In the news today…
The European Union has agreed to provide tens ofbillions of dollars in new loans to Greece. This financialrescue plan is the third agreement between Greece andother European countries. It came after 17 hours ofnegotiations over the weekend.
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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, left, speaks with, from left, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, French President Francois Hollande and Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel during a meeting of eurozone heads of state at the EU Council building in Brussels on Sunday, July 12, 2015. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert) |
Greecewill receive almost $100 billion in loans inexchange for making economic reforms. Thesereforms include changes to how the country collectstaxes and cutting financial assistance for retiredpersons.
Greek government leaders must now persuade the country’s parliament toapprove the agreement by Wednesday.
Irannuclear negotiations continue
High-level officials are still meeting on the last day planned for negotiations onIran’s nuclear program. The talks are taking place in the Austrian capital,Vienna.
Some observers believe a nuclear deal will be announced soon. But topdiplomats involved in the talks have told reporters in the past 24 hours thatimportant issues remain unresolved.
Iranis meeting with representatives of Britain, China, France, Germany,Russia and the United States. The foreign minister of the European Union hasalso been involved. Three other times, the negotiators failed to meet a timelimit for reaching a nuclear agreement.
Talks about limiting Iran’s nuclear activities have been taking place for morethan 10 years.
A number of countries have limited trade with Iran to protest what they believeare its efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Iran has always denied that it isdoing so. If a deal is reached, the economic restrictions could be cancelled.
Iraqannounces plan to recapture western Anbar province
Iraqi officials have announced the start of an offensive to recapture thewestern province of Anbar from Islamic State fighters. The militants controllarge parts of Anbar, including the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.
The Iraqi government statement said the offensive included Iraqi troops and Shi’ite and Sunni fighters.
The Iraqi government has been making plans to retake the province since themilitants seized Ramadi in May. The success of the self-declared IslamicState led some observers to criticize the ability of the Iraqi military.
Mixed economic results for June in China
Chinasays its imports and exports were 6.9 percent lower in the first half of 2015, compared to the first six months of last year. The Chinesegovernment’s goal was a six percent increase.
The government blames the drop in trade on slower demand among Chineseconsumers and in foreign markets.
Pope Francis returns to Rome after South America trip
Pope Francis returned to Rome from Paraguay on Sunday. He had been inSouth America for a week.
Pope Francis is the first Roman Catholic Church leader from South America. On Sunday, he visited a very poor community along the Paraguay River.Thousands of people gathered to see him.
Workers made a special altar for a religious service. They built the structurefrom 40,000 ears of corn, 200,000 coconuts and 1,000 squash.
During his visit to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, the pope criticizedcapitalism. He said the world needs a new economic system in which bothrich and poor people share the Earth’s resources equally.
This newscast was based on stories from VOA’s News Division. ChristopherJones-Cruise adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.
Words in the News
loan(s) – n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interestpayments; something borrowed
deal– n. an agreement
offensive– n. a military campaign of attack
consumer(s) – n. an individual or organization that uses a good or service
altar– n. a structure on which offerings, including sacrifices, are made forreligious purposes
The European Union has agreed to provide tens ofbillions of dollars in new loans to Greece. This financialrescue plan is the third agreement between Greece andother European countries. It came after 17 hours ofnegotiations over the weekend.
Greecewill receive almost $100 billion in loans inexchange for making economic reforms. Thesereforms include changes to how the country collectstaxes and cutting financial assistance for retiredpersons.
Greek government leaders must now persuade the country’s parliament toapprove the agreement by Wednesday.
Irannuclear negotiations continue
High-level officials are still meeting on the last day planned for negotiations onIran’s nuclear program. The talks are taking place in the Austrian capital,Vienna.
Some observers believe a nuclear deal will be announced soon. But topdiplomats involved in the talks have told reporters in the past 24 hours thatimportant issues remain unresolved.
Iranis meeting with representatives of Britain, China, France, Germany,Russia and the United States. The foreign minister of the European Union hasalso been involved. Three other times, the negotiators failed to meet a timelimit for reaching a nuclear agreement.
Talks about limiting Iran’s nuclear activities have been taking place for morethan 10 years.
A number of countries have limited trade with Iran to protest what they believeare its efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Iran has always denied that it isdoing so. If a deal is reached, the economic restrictions could be cancelled.
Iraqannounces plan to recapture western Anbar province
Iraqi officials have announced the start of an offensive to recapture thewestern province of Anbar from Islamic State fighters. The militants controllarge parts of Anbar, including the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.
The Iraqi government statement said the offensive included Iraqi troops and Shi’ite and Sunni fighters.
The Iraqi government has been making plans to retake the province since themilitants seized Ramadi in May. The success of the self-declared IslamicState led some observers to criticize the ability of the Iraqi military.
Mixed economic results for June in China
Chinasays its imports and exports were 6.9 percent lower in the first half of 2015, compared to the first six months of last year. The Chinesegovernment’s goal was a six percent increase.
The government blames the drop in trade on slower demand among Chineseconsumers and in foreign markets.
Pope Francis returns to Rome after South America trip
Pope Francis returned to Rome from Paraguay on Sunday. He had been inSouth America for a week.
Pope Francis is the first Roman Catholic Church leader from South America. On Sunday, he visited a very poor community along the Paraguay River.Thousands of people gathered to see him.
Workers made a special altar for a religious service. They built the structurefrom 40,000 ears of corn, 200,000 coconuts and 1,000 squash.
During his visit to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, the pope criticizedcapitalism. He said the world needs a new economic system in which bothrich and poor people share the Earth’s resources equally.
This newscast was based on stories from VOA’s News Division. ChristopherJones-Cruise adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.
Words in the News
loan(s) – n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interestpayments; something borrowed
deal– n. an agreement
offensive– n. a military campaign of attack
consumer(s) – n. an individual or organization that uses a good or service
altar– n. a structure on which offerings, including sacrifices, are made forreligious purposes