治操弄,首先解决好自身严重的人权问题。 The most important issue that consumers need to realize with drug ads is that they are just that - advertisements. Human rights are not the "patent" of some individual country, still less can they be defined only by Western ideology and values. The key to measuring the human rights cause of a country is whether its people are satisfied. Those Western countries have serious racial and human rights problems, and committed crimes in history. I wonder what gives them the confidence to boss others around and tell them off. They should forsake their hypocritical double standard and political manipulation, and get their house in order first.
NHK: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages yesterday with Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) of the DPRK on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. This year marks the time for extension of the treaty every 20 years. Can you confirm whether China has already extended the treaty with the DPRK side?
Zhao Lijian: What I want to tell you is that, according the stipulations of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the PRC and the DPRK, it remains in force unless agreement is reached on its amendment or termination.
The Paper: The permanent missions of Canada and Australia in Geneva recently held a video conference with the theme of strengthening international cooperation to oppose the use of arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations, saying that arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries is unacceptable. Do you have a comment?
赵立坚:谈到任意拘押,孟晚舟事件就是一起典型案例。加拿大将没有违反任何加法律的中国公民拘押至今,公然充当美国打压中国高技术企业和华为公司的帮凶,这恰恰是“以胁迫外国为目标的任意拘押行为”。孟晚舟近日向加拿大法院提交的汇丰银行内部文件再次充分证明,美方对孟所谓“欺诈”指控纯属无中生有、凭空捏造,进一步暴露了孟晚舟事件的政治迫害本质。加方现在应该做的,不是空喊口号,而是认清自身错误,立即停止任意拘押中国公民,让孟晚舟早日平安回到中国。 Zhao Lijian: Speaking of arbitrary detention, the Meng Wanzhou incident is a textbook case in point. By detaining Ms. Meng, a Chinese citizen who hasn't violated any Canadian law, Canada is acting openly as an accomplice as the US works to suppress Huawei and other Chinese hi-tech companies. This is exactly arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries. The HSBC internal documents submitted recently by Ms. Meng to the Canadian court once again prove that the so-called fraud charges by the US against her is purely groundless fabrication out of thin air. This further exposed the nature of this incident, which is political persecution. This is not the time for empty slogans. Canada should clearly see its mistake, end the arbitrary detention of the Chinese national immediately and allow Ms. Meng to return to China safe and sound at an early date.7
CNR: On July 10, Ethiopia's National Election Board announced the results of the parliamentary election held on June 21. The incumbent prime minister's Prosperity Party has won a majority in the federal parliament, putting it in a position to form cabinet. Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:中方对埃塞俄比亚成功举行议会选举表示祝贺。埃塞俄比亚是中国在非洲的重要战略合作伙伴,也是中非共建“一带一路”的重要参与方。中埃塞合作成果丰硕,走在中非合作前列。相信在双方共同努力下,两国合作一定会取得更多成果,更好惠及两国人民。 Zhao Lijian: China congratulates Ethiopia on its successful parliamentary election. Ethiopia is China's important strategic cooperative partner in Africa and a key participant in China-Africa cooperation under the BRI. China-Ethiopia cooperation, leading China-Africa cooperation, has delivered fruitful outcomes. With the concerted efforts from both sides, we believe our bilateral cooperation will surely achieve new progress and deliver more benefits to our peoples.8
Global Times: According to reports, the US tops the latest Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking while China takes the No. 8 slot. Do you have any response?
赵立坚:这几天,我的好几位同事和朋友都问我,彭博社这个报告是不是印错了。他们还问在他们心中一向权威的彭博社怎么能如此小儿科。我看到有报道说,彭博社的所谓“全球抗疫排名”,为了达到“美国第一”的结果,不惜将以往排名中最为关键的确诊病例和死亡人数等要素删掉,并将执行封锁和出入境防疫管理政策视为负面因素,这既不尊重事实,也不尊重科学,更不尊重生命。 Zhao Lijian: Over the past few days, several of my colleagues and friends have asked me whether the Bloomberg report was misprinted. They also asked how the authoritative Bloomberg could have produced such a childish stunt. I see reports saying that in this so-called "Covid Resilience Ranking", in order to put the US at the top, Bloomberg even didn't scruple to remove such indicators as the number of confirmed cases and death toll, the most crucial factors in previous ranking. It also considered lockdown and entry and exit quarantine management policy as negative factors, which shows no respect for facts, science or life.中国人常说,老百姓心中有杆秤,群众的眼睛是雪亮的。所谓的排名结果,把黑的说成白的、白的说成黑的,也许今后还能把死的说成活的。我想世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了,姑且把它当作茶余饭后的谈资吧。 As we Chinese often say, people have their own judgment and are sharp-eyed. The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk.
AFP: China's Olympic sail boat team has complained that they were put in the same hotel as regular tourists in Tokyo, exposing them to a higher risk of COVID-19 infection. Is China concerned about the precautions being taken by the Japanese Olympic authorities?
赵立坚:我不了解你提到的情况。我们希望日本能够成功举办此次奥运会,希望也相信日方能为包括中国代表团在内的所有与会代表团做好防疫安排。 Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of that. We hope Japan will host a successful Olympic Games. We hope and trust that the Japanese side can make proper epidemic arrangement for all delegations including Chinese athletes.10
China News Service: The 47th Session of the Human Rights Council deliberated on the Third Cycle of Universal Periodic Review on the human rights conditions in Australia. The representative of China criticized human rights problems in Australia. Russia, Syria and the UN Refugee Agency also expressed their concerns. Australian media commented that "the strongest public criticism came from China". What is your take on that?
赵立坚:中方的发言是“最猛烈的”,是因为澳大利亚的人权记录的确劣迹斑斑,铁证如山。 Zhao Lijian: China's criticism is the strongest because there is solid evidence for Australia's numerous human rights violations.澳国内针对非洲裔、亚洲裔等少数族裔和穆斯林、土著人的长期系统性歧视、仇恨犯罪十分严重。历史上,澳对原住民实行“种族灭绝”、“强迫劳动”,使大批原住民惨遭屠杀和奴役,原住民人口从殖民前的75至100万人锐减至20世纪30年代的7.4万人。原住民的语言、文化权利也遭到残忍剥夺。1910至1970年,澳政府先后实施“白澳政策”和“同化政策”,建立英语寄宿学校,强迫原住民学生住校,以远离家庭和族群,在校期间禁止他们使用原住民语言,导致澳原有的300余种原住民语言中110种濒临灭绝。澳强行将近10万名原住民儿童集中在白人家庭和专门机构收养,切断他们与原生族群的语言和文化联系,使得这些人成为“被偷走的一代”。 The systemic discrimination and hate crimes targeting African Australians, Asian Australians and other minorities as well as Muslims and Indigenous people are very serious in Australia. Historically, Australia committed genocide and forced labor against the Indigenous people, which led to massacre and enslavement. The Indigenous population ranged from 750,000 to one million before colonization. But it fell to 74,000 in the 1930s. The Indigenous people were deprived cruelly of their languages and cultural rights. From 1910 to 1970, the Australian government adopted the White Australia policy and assimilation policy. It established English residential schools where the Indigenous students were forced to go so that they were separated from their families and their groups. In the schools, the students were banned from speaking their Indigenous languages, which brought 110 out of the 300-plus languages to the verge of extinction. Australia forced the adoption of nearly 100,000 Indigenous children in white families or specialized institutions to cut their language and cultural ties with their original groups, making them a "stolen generation".
直至今天,澳原住民生存境况依然堪忧。2018年以来,全国原住民失业率在20%左右,是全澳平均失业率的近4倍。原住民平均寿命比非原住民低7.8至8.6岁,婴幼儿死亡率是其他族群的2倍。截至2020年3月,澳全国监狱中被羁押的原住民占全部在押人员数量将近30%,远高于原住民人口比例。 Even till this day, the Indigenous Australians are living in dire situations. From 2018, the average unemployment rate of the Indigenous people is around 20%, nearly four times that of the national average. The average life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is 7.8 to 8.6 years shorter than that of non-Indigenous people. The infant and child mortality rate is twice that of other groups. By March 2020, Indigenous people account for nearly 30% of the incarcerated in Australia, far higher than the proportion of Indigenous population.
此外,澳还在第三国设立离岸拘留中心。大量移民、难民和寻求庇护者被长期甚至无限期强制关押,基本人权受到严重侵犯。澳军人在阿富汗等海外军事行动中,犯下严重战争罪行,但至今逍遥法外。 In addition, Australia set up off-shore detention centers in third countries, where a large number of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are forcibly detained for a long time or indefinitely with their basic human rights gravely violated. Australian troops committed serious war crimes in their overseas military operations in Afghanistan and other places. But they get away unpunished.
澳方对自身严重的人权问题置若罔闻,却基于谣言谎言动辄对他国人权状况指手画脚,这充分暴露了澳在人权问题上的虚伪。澳方应该停止打着人权的幌子攻击抹黑他国,多反躬自省,解决好自身的人权问题。 While turning a blind eye to its own human rights abuses, Australia points fingers at other countries' human rights conditions based on lies and rumors. This fully exposes Australia's hypocrisy on human rights issues. The Australian side should stop attacking and smearing other countries under the human rights pretext, do some soul-searching and resolve its own human rights issues well.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-12的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!