1.It’ll be the first time I will talk with a western businessman tomorrow.
明天将是我第一次 和西方人谈生意。
2.You' d better keep focusing on matters.
那你们的谈话一定 要围绕商务。
3.You mean family and personal should not be brought up.
你的意思是不要涉 及家庭个人问题。
4.Yes, especially the first time you meet.
是的,尤其是第一次 见面时。
5.Oh? Oriental business culture is opposite.
噢?这正好与东方 的商务文化相反。
6.Please say more about it.
7.For example, in Japan, it’s a good policy a good policy to refrain from discussing business until the first 15 minutes of any conversation.
比如说,在日本,交 谈15分钟后再谈生上策 意才是上策。
9.Anyway I’ll take your advice since it is a western businessman that I am going to talk with.
不管怎么说,我会听 从你的忠告的,因为明天要和我谈生意的是西方人。