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    Nearly 40% of American gamers play at work



    A new survey, released last week, suggests a good chunk of gamers are spending time on their favorite hobby at work — meaning several of you reading this article are gaming when you shouldn’t be.


    The survey, compiled by Limelight Networks, was taken by over 3,000 gamers across six countries: the US, UK, France, Germany, South Korea, and Japan. The questions ranged from “How many hours do you spend playing video games per week?” to “Will you continue to play online games or make purchases from a gaming website that has previously experienced a security breach or been hacked?”

    这份调查由 Limelight Networks 所做,调查了 6 个国家超过 3000 名玩家,他们分别来自:美国、英国、德国、法国、韩国和日本。问题范围从“你每周玩游戏多少小时?”到“你会在经历过安全泄漏的网络游戏或游戏网站中继续游玩或消费吗?”

    Perhaps one of the most subversive questions was “How often do you play video games during work?”


    According to the findings, almost 40 percent of American gamers play at work at least once a month. Among gamers in all of the survey’s countries, almost 35 percent of respondents ages 18-25 have gamed at work. 8.6 percent responded they play games at work daily. That’s a lot of potential productivity lost.

    据调查结果显示,将近 40% 的美国玩家在工作时段玩游戏的频率是至少一月一次。在所有做调查的国家中,年龄在 18-25 岁的受访者中,有近 35% 的人曾在工作期间玩过游戏。8.6% 的受访者表示自己每天在工作时段玩游戏。这真是生产力的极大损失。

    The survey leaves out one crucial bit of information: the games played while working. I’m sure we’ve all played the odd game of Solitaire or Candy Crush over a five-minute break without losing too much momentum, but several rounds of Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds is going to be a bit more disruptive.

    这个调查揭示出了一个极其重要的信息:上班的时候玩游戏。我敢保证,我们都在感觉疲劳没什么动力的时候玩过一些无聊的小游戏,像 《Solitaire 》或者 《Candy Crush》,五分钟一局,不耽误事。不过你要是玩几把《绝地求生》,这就很影响工作了。

    It’s hardly the first time researchers have suggested that games could be interfering with our work. Researchers who published last year with National Bureau of Economic Research suggested young men in particular could be working less than older ones because they’re spending so much time playing video games.


    There are a few other findings gamers will find relatable: Over 60 percent of gamers globally admit to losing sleep for games, and almost 40 have admitted to missing a meal. We’ve all been there. I also wonder if sleepy, hungry gamers are the ones gaming at work, which would probably mean even more time lost.

    这里还有几则调查结果,玩家们肯定会觉得感同身受:全球超过 60% 的玩家会因为玩游戏不睡觉,几乎 40% 的玩家承认他们因为游戏少吃了一顿饭。我们都这样。我还在想,是不是那些不吃饭不睡觉的玩家也是在工作期间玩游戏的人,这就意味着他们浪费的时间更多了。

    Also, several respondents apparently said they’d quit their jobs if they thought they could make a living playing video games, but I would think that’d be a given. Anybody would love to make a living on their hobby, but it’s likely not as easy as it sounds.


      上一篇:工作再忙也不要牺牲假期 下一篇:计划过度会让你的假期变短


