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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on September 1, 20211
Bloomberg: An American Chamber of Commerce in Chengdu has said it has closed, although it's not clear what the issue is. Does the foreign ministry have information on the matter and why AmCham Southwest abruptly closed?
Wang Wenbin: I'm not aware of what you mentioned and would refer you to the competent authorities. I would like to state in principle that China is a country based on rule of law. All foreign organizations based in China must act within China's legal framework.
《环球时报》记者:据报道,8月26日,喀布尔机场附近发生恐袭造成数百人伤亡。部分伤员透露,美军在爆炸后对民众开枪射击,造成更多的伤亡。29日,驻阿美军以反恐为由使用无人机袭击了喀布尔一处民居,造成10名平民遇难,其中最小的只有2岁。发言人对此有何评论? Global Times: According to reports, terrorist attacks near the Kabul airport on August 26 killed and injured hundreds of people. Some of the injured revealed that US forces shot at civilians after the blasts, which led to more casualties. On August 29, US forces based in Afghanistan launched drone attacks on a civilian residence on counter-terrorism grounds and left ten civilians dead. The youngest victim was only two years old. What is your comment? 汪文斌:中方注意到有关报道。公开报道显示,美军在阿富汗杀戮平民的事件频繁发生。 Wang Wenbin: China has noted relevant reports. Public reports show that the US killing of innocent people in Afghanistan happened frequently.2002年,美军空袭乌鲁兹甘省的一处婚宴现场,造成数十名百姓死亡、百余人受伤。2008年,美军空袭赫拉特省一村落,造成包括50名儿童和19名妇女在内的近百名平民死亡。2010年,北约部队空袭代昆迪省,造成至少33人死亡。2015年,阿富汗缉毒警察部队执行任务时遭北约战机袭击,15名警察遇难。2019年,美军无人机在楠格哈尔省发动袭击,造成至少30名阿富汗农民丧生。一名前美军士兵、无人机操作员在给联合国专家委员会的证词中表示,美军的无人机袭击纯粹是“为了杀戮而杀戮”,美军空袭造成的阿平民死亡人数远超美政府官方统计的数字。数据显示,截至2020年4月,至少47245名阿富汗平民在美国发动的阿富汗战争中丧生。 In 2002, US Air Force carried out an airstrike on a wedding in Uruzgan province, which claimed the lives of dozens of civilians and injured more than a hundred. In 2008, US troops attacked a village in Herat province, which killed nearly a hundred civilians including 50 children and 19 women. In 2010, NATO forces bombed Daykundi province, which took at least 33 lives. In 2015, an Afghan anti-narcotics police force on a mission was attacked by NATO fighter jets and 15 officers died. In 2019, a US drone strike mistakenly killed at least 30 Afghan farmers in Nangarhar province. A former US soldier and a drone pilot said in a testimony for a UN expert committee that US drone strikes were purely killing for the sake of killing, and that the US airstrikes led to far more Afghan civilian deaths than the official statistics of the US government. Data shows at least 47,245 Afghan civilians died by April 2020 in the war in Afghanistan launched by the US.
美军虽然撤出了阿富汗,但美军及其盟友过去20年里在阿富汗屠杀平民的罪行必须调查清楚,凶手必须绳之以法。阿富汗人民的生命理应得到捍卫,阿富汗人民的人权理应得到维护。这事关国际法治正义,事关国际人权进步。 US forces have withdrawn from Afghanistan. But the murder of civilians by the US forces and their allies over the past 20 years must be investigated thoroughly and the killers must be brought to justice. The lives of the Afghan people should be protected and the human rights of the Afghan people should be defended. At stake is international justice and the rule of law and world human rights development.
日本共同社记者:据报道,美国气候问题特使克里已经抵达天津,据说已开始与解振华特使会谈,想确认一下中方对会谈有哪些期待? Kyodo News: According to reports, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry has arrived in Tianjin. Could you confirm if talks between him and China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua have started? What expectations does China hold for the talks? 汪文斌:相信你已经注意到,中国生态环境部和美国国务院都已经发布了有关美国总统气候问题特使克里访华的消息。应中方邀请,克里特使于8月31日至9月3日访华。期间,中国气候变化事务特使解振华将同克里在天津举行会谈,就中美气候变化合作、《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十六次缔约方大会等事宜交换意见。 Wang Wenbin: I assume you've noted the information released by China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the US State Department. At the invitation of the Chinese side, Special Envoy Kerry is visiting China from August 31 to September 3. During the visit, China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua will hold talks with him in Tianjin and exchange views on issues including China-US climate change cooperation and COP26 of the UNFCCC.关于你提到的具体问题,请你保持关注,中方会适时发布消息。 As to the specific question you asked, please stay tuned. We will release relevant information in due course.
4 总台央视记者:据报道,8月31日,阿富汗塔利班消息人士称,阿有关组建新政府的磋商已完成,将于9月3日宣布组建新政府。中方对此有何评论?是否计划承认阿新政府? CCTV: According to reports, sources of the Afghan Taliban said on August 31 that the talks on the establishment of a new Afghan government were concluded, and they will announce the formation of the new government on September 3. Do you have any comment? Will China recognize the new Afghan government? 汪文斌:阿富汗历史正在翻开新的一页,机遇与挑战并存,困难与希望同在。饱经苦难的阿富汗人民正迎来国家和平与重建的新起点。国际社会也高度关注阿富汗即将组建新政府等动向。中方真诚希望阿富汗各方顺应本国人民的迫切愿望和国际社会的普遍期待,构建开放包容的政治架构,奉行温和稳健的内外政策,同各类恐怖组织彻底切割,同世界各国特别是周边国家友好相处。 Wang Wenbin: Afghanistan is turning a new page in its history, facing both opportunities and hopes as well as challenges and difficulties. The Afghan people, having suffered so much, are now standing at a new starting point for national peace and reconstruction. The international community is closely following developments including the formation of a new government in Afghanistan. China sincerely hopes that all parties in Afghanistan will echo the aspiration of the Afghan people and shared expectation of the international community, build an open and inclusive political structure, adopt moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, make a clean break with all terrorist groups and live in good terms with other countries, especially its neighbors.
Chairman Mao Zedong once said that "Afghanistan is a heroic country and has never surrendered. China and Afghanistan are friendly countries. China does not want to harm Afghanistan, and Afghanistan does not want to harm China. The two countries always support each other". China will as always pursue a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people, respect Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and will not interfere in the country's internal affairs. China will continue to provide utmost assistance to Afghanistan for an early realization of peace and reconstruction.
美国全国广播公司记者:还是关于美国总统气候问题特使克里访华的问题。中方是否认为克里此访对除气候变化领域之外的中美关系具有潜在意义?在你看来,双边关系的哪些其他领域将受益于中美直接对话? NBC: Going back to John Kerry's visit. I'm wondering if China thinks John Kerry's visit has potential significance for China-US relations beyond climate change issues? In your view, what are the areas of relations that can benefit from direct dialogues like this? 汪文斌:中美在一些问题上存在分歧,同时在气候变化等广泛领域拥有共同利益。双方应该在相互尊重基础上保持对话沟通,开展互利合作,同时通过平等磋商妥善管控分歧,推动中美关系重新回到稳定发展的轨道。 Wang Wenbin: China and the US have differences on some issues. At the same time, we share common interests in a broad range of areas including climate change. The two sides should maintain dialogue and communication and conduct mutually-beneficial cooperation on the basis of mutual respect while properly managing differences through equal-footed consultation so as to bring the bilateral relations back to the track of stability and development.
以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-9-1的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!