喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-30的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on July 30, 20211
CCTV: We've noticed that the UN Secretariat has recently circulated relevant Belt and Road initiatives as official documents of the 75th session of the UNGA. Does China have any comment?
赵立坚:今年6月,王毅国务委员兼外长主持召开“一带一路”亚太区域国际合作高级别会议。与会29国共同发起“一带一路”疫苗合作伙伴关系倡议和“一带一路”绿色发展伙伴关系倡议,呼吁加强国际疫苗合作、促进全球经济复苏、实现绿色和可持续发展。 Zhao Lijian: In June this year, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired the Asia and Pacific High-level Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation. The 29 countries at the meeting jointly launched the Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on COVID-19 Vaccines Cooperation and the Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on Green Development, calling for efforts to strengthen international vaccine cooperation, promote global economic recovery and realize green and sustainable development.近日,联合国秘书处将上述两倡议在第75届联合国大会议题14“联合国经济社会及有关领域主要会议和成果后续落实”和议题131“全球卫生与外交政策”下作为联大正式文件散发。这体现了“一带一路”对联合国倡导的疫苗全球公平分配以及绿色、有韧性和包容性经济复苏的支持,体现了“一带一路”对联合国2030年可持续发展议程的支持,也体现了国际社会对“一带一路”合作尤其是其对促进疫苗全球公平分配与实现全球可持续发展所发挥的积极作用的重视和认同。中方将继续与“一带一路”合作伙伴一道,坚定支持联合国在全球发展和卫生领域的领导作用,进一步加强“一带一路”与联合国2030年可持续发展议程的对接。 Recently, the UN Secretariat has circulated these two initiatives as official documents of the 75th session of the UNGA under integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [item 14] and global health and foreign policy [item 131]. This demonstrates support by the Belt and Road Initiative for the UN-championed equitable distribution of vaccines globally, a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also shows that the international community attaches importance to and recognizes the positive role of Belt and Road cooperation especially in promoting the equitable distribution of vaccines and realizing sustainable development globally. China will continue to work together with Belt and Road partners to firmly support the UN's leading role in global development and the health sector and seek greater synergy between the BRI and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
总台央视记者:一段时间以来,美方个别政客不断借溯源问题搞政治操弄,强行推动针对中国的病毒溯源,却对美国自身早期病例和生物实验室的重重疑云避而不谈。中方有何评论? CCTV: For some time, certain US politicians have been playing up the origin-tracing issue to engage in political manipulation to target China, but remained evasive about the US' own early cases and questions about its biological laboratories. What is China's comment on that? 赵立坚:为了转移自身抗疫不力的责任,达到抹黑打压别国的政治目的,美国大搞疫情政治化、病毒污名化、溯源工具化,把撒谎、抹黑、胁迫奉为圭臬,丝毫不尊重事实、科学和正义。人类抗击疫情的史册上,必将记下美国这丑陋的一页。 Zhao Lijian: In order to shift its responsibility in poor COVID-19 response and out of the political motive of smearing and suppressing others, the US has been busy with politicization, stigmatization, and turning origin-tracing study into its tool. It has made lying, vilifying and coercing its standard practice without any respect for facts, science and justice. Such despicable behavior of the US will leave a stain in the history of the humanity's fight against diseases.抹黑他国洗白不了自己。如果美国真的“透明、负责”,请从以下四件事做起: No country can whitewash itself by smearing others. To prove itself "transparent and responsible", the US should start with the following four things:
第一,美国应该公布并检测早期病例数据。2019年7月弗吉尼亚州发生不明原因呼吸系统疾病,威斯康星州暴发大规模“电子烟疾病”,靠近德堡的两家养老院出现不明原因导致肺炎的呼吸道疾病。2019年9月,马里兰州报告称“电子烟疾病”患者病例数增加了一倍。美国疾病控制与预防中心主任去年曾公开承认,一些被误以为死于流感的美国人在死后诊断中被检测出新冠病毒呈阳性。美国应该对上述这些患者血清样本进行核酸检测和抗体检测。这些病例中到底有多少起新冠病例? First, the US should publish and examine the data of its early cases, including the respiratory diseases of unknown cause in Virginia, the large-scale EVALI outbreak in Wisconsin and the unexplained pneumonia outbreaks in two retirement communities near the Fort Detrick base in July 2019, and vaping-related lung illness cases that doubled in Maryland in September 2019. The US CDC Director openly acknowledged last year that some patients, who were thought to have died of flu, were tested positive for coronavirus in postmortem diagnosis. The US should conduct nucleic acid testing and antibody testing of the blood serum samples of these aforementioned patients. We wonder, how many of these are actually COVID-19 cases?
第二,美国应该邀请世卫组织专家调查德特里克堡和美国在海外200多个生物实验室。特别是德堡基地是美国生物军事活动的大本营,美国陆军传染病医学研究所是最主要的实体,国际社会以及美国民众对德堡相关活动不合法、不透明、不安全早有关切。该研究所长期从事冠状病毒研究、改造,2019年发生严重安全事故并被关停,随后美国内暴发与新冠肺炎症状相似的疾病。对于这些问题,美方从未向国际社会和美国民众作出交代。 Second, the US should invite WHO experts to investigate Fort Detrick and its 200-plus bio-labs overseas. In particular, the Fort Detrick base is the headquarters of the US biological militarization activities, and the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases is the principal entity. The international community and the American public have long voiced concerns about the illegal, obscure and unsafe activities in Fort Detrick. The Research Institute, long engaged in coronavirus studies and modification, had serious safety accidents and was shut down in 2019. Soon afterwards, a disease with similar symptoms with COVID-19 broke out in the US. On these questions, the US side has never given any explanations to the its own people and the international community.
第三,美国应该邀请世卫组织专家调查北卡罗来纳大学。美国一直污蔑武汉病毒研究所开展的冠状病毒研究引发新冠肺炎,但实际上美国才是全球此类研究最大的资助者和实施方。特别是北卡大学巴里克团队是此类研究的权威,早就具备极其成熟的冠状病毒合成及改造能力。只要调查巴里克团队及其实验室,完全可以澄清对冠状病毒的研究有没有、会不会产生新冠病毒。 Third, the US should invite WHO experts to investigate the University of North Carolina. The US has been accusing the Wuhan Institute of Virology of introducing COVID-19 with its coronavirus studies. In fact, however, the US is the biggest sponsor and practitioner of such kind of researches in the world. The team of Ralph S. Baric, particularly, is the authority of such kind of research with extremely mature capability in synergizing and modifying coronavirus. A probe into Baric's team and lab would clarify whether coronavirus research has created or will create SARS-CoV-2.
第四,美国应该公布参加武汉军运会的美国军人患病病例数据。2019年10月,美国派出300多人赴武汉参加军运会,其中有无人员出现类似新冠肺炎的症状?报道的那几位美国军人运动员到底得的是什么病?病例应该尽快公开。 Fourth, the US should release the data concerning the sickened American military athletes who attended the World Military Games in Wuhan. In October 2019, the US sent more than 300 people to Wuhan for the Games. Was there anyone with symptoms similar to those of COVID-19? What illness did those reported military athletes have exactly? The cases should be made public as soon as possible.
拉通社记者:本周美国推动发表联合声明,就7月11日发生的事件谴责古巴。中方对这一在联合国框架之外采取的行动有何评论? Prensa Latina: This week, the US promoted a joint declaration to condemn the Cuban government after the incident of July 11. What's China's comment on this movement taken outside the UN framework?赵立坚:中方一贯反对以军事、政治、经济或其它手段对他国实施单边制裁,反对打着所谓“自由”、“人权”、“民主”等旗号干涉他国内政。美国单边制裁封锁是造成古巴药品短缺、能源紧张等问题的根源,严重侵犯了古巴人民的生存权和发展权。美方应遵守《联合国宪章》宗旨及国际关系基本准则,认真倾听国际社会的普遍呼声,立即全面取消对古巴封锁,停止对古巴干涉。
Zhao Lijian: China always opposes unilateral sanctions against other countries by military, political, economic or other means, and opposes interference in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of so-called "freedom", "human rights" and "democracy". The unilateral sanctions and embargo imposed by the US are the root cause of the medical and energy shortage in Cuba, and have seriously violated the Cuban people's rights to subsistence and development. The US should abide by the purposes of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations, heed the universal voice of the international community, immediately and completely lift its embargo on Cuba and stop its interference in the country.
China firmly supports Cuba in fighting the epidemic, improving people's livelihood and maintaining stability, and in exploring a development path that suits its national conditions. China is ready to work with the international community to continue to contribute to Cuba's efforts to overcome the impact of the epidemic.
4 《北京青年报》记者:在7月28日召开的联大听取新冠肺炎疫情应对评估独立专家组通报会上,美国常驻联合国副代表独家就溯源问题攻击中方,称美方支持世界卫生组织独立、不受干扰地履职。中国试图阻挠世卫组织正常开展工作,特别是近期宣布将不参与世卫组织第二阶段溯源工作计划,美方深表担忧。中方的合作对世卫组织就病毒溯源问题开展科学调查意义重大。了解病毒起源对预防未来可能出现的大流行病至关重要。请问中方对此有何评论? Beijing Youth Daily: At a briefing by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response at the UNGA on July 28, the US Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN spoke in the US national capacity to attack China on the issue of origin-tracing, saying that the US supports the WHO in carrying out its duties independently and without interference. He said that the US side was deeply concerned about China's attempts to obstruct the normal work of the WHO, especially China's recent announcement that it would not participate in the plan of the second phase of origin-tracing study led by the WHO. He added that China's cooperation was of great significance to WHO's scientific investigation on the origin of the virus, which is crucial to preventing future pandemics. What is China's comment on that?
Zhao Lijian: By making those remarks, the US deputy representative is staging a farce of a thief crying "stop the thief" and trying to blame the innocent party for what oneself is guilty of.
The US side says China is trying to obstruct the normal work of the WHO. In fact, it was the US that blatantly withdrew from the WHO and threatened to stop paying its dues. It is the US that is openly stigmatizing the epidemic, labeling the virus, and interfering with WHO's global response. It is still the US that uses the WHO and multilateralism when they suit its interests and abandoning them otherwise. At the above-mentioned briefing on the assessment of the epidemic response, the US deviated from the theme of the conference by playing up the issue of origin-tracing to stigmatize China. This is another example of the US interfering with international public health cooperation. The US is the biggest saboteur of WHO's ability to perform its functions independently and without interference.
The US accuses China for refusing to participate in the WHO's plan of the second phase of origin-tracing study. In fact, what China disagrees with is the highly politicized origin-tracing, what China refuses is the origin-tracing that deviates from the requirements of the WHO resolution, and what China denies to participate in is the origin-tracing that disregards the conclusions and recommendations of the first phase of the study. China is actively implementing the recommendations of the first-phase joint mission report, and conducting follow-up complementary studies. In contrast, the US side is engaged in politically-motivated origin-tracing in defiance of authoritative scientific research conclusions, spreading false information and lies, and flagrantly distorting the position of other countries. It is the US that is not taking part in the real science-based origin-tracing. It is also the US that is staying out of the international origin-tracing cooperation.
The US also says that China's cooperation is of great significance to WHO's scientific investigation into the origin of the virus. In fact, China has always taken an open, transparent, scientific and cooperative attitude on the issue of origin-tracing. China has taken the lead in cooperating with the WHO on origin-tracing, and has twice invited WHO experts in for origin-tracing studies, and opened the Wuhan Institute of Virology to international experts. Nearly 70 countries have expressed opposition to politicization of origin-tracing and support of China-WHO joint mission report by writing letters to the WHO Director-General, issuing statements and sending notes. The question now is, when will the US respond to the international community's questions about Fort Detrick, clear the suspicions over its 200 plus biological laboratories around the world, and carry out origin-tracing cooperation with the WHO as China has done?
Finally, I want to emphasize that the coronavirus needs to be traced to its source, and so does the political virus. The US should respect science, stop sabotaging international cooperation on fighting the epidemic and tracing the source of the virus, and adopt an open, transparent and cooperative attitude to invite WHO experts to the US for origin-tracing study.
彭博社记者:美国国务卿布林肯今天发推特称,美方对于海外记者遭受骚扰恫吓深表关切,并称中国能够也必须做得更好。美国务院发言人普莱斯称,中国通过官方媒体严辞批评任何被视为非议中国政策的报道。你对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Today, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Twitter that Washington is deeply concerned about the harassment and intimidation of journalists from overseas, adding the Beijing can and must do better, in his word. Separately, the US State Department spokesman Ned Price said that Chinese official state media promoted harsh rhetoric toward any news China perceives to be critical of PRC policies. What is your comment? 赵立坚:中方对美方的有关表态表示坚决反对。这个声明和几天前所谓驻华外国记者协会(FCCC)声明如出一辙,罔顾是非,颠倒黑白,通过莫须有的指责继续向中方施压。这种错误做法再次凸显美方在媒体和新闻自由问题上的霸道霸凌和双重标准,中方绝不接受。针对有关不实指责,我昨天已经表明立场。对于有关外国记者违反中方有关规定的问题,我们已向有关人员和机构提出交涉。 Zhao Lijian: We firmly reject these US remarks. The US statement is no different from the one by the so-called FCCC a few days ago. Both disregard facts, distort right and wrong, and attempt to pressure China with unfounded allegations. The erroneous action once again exposed the US side's hegemony, bullying and double standard on media and press freedom. China categorically rejects it. I already made clear our position on the false accusations yesterday. As to the foreign journalists who violated Chinese regulations, we have lodged representations with relevant individuals and institutions.谈到对记者的审查、骚扰和恐吓,美方不要忘了:美方自2018年以来,就对20多名中方记者无故拒签;将多家中国媒体驻美机构列为“外国使团”,并对其采取人数限制措施,变相“驱逐”60名中方媒体记者;对所有中国驻美记者采取发放停留期仅3个月签证的歧视性限制措施。不少视频显示,记者在弗洛伊德事件示威活动现场被美国执法人员恶意阻止报道,甚至被人身攻击。在抗议者冲击国会事件中,包括中国媒体在内的多家媒体在国会山的常用连线点遭到了示威者袭击。如果这些不算是对记者的打压、滋扰、恐吓、威胁,不算是对记者人身安全和报道自由的直接侵犯,那又算是什么呢? Speaking of censorship, harassment and intimidation of journalists, the US should not forget the following facts. Since 2018, the US has denied visa to more than 20 Chinese journalists without cause. It has designated several Chinese media's US offices as foreign missions and placed a cap on their number of staff, expelling in all but name 60 Chinese journalists. It has also imposed the discriminatory restrictive measure of issuing to all Chinese journalists' a mere three-month stay visa. Many video records show how journalists covering the demonstrations after the Floyd incident were abrasively stopped by US law enforcement personnel or even physically assaulted. During the storming of the US Congress, many news outlets, including a Chinese one, were attacked by demonstrators at their usual live positions outside Capitol Hill. If these are not suppression, harassment, intimidation and threat against journalists and outright violation of their safety and press freedom, then what should we call them?
美方所为不过是借“新闻自由”之名行对华打压之实,为其公然实施双重标准和霸权欺凌寻找冠冕堂皇的借口。美方在对记者和新闻自由方面不是“可以做得更好”,而是亟待纠正改进。美方应该反躬自省,停止对中国的无端攻击。只有做好自己,才能赢得别人的尊重。 The US is just using press freedom as a cover to advance its real agenda of suppressing China. It is only trying to justify its open double standard, hegemony and bullying with a high-sounding pretext. With regard to the US, it is not just a matter of "can do better" on journalists and press freedom, but an urgent need to redress mistakes and seek improvement. The US should reflect upon itself and stop wanton attacks on China. One can only earn respect from others with proper self-conduct.
《环球时报》记者:29日,彭博社发布新一期“全球抗疫排名”,挪威排名第一,美国排名第五,中国排名第九。发言人有何评论? Global Times: On July 29, Bloomberg released a new edition of its "COVID Resilience Ranking", in which Norway becomes the new No. 1, the US falls to the fifth, and China is put at the ninth. I wonder if you have any comment?赵立坚:前段时间,彭博社将美国列为“全球第一抗疫大国”,我说过世界民众姑且把它当做茶余饭后的谈资吧。
Zhao Lijian: Previously, when Bloomberg placed the US at the top of its "COVID Resilience Ranking", I said it will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk.
Like last time, my friends ask me whether the authoritative Bloomberg has misprinted its report again. People can't get around the logic as to how the US could possibly stay in the top 5 when the country continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths.
Bloomberg said that the rankings were based on "data indicators that span Covid containment, quality of healthcare, vaccination coverage, overall mortality and-as of last month-progress toward restarting travel and easing border curbs". Many believe that judging from two indicators of vaccination coverage and overall mortality alone, there's no way the US could make to top 5. Yet Bloomberg insists to place the US at No. 5, saying that deaths in the country "remain a fraction of what they were during previous waves", and social and business activities have largely returned to normal.
Even a schoolboy could tell that's far from the truth. Bloomberg dumbfounds people with its ability to confuse right and wrong, and distort facts to make its self-contradictory report sound plausible. There's no point wasting more time discussing this report, we can just shrug it off and maybe use it for small talks.
China Daily: It is reported that earlier this month, two laboratories in Italy and the Netherlands retested some blood samples taken before the COVID-19 outbreak and found antibodies normally found in coronavirus infections. Italian experts say the result shows that there is a strong possibility that the coronavirus was circulating in Italy much earlier than expected. What is China's comment on that?
赵立坚:意大利研究人员去年11月的一篇论文指出,新冠病毒抗体检测结果呈阳性的样本采集时间是2019年10月第一周,这表明被采集者很可能在2019年9月已经感染。世卫组织专门就此组织的重检也证实了样本中存在通常会在病毒感染后观察到的抗体。这再次证明新冠疫情多点多地溯源有充分的必要,接下来开展的溯源工作必须予以充分重视。 Zhao Lijian: In a November 2020 paper, Italian researchers noted that samples that tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies were collected during the first week of October 2019, suggesting that it is likely that infection could well happen in September 2019. The subsequent retesting by WHO also confirmed the presence of antibodies in these samples normally observed after coronavirus infection. This once again proves that it is necessary to trace the source of COVID-19 in multiple places, which should be taken into consideration in the origin-tracing work going forward.另有媒体报道称,一些欧洲国家早期病例暴发点与美国军事基地有关联,病毒很可能通过“武装部队血液项目”传播到欧洲。这个项目采血点就包括德特里克堡生物实验室。我们多次说过德特里克堡生物实验室存在违规问题和泄漏风险。令人瞠目结舌的是,本应防护级别极高的实验室,居然为了节省成本,使用一家有多次违规记录和不合格管理历史的医疗废物公司处理“生物武器”级别在内的医疗废物。有评论认为,美军人员及其冷链血液包裹,是欧洲新冠病毒预防工作中的一个漏洞。有关报道反映的这些问题是否存在,真实情况如何? A separate media report says that early outbreak sites in some European countries are linked to US military bases, and that the virus is likely to have spread to Europe through the Armed Services Blood Program, which involves Fort Detrick bio lab with containment breaches and leakage risks. It is astonishing that the biosafety-level lab, in order to save costs, uses a medical waste company with a track record of multiple violation of regulations and poor management to handle its medical waste, including those at bio-weapon level. There are comments that US military personnel and their cold chain blood parcels are a loophole in Europe's coronavirus prevention efforts. Do the problems reflected in the report exist? What is the real situation?
美方应正视并回应有关质疑,展现开放、透明姿态,让世卫专家组来美国调查德特里克堡生物实验室,让病毒源头的谜底尽快揭开。最后我还想告诉大家,呼吁世卫组织调查德特里克堡生物实验室的中国网民联署签名,目前已经有2000万。 The US side should face up to and respond to relevant doubts, show openness and transparency, and open Fort Detrick to the WHO expert team, so as to demystify the source of the virus at an early date. Finally, for your information, more than 20 million Chinese netizens have signed the petition calling on WHO to investigate the Fort Detrick bio lab.
Hubei Media Group: On July 29, China held a dialogue between COVID-19 vaccine companies. Could you give us more details?
Zhao Lijian: On July 29, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, together with four Chinese vaccine manufacturers, namely, Sinopharm, Sinovac Biotech, CanSino Biologics Inc and Zhifei Longcom, jointly hosted a dialogue for COVID-19 vaccine cooperation, which was attended by more than 30 vaccine companies from more than 20 countries.
The dialogue was held in preparation for the First Meeting of the International Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation. The participating companies focused on COVID-19 vaccine trade and joint production, pledging to undertake corporate social responsibility, build international vaccine partnership, further expand vaccine supply, support governments' vaccination policies, and make greater contribution to international cooperation against the epidemic.
Chinese vaccine companies have established good cooperation with the participating enterprises, providing them with over 500 million doses of vaccine and concentrates, and carrying out joint production with many enterprises. During the meeting, Chinese vaccine companies also reached new cooperation intentions with participating parties.
新华社记者:据报道,俄罗斯顶级病毒学家、叶卡捷琳堡病毒感染科学研究院院长亚历山大·谢苗诺夫近日表示,新冠病毒起源于自然界,美国无休止地指责“新冠病毒起源于中国实验室”,完全出于政治因素。发言人对此有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: Alexander Semyonov, a leading Russian virologist and head of the Yekaterinburg branch of the State Research Center of the Virology and Biotechnology Vector Institute, said the other day that the novel coronavirus came from nature and that continued US accusations that a Chinese lab was the source of the pandemic are completely driven by politics. Do you have any comment on this?赵立坚:近期,国际社会越来越多的专家学者和媒体发声,批驳美国散播政治病毒。我愿同大家分享以下观点。
Zhao Lijian: Lately more and more experts, academics and media from the international community have spoken up rejecting the US dissemination of political virus. I would like to share some views with you.
First, the WIV lab leak theory is a conspiracy spread by the US. Semyonov said that it was "pure fantasy" to think that a coronavirus could be created using artificial methods. He also slammed the hyping up of the "lab leak" theory by the US as an attempt to falsely blame China. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation carried an article on its website pointing out that the lab leak theory runs counter to facts and the US' false allegation is groundless as the WIV has similar management protocols with other high-level labs. Pamela Bjorkman, a professor of biology at California Institute of Technology, explained why she co-signed an open letter to Science calling for investigation into the lab leak theory. She thought "the letter would have the effect of promoting more funding for searching for natural viruses in animal reservoirs" and "did not anticipate that the letter would be used to promote the lab origin hypothesis". Looking back, she felt she had acted "perhaps naively". Similarly, Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at University of Arizona who also added his name to the letter, explained why he continues to think that "a zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-2 is more likely than a lab leak scenario" even though signing the letter leaves the opposite impression.
Second, politicization of origin-tracing is US political manipulation targeting China. Uzbekistan Daily ran an article saying that the lab leak theory and the WHO's planned next steps of origin studies are both the result of US political manipulation. Ms. Farhat Asif, President of the Pakistan-based Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, said that China's anti-epidemic efforts can stand the test of history and that it's despicable of the US and other Western countries to slander China. Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University, wrote that origin-tracing should not be used to blame China and exculpate the US. Russia's Sputnik news agency published an article on its website, saying that Washington's attempt to use origin-tracing to smear China will undoubtedly hinder the discovery of the true origin of the virus. Armenian scholar Benyamin Poghosyan said that the US, driven by narrow-minded geopolitical purposes, has used origin-tracing to engage in anti-China propaganda, which undermines the international solidarity against the epidemic, and runs counter to the vision of justice and human rights that the US claims to champion. Herman Tiu Laurel, a political commentator in the Philippines said that while China is supplying hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines to the world, "the United States has repeatedly played politics on major issues related to human well-being. This behavior must stop."
Third, the WHO should investigate Fort Detrick. Herman Tiu Laurel, a well-known political commentator in the Philippines, said in an article that China's initiative to invite a WHO expert group to go to Wuhan for field inspections has shown that "China has nothing to hide" while the US has repeatedly hyped up conspiracy theories against China, and is not transparent or censoring the possible "epidemic epicenter" in its own country, which is very suspicious in itself. Another article published on the website of Sputnik News pointed out that the suspected US-initiated cyber attacks on the server hosting an online petition by Chinese netizens calling on the WHO to investigate Fort Detrick made Fort Detrick look more suspicious. The infamous Fort Detrick has long been fraught with security issues. China's call for an investigation there is justified. Anwar Adams, President of the Democratic Independent Party in South Africa, said that reports suggest the Fort Detrick lab saw "a leakage incident in the autumn of 2019, just before the global outbreak of COVID-19" and that the WHO should take this into full consideration and investigate the lab.
中新社记者:美国媒体《棕榈滩邮报》和《迈阿密先锋报》披露,佛罗里达州卫生部网站曾显示当地2020年1月和2月出现新冠肺炎症状或检测结果呈阳性的171名患者数据,但该数据于2020年5月4日晚被删除。后来,佛州卫生部发现删除数据导致病例号中断,又不得不恢复相关数据。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: According to US media The Palm Beach Post and the Miami Herald, Florida on the night of May 4, 2020 removed data from the Department of Health website that showed 171 patients had coronavirus symptoms or positive test results in January and February. Later Florida's Department of Health found that the deletion caused a gap in the serial number of cases and had to restore the data. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我注意到相关报道。美方删除如此重要的患者数据,再次暴露了美方隐瞒病毒的政治图谋。
Zhao Lijian: I've noted relevant reports. The deletion of patients data of such great importance once again reveals the political plot of the US to cover up the epidemic.
首先,美方企图粉饰太平,伪造抗疫成绩。佛州州政府不顾当时疫情肆虐和百姓死活,急不可耐地于4月29日提出“重新开放计划”三步走,第一阶段开启日期恰为5月4日。删除数据无非是想创造自身抗疫有方,重开经济有理有据的假象,捞取政治资本。 First, the US attempted to create a false sense of security by falsifying anti-epidemic progress. The government of Florida, in disregard of the great risk to public health posed by the raging virus, hastily proposed a three-step plan toward reopening on April 29. The first phase was scheduled to start on May 4. The removal of the data has no other objective than to present a false narrative that reopening the economy is solidly based on well-managed epidemic response. The aim is to fish for political capital.其次,美方企图上下串联,大搞政治操弄。美国上任总统特朗普4月30日宣称“看过病毒源自武汉实验室的证据”,5月4日又称“病毒是从武汉地区扩散的”,不断将疫情作为打压中国的政治操弄工具。而报道称佛州这171例病例均无中国旅行史,这显然与美国政府鼓吹的官方叙事不符,相关数据自然会被美方删除。据报道,佛州卫生部负责执行数据删除任务的部门经理曾明确表示反对意见,但落得被解雇的下场。 Second, the US attempted to engage in blatant political manipulation with top-down coordination. Former US President Donald Trump claimed on April 30 that he has seen evidence that the virus originated from a Wuhan lab. On May 4, he alleged that the virus spread from the Wuhan region. Time and again the epidemic was used as a tool for political manipulation to suppress China. According to the reports, none of the 171 cases you mentioned had travel history to China, which is clearly inconsistent with the official line promoted by the US government. It is no surprise that relevant data was deleted. The report also recorded that the data manager at Florida's Department of Health who was ordered to delete the data registered her objection to the decision, only to be removed from her post.
最后,美方企图销毁证据,隐匿早期病例。佛州官方公布首例新冠肺炎确诊病例是3月1日。但报道称,上述171名患者病例均出现于1月和2月,最早的疑似病例甚至出现于1月1日。众多佛州民众表示早在1月和2月就出现过感染症状,但佛州和联邦政府却对此讳莫如深。这充分说明美国疫情早期病例追踪和检测的混乱和不透明。 Third, the US attempted to destroy evidence and conceal early cases. The first officially-confirmed case in Florida was on March 1. But according to the reports, the 171 cases appeared in January and February, with the earliest on January 1. Many people in Florida say they developed symptoms as early as January and February. However, the state and federal governments both remain reticent on this. This fully attests to the confusion and lack of transparency in tracing and testing of early cases in the US.
佛州卫生部删除早期病例数据可能只是美国瞒报疫情的冰山一角。华盛顿大学研究显示,美国新冠感染和死亡病例可能分别高达6500万和90万,约有60%的感染病例被遗漏。美国一些政客邀功自诩,却让广大民众深受其害,让全球抗疫雪上加霜。美国政客应该就他们罔顾事实、违背科学、漠视生命的做法作出负责任的解释,给世人一个应有的交代。 The data concerning early cases removed by the Department of Health of Florida may only be the tip of the iceberg of the US cover-up. Washington University research put the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in the US at 65 million and 900,000 respectively, adding that about 60% of infections were left out. While some politicians congratulated themselves on the fake progress and claimed the credit, the great masses suffered the consequences and the global fight against the pandemic was made even harder. These US politicians owe the world a responsible explanation for what they have done in callous disregard for facts, science and human life.
塔斯社记者:中方援引国际研究者称,人工合成病毒以及实验室泄漏都是阴谋论。同时中方又呼吁调查美国德特里克堡生物实验室。请问“认为实验室泄漏是阴谋论”和“呼吁调查德特里克堡生物实验室”是否相互矛盾? TASS: The Chinese side cites international researchers as saying that for one thing that artificial origins of coronavirus is a conspiracy theory and lab leak of the coronavirus is also a kind of conspiracy theory, and at the same time, China urged to check Fort Detrick lab in the US. Is there any contradiction between these two points? 赵立坚:美方剑指武汉病毒研究所生物实验室,他们所称“病毒实验室泄漏”指的是“武汉实验室泄漏”。 Zhao Lijian: The US is pointing finger at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. By "lab leak", it's implying that "Wuhan lab leak".中方已经两次邀请世卫组织来华开展溯源研究,专家组还参访了武汉病毒研究所。现在有越来越多的疑点指向德特里克堡生物实验室,应该是美国邀请世卫组织专家调查德堡的时候了。 China has twice invited WHO to China for origin-tracing study, and opened the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the expert team. With more and more suspicions pointing to the Fort Detrick bio lab, it is time for the US to invite WHO experts to investigate Fort Detrick.
Bloomberg: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has restored the nation's Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States more than a year after moving to terminate it. The decision to take steps toward ending the agreement last year was seen as a pivot toward China. Does the ministry have a comment on the restoration of the agreement between the US and the Philippines?
Zhao Lijian: I have noted relevant reports. China always maintains that state-to-state exchanges and cooperation should not only benefit the countries concerned but also regional and global peace and stability.
Shenzhen TV: Some US researchers on Native Americans spoke up on US media and exposed the dark history of US residential schools for Native Americans. The scholars said, most Americans are unaware that the tragedies in Canada's Indian residential schools also happened in the US between 1869 and 1978. Tens of thousands of Native children were removed from their tribal communities, forced into the boarding schools run by government and churches, and rammed with the notion that Native people should be ashamed of their identity. What's your comment?
赵立坚:我注意到有关报道。美国克莱蒙特研究生大学部落管理项目负责人泰德·戈韦尔在《国会山报》发文指出,从1869年到1978年的100多年时间里,美国350多家寄宿学校试图用基督教、西方传统和英语取代美国原住民的价值观、语言和生活方式。在寄宿学校发展的高峰期,约83%的美国原住民儿童都身处寄宿学校,他们除了要忍受繁重劳动和疾病外,还会遭到体罚和性虐待。 Zhao Lijian: I have read relevant reports. Ted Gover, Associate Director of the Tribal Administration Certificate Program at Claremont Graduate University, wrote in The Hill that for over 100 years between 1869 and 1978, 350-plus institutions in the US tried to replace Native American values, languages and ways of life with Christianity, Western traditions and the English language. At its peak, an estimated 83 percent of American Indian children were attending these boarding schools where they endured physical and sexual abuse in addition to hard labor and disease. 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳—香槟分校美国印第安人研究教授杰姬·汤普森·兰德表示,在夏天,寄宿学校内的原住民儿童会被寄养在白人家庭,男孩会被送到如农场等地作为免费劳动力,女孩则作为仆人完成家务。饥饿、疾病、体罚、性虐待导致大量原住民儿童死亡或自杀。兰德说,“到19世纪末,美国仅剩下约25万名原住民。如果这都不算种族灭绝,那我就不知道什么算了。”但由于美国政府出于推行殖民主义和种族灭绝的需要,刻意隐瞒这段历史,导致世界民众、甚至许多美国人并不了解这些真相。 Jackie Thompson Rand, Professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, said in the summertime, children would be farmed out to white households. Boys would be sent to workplaces and girls would work in the house as servants and domestic help. Starvation, disease, physical penalty and sexual abuse led to many deaths and suicides of Native American children. Rand said, "by the end of the 19th century, there were 250,000 Native people left in the US. If that isn't genocide, I don't know what is." But many Americans are unaware of the history and truth hidden from them by the US government due to the need for colonialism and cultural genocide.美国原住民寄宿学校的黑暗历史,只是美国系统性种族主义和人权问题的沧海一粟。美国对印第安原住民犯下的种族灭绝和反人类罪行罄竹难书。许多非洲裔、亚裔美国人至今仍生活在种族歧视和仇恨犯罪的阴霾中,“无法呼吸”。 The dark history of the American Indian boarding schools is only a drop in the ocean compared to the systemic racism and human rights issues in the US. It committed deplorable genocide and crimes against humanity of American Indians. Many African and Asian Americans, still living in the shadows of racial discrimination and hate crimes, find it "hard to breathe".
事实一再证明,美国根本不配当什么“人权卫士”,更没资格充当“颐指气使的教师爷”。美方应该做的是,反躬自省,彻查原住民寄宿学校黑历史,还原住民应有的公道和真相,切实解决美国自身存在的严重人权问题。 Facts have proven time and again, the US is in no position to be a human rights defender, still less a condescending lecturer. What it needs to do is to do some soul-searching, scrutinize the history of American Indian boarding schools, return justice and truth to the Native Americans that they deserve and earnestly address its own grave human rights issues.
Reuters: I wanted to ask about a bipartisan US congressional commission that's called for Hilton Worldwide, the hotel chain, not to allow its name to be associated with a hotel project on the site of a mosque that was destroyed by authorities in Xinjiang. That's following a report made on this hotel by The Telegraph earlier this year. Does the Chinese side have any comment?
赵立坚:你提到的美国个别议员一贯热衷于散播涉疆谎言谣言,其言论充斥着傲慢、无知,其借污蔑抹黑谋取政治私利的用心众人皆知。 Zhao Lijian: The US congressman concerned has been keen to spread lies and rumors about Xinjiang. The relevant remarks are full of arrogance and ignorance. The intention of seeking political gain through slander is known to all.我想强调的是,新疆的清真寺大多建于20世纪80至90年代甚至更早。这几年,随着城镇化的加快和乡村振兴战略的实施,一些地方政府根据当地穆斯林的呼吁和申请,按照城乡建设规划,通过新建、迁建、扩建等措施,很好解决了清真寺危房问题。清真寺建筑现在更加安全,布局更加合理,完全能够满足信教群众的需要。 I would like to point out that most of the mosques in Xinjiang were built in the 1980s and 1990s or even earlier. In recent years, as urbanization gathers speed and the rural revitalization strategy is implemented, some local governments, responding to local Muslim community's call and application, took measures including building new facilities, relocation and extending existing buildings to solve the issue of dilapidated buildings and make mosques safer and better situated. The mosques in Xinjiang can well meet the needs of believers. 美方有关议员应该正视新疆发展的事实,停止污蔑抹黑中国的民族宗教政策,停止以所谓人权问题为借口干涉中国内政。 Relevant US lawmakers should face up to the fact about Xinjiang's development and progress, stop slandering and smearing China's ethnic and religious policies, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs under the pretext of so-called human rights issues.
日本广播协会记者:德国海军计划8月上旬向包括南海在内的印度太平洋地区派遣舰船,意在强化和日本、澳大利亚的军事合作。中方对此有何评论? NHK: The German Navy plans to send ships to the Indo-Pacific region, including the South China Sea, in early August to strengthen military cooperation with Japan and Australia. What is China's comment on that?赵立坚:我们注意到有关报道。有关国家军舰在南海航行时应该切实遵守国际法,尊重沿岸国的主权和权益,不要做损害地区和平稳定的事。
Zhao Lijian: We have noted the relevant report. We hope that the military vessel of the relevant country will earnestly abide by international law when passing through the South China Sea, respect the sovereignty, rights and interests of littoral countries, and refrain from doing things that would undermine regional peace and stability.
The regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be in recess from Monday, August 2 to Friday, August 13 and resume on Monday, August 16.
During the recess, journalists may raise questions to the Spokesperson's Office by fax, E-mail or WeChat. Notice on any special press briefing will be put on the website of the IPC.
May all media friends enjoy a good summer vacation!
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-7-30的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!